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Evil party conundruum

Ok, so yet another "Evil" run for me. I think I know the answer to this one but am looking for some out of the box thinking. It is always possible (likely??) that I missed something.

My Charname is a human necromancer. He is currently traveling around with Dorn, Viconia, Shar Teel (now a thief), Kagain and Edwin. Of these, Dorn, Viconia and Shar Teel are required and I won't remove them from my group. These are my favorites and I can't do without any of them for an 'Evil' party.

My normal mode of operation is a six man team and I prefer not to split up duets. Also, with my reputation plummeting and that not likely to change, I'd kind of prefer to stick with like minded (evil) party members.

However, Charname does NOT want another arcane caster in the group, or at least not another wizard/sorcerer. So Edwin HAS to go. Nor do I want to pick up Baeloth. I don't personally dislike either of these characters, in fact quite to the contrary. However from a role playing perspective, Charname will not brook a second (potentially more powerful) wizard/sorcerer in the group. And from a game play perspective, I simply won't gimp a NPC simply to make that happen.

I've never actually played with Eldoth so that is a possibility, but don't particularly want Skie and she is hardly an appropriate replacement for Kagain in any event.

That really only leaves Tiax.

I am a BIG Tiax fan and I personally have very little to say bad about him (though I might be in the minority), but I am still on the fence with THAT party. Shar Teel is coming along nicely as party thief and I really don't need another. Viconia is focusing primarily on offensive magic, so I suppose I could use a second cleric, but it certainly isn't necessary.

I suppose I could pick up Xzar and Monty and merely convert Xzar to cleric. That might work as then Monty could replace Kagain and I'd simply go more stealthy?

I also suppose that I could merely go a 5 man team, but that just seems wrong to me.

So, have I missed anything? Any other suggestions than what is listed above? And of the list above, what do people recommend?


  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054

    "Life is glorious"
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    edited September 2014
    Um.....Garrick isn't evil.

    And he wouldn't fit into my party anyway, primarily because everyone else in the group is competent.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    He's neutral, so he'll tolerate your evil ways.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    LOL. Please see above about SKI. Plus, my rep is already pretty low and potentially might get down to the point where even a neutral will leave.

    And who says that I would tolerate his ahem..... methods?
  • namelesstwonamelesstwo Member Posts: 15
    considering the fact that u already dualed Shar Teel, giving up on Kagain is a bad option, as you will only have Dorn as a "true" frontliner.
    Have you considered using Safana? sure she is "only" CN, but come on, from RP pov, she is the closest you can get to being evil (just think of poor Coran in BG2...). also she is pretty good NPC to have around, and since you`re missing some sort of secondry mage, you can dual her to on upon entring the city (you`ll need to get a certin tome for her 16 Int), or, if you dont mind using EEkeeper, you can do it right away. she wont be as strong as your PC, but she will really fit in to your group.
  • GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
    edited September 2014
    From what i understand, Eldoth and Shar-Teel don't get along and I'm pretty sure one will leave, or they'll fight or something bad along those lines. So, replacing Edwin with Eldoth doesn't seem like a good idea if you're using Shar-Teel. Monty and Xzar as a Necromancer/Cleric Dual would be a strong addition to replace Kagain and Edwin. Also, if you want, you can have Montaron wear heavy armor if you really want him in more of a tanky role. While wearing heavy armor he can still lay traps, detect illusion, and detect traps (cannot disarm them though.) And have Shar-Teel focus more on picking locks and stealth... it's an option but Monty is great as a backstabber. You'd actually have two of the best NPC backstabbers in your party and that could be a devastating alpha strike. Also, the versatility that Xzar as a Necro/Cleric dual brings to the table is awesome.

    All of that said, Tiax is still a very useful party member. Sanctuary lets him effectively search for and disable traps while "invisible" (enemies wont attack him.) And if you give him a strength spell or a strength boosting item, call upon righteous might, and the staff of striking he will deal absurd amounts of damage with a backstab.

    I know you only want evil character but you might consider Faldorn aswell. She'd make a good addition to that group and is effectively an evil character. The only thing keeping her from evil is the druid alignment restrictions that were partially done away with in later editions. In anything after 2nd edition she'd definitely be Neutral Evil.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Thanks the both of you for your feedback.

