My introduction...

Afternoon...I'm a long-time player of the Baldur's Gate series, and just found the Enhanced Editions, to my delight. So, I'm happy to join this community and discuss these wonderful games. I'd LOVE to see a BG3 as well (I could only hope).
Such as shame that the first post I read is the Greetings from Edwin. I'll require several shots of penicillin as a precaution.
Such as shame that the first post I read is the Greetings from Edwin. I'll require several shots of penicillin as a precaution.
Hint: if elminster agrees with you on anything, it's generally a bad sign. But hey, peas in a pod and all that.
I'm sure you'll fit in well, the collective IQ couldn't drop much lower. People like you are like slimes, you all absorb into one another and it's difficult to tell where one ends and the next begins.