    @‌namelesstwo I will have to give Safana some thought. She might be useful as a bridge until I can get to Tiax or someone else I guess. I didn't necessarily want two dedicated thieves, but then again???

    @GoodSteve - I did not know that about Eldoth. So that is definitely something to consider. I had hoped to experiment with a bard and Garrick is right out, so I thought Eldoth. But if it is going to create party strife, maybe not.

    Faldorn is another that I gave thought too. In fact, I had always thought she WAS evil. it was because of her alignment that I recently discounted her. Will she leave if rep hits 1 like other neutrals? My rep is already at 5 or so and so just about any hit will cause that to be a problem.

    It might be worth it to grab Safana now (I am in Nashkal) and have her hang until Cloakwood where I can pick up Faldorn. If she works out? Great. If not, then Tiax isn't that far away I guess.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    @Anduin - LOL. I've actually completed SoA (and some of ToB) with both Viconia and Firecam in my group at the same time. I role played it as "When in need, you take what you can get", plus my Charname had serious hots for Viccy, so she wasn't leaving. I can't tell you how many times they came to blows. Several times I had to reload "Just after some key event" cut scene or combat. But I was determined to do it.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Recruit Eldoth then kill Skie once she joins.
  • LarkusLarkus Member Posts: 54
    You could also try to get the Helm of Opposite Alignment and convert one of the goody two-shoes to your evil ways.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    jackjack said:

    Recruit Eldoth then kill Skie once she joins.

    Yeah, although that fits with the general attitude of the group, I don't like splitting up pairs that way. Heck, if I did, I'd have done better to leave Shar Teel as fighter and kept Monty. That would by far have been a better pick for my play style.

    In any event, what I have been doing over the weekend is playing with a 5 man band and occasionally picking up strags like Neera just to do their story line. I didn't get as far as I would like this weekend, but it seems to be working OK.
  • MerinaMerina Member Posts: 303

    It might be worth it to grab Safana now (I am in Nashkal) and have her hang until Cloakwood where I can pick up Faldorn.

    At which location you are doesn't tell anything about how competent your party has become already. One can travel to Nashkel very early and be low on XP, but Safana strictly requires you to complete her personal quest soon once you let her join ... and she isn't patient.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    @Merina - thanks for that. My group is still 3-4th level range. We haven't even done the mines yet. I might hold on to Neera for the time being and just do her quest. Then dump her crazy back-pack and then move on to Safana.
  • MerinaMerina Member Posts: 303
    You're late then, if you are at level 3-4 without having been into the Nashkel Mines yet. With my latest playthrough and a mixed party, we've been all at level 3 after Nashkel Mines, starting to travel to Safana on day 17.

    If you really want her early, level 3 is doable as there are multiple ways to deal with the enemies during her quest.

    Here it has been Imoen, Kagain, Garrick, Branwen, Neera and me into Nashkel Mines, then converted Imoen into a Mage to replace her with Safana on day 24.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    As she is only a temporary, I am not worried about optimizing her skill points by getting her at 3rd level. I am not a power gamer, nor even a particularly good one. I just enjoy the role play. From that perspective, my group has been wandering around the region looking for havoc to get into. That is why we are 3-4th level. After all, I needed Kagain to be at minimum 3rd level to guarantee that he would beat Shar Teel. And we wandered around a bit after that.

    But it's all good. Loads of ways to play the game and have fun.
  • And at any rate, Safana actually ends up with decent skill points even if you recruit her at a higher level (unlike some other thief NPCs).
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    jackjack said:

    Recruit Eldoth then kill Skie once she joins.

    @jackjack If Skie dies, he'll leave the party soon afterwards.

    @the_spyder‌ Unless you avoid the NW area of BG (the Silvershield estate), you'll have to do Eldoth's quest and bring Skie along. Of course, you could always leave her in a building and remove her from the party.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    hmmm... interesting question. I was immediately going to suggest you dual class Xzar into a cleric to solve your PCs dilemma but you mentioned that already.

    I think Faldorn would be a good choice. She's basically an evil biatch anyway, and is a non-arcane caster.

    You could also get Branwen, but I normally got a more good than evil vibe from her.

    The other option is to pick up Garrick and just pretend he's too stupid to notice how evil everyone around him is. Hey... it worked for Silke, right?
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Honestly this just reminds me of how dumb a decision it was not to include a neutral fighter class... in EITHER game. Just throw in a mercenary type who could fit multiple parties or something just to solve this issue.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    I am a BIG Tiax fan and I personally have very little to say bad about him (though I might be in the minority), ...

    You may be in the minority, but you're certainly not alone. ;-)

    I just played BG:EE using a mod that relocates Tiax's starting location to Beregost, and the guy is a beast! Not only can he satisfy a party's thieving needs (assuming that you install the mod that allows you to get him early and distribute thief skills as you prefer), but he's also a competent cleric (although he's probably more useful as a backup cleric, since he has low wisdom and levels up slowly as a multi-class), has some decent stats (16 dext and con), and can summon a ghast to fight alongside you once per day. A ghast can be a very useful ally - they're sturdy, can freeze opponents when they hit, and immune to poison and gaze attacks, which makes them ideal for tanking spiders and bassilisks. Plus, the guy's personality is a hoot! (I've also read that Shar-Teel actually shows him some admiration, which she certainly doesn't do for any other male character)

    Out of all the options that have been proposed, I would recommend taking Tiax - even if you don't necessarily need the extra thieving ability, the guy can still come in handy.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164

    (I've also read that Shar-Teel actually shows him some admiration, which she certainly doesn't do for any other male character)

    Woah! I never knew that. Sounds awesome.

    Tiax, you 'lil monkey-spanker. I guess women really do go for the bad boys, lol.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773

    Plus, the guy's personality is a hoot! (I've also read that Shar-Teel actually shows him some admiration, which she certainly doesn't do for any other male character)

    I like Tiax, as my comments often show (see, for e.g., and )

    Although, I have to say that Tiax is not the only male character Shar-Teel likes :)

    Minsc: Boo does not like you... away with you.
    Shar'Teel: Hahahaha... you're so funny for a man... thats why I'm gonna kill you last.
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    Faldorn is a Shadow Druid, isn't she? That's pretty much as evil as they get (and yeah, in any post-2nd Edition she very likely would have been of Neutral Evil alignment). It also solves the issue with no stronger arcane faster in the party - Bards will actually be stronger at than mages at the end of BG1 due to their higher achievable level (which meaner they also fast spells at higher level), so if you want to be the font of arcane power in the party both Eldoth and Garrick is right out as they'll upstate you in quality even if they're worse in quantity of spells. With a druid, you'll have backup divine caster, which is always nice, who still won't be exactly like Viconia and will bring diversity to the group. I can't remember exactly how good Faldorn is statwise, if she has s special ability and if so if it's useful (but it probably won't beat Eldoth's poison arrows or Tiax's ghastly summoning anyway), but being a caster, she'll definitely never be useless.
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    Faldorn's stats:
    Str 12
    Dex 15
    Con 11
    Int 10
    Wis 16
    Cha 15

    She also can summon a Dread Wolf once a day, and since she's not multiclass can reach a higher level as druid than Jaheira, giving her access to Insect Plague.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    bengoshi said:

    Although, I have to say that Tiax is not the only male character Shar-Teel likes :)

    Minsc: Boo does not like you... away with you.
    Shar'Teel: Hahahaha... you're so funny for a man... thats why I'm gonna kill you last.

    Minsc isn't the one she likes.

    Boo is the only one who could warm her icy heart ❤
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    Minsc sings:

    I tried so hard, my dear, to show that you're my every dream
    Yet you're afraid each thing I do is just some evil scheme
    A memory from your lonesome past keeps us so far apart
    Why can't I free your doubtful mind and melt your cold, cold heart?
  • FelspawnFelspawn Member Posts: 161
    scriver said:

    Bards will actually be stronger at than mages at the end of BG1

    lol i pretty much think Bards > Mages pretty much through the entirety of BG1. only in BG2 do mages surpass them
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