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Barbie vs Zerker - now with Dwarven defenders

Yes, the Barbie vs 'Zerker question has been asked and answered a million times, everyone has a favorite, TL;DR etc, stop trolling.

Don't get me wrong, I do love Barbies, if you want a solid indestructible character that can solo anything with ease, and still has 75% of their hit points when all other builds died ten rounds ago, well (s)he can be your man. Or half-orc.

Of course, not all fights in the game are as long as the final Ascension battle. In this case, a 'Zerker is probably better. They deal more damage, their rage protects against imprisonment, 60% physical immunity is not that much less than 80%, and their hit point aren't that much less either.

Enter the Dwarven defender. It matches the barbarian's innate 20% physical immunity, so with the defender of Easthaven and Hardiness, this can get up to 80%. It can get 4* in axes & hammers, between the 'zerker's 5* and the barbie's 2*. So the same indestructibility of the barbie, with some of the zerker's DPS.

Of course, instead of any sort of rage, it has a mild sort of blade's defensive spin. How dare I even suggest these three are comparable. In truth, I don't think I am, probably what I'm saying is, a duo comprising a 'Zerker & Dwarven defender may well be better at everything than a pair of barbarians would be?

OK .. go!


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    I prefer to run no-reload games and if I'm asked a question of what class to choose: Barbie vs Zerker vs Dwarven defender - so that this character has the most survivability - I would choose Berserker. His immunities are golden.
  • The_Potty_1The_Potty_1 Member Posts: 436
    Yes, berzerkers are generally way better than barbarians. Did I mention 'zerker rage lasts 10 rounds to the barbie's 5? Hey, I finally discovered my point - dwarven defenders are better than barbarians in every way, apart from not having a rage ability. However, if rage is important to you, then you should probably take a berzerker.

    Thus, while barbarians are still of course cool to roleplay, and not useless by any means, from a powergaming standpoint, they are obsolete.
  • shank1025shank1025 Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2014
    Barbs have bonus speed, DD has a penalty while using their stance. It's worth considering that for a tank, staying on the target is important.

    Powergamming, Zerker is still top dog. Barb is still my favorite to play because their rage (while shorter) feels more useable since it doesn't have the fatigue downside. Dwarven Defender makes a nice change of pace Barb, but something (probably that Dex penalty) always keeps away from rolling a dwarf.

    My two cents
    Post edited by shank1025 on
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Why I prefer the barbarian
    + Movement speed helps in battlefield maneuvers a lot. This is especially useful in TBP2 where the opponents rush your mages from the start. The barbarian can close the distance to them quite quickly.
    + Backstab immunity is a nice boon
    + No cooldown on the rage ability. This is the biggest plus for me. If your rage ends before the battle is finished as a zerker, your main advantage over the barb is unusable.
    + Damage reduction is infinitely more useful than the berserker's AC bonus.
    + The only immunity the berserker has over the barbarian rage is imprisonment, which is not very common, and can be metagamed around.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773

    + The only immunity the berserker has over the barbarian rage is imprisonment, which is not very common, and can be metagamed around.

    Actually, if you compare the descriptions for a berserker and a barbarian you will see that the berserker rage lists imprisonment AND feeblemind as things it blocks while barbarian rage doesn't.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Note to self:
    Create a movie about Barbie fighting Zergs. It will be like Alien 2 all over again!
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @bengoshi‌ Hmm, ok. That's rare also.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited September 2014
    In my experience, Barbarians have the advantage over Berserkers in early BG1, using their movement rate to kite with a bow to beat most early fights. Also a barbarian doesn't need to invest in strength as much as any other fighter class- a barbarian can be successful with a mere 15 strength, using rage to go up to 19 (which I believe is the most efficient STR score) before strength-boosting items come into play.

    The stereotypical 'barbarian with 2-hander' doesn't translate well into powergaming. Barbarians should dual-wield for greatest effect, using longswords (entire BG1), axes or katanas (early-mid BG2) and flails (for Defender of Easthaven). A barbarian in ToB is nigh indestructible in melee combat with his damage resistance (15% from class+20% from DoE+40% from Hardiness. I have the Rogue Rebalancing mod, so I use the Abishai Hide Armor for another 15%, making the total 90% damage resistance. Now if only I had Armor of Faith...) while also easily having 25 strength and somewhere between 22-25 constitution. The Dwarven Defender is likely outmatched in damage, and the Berserker in raw damage resistance.

    I can't speak for the berserker or the dwarven defender due to lack of experience with either class, but I've gone through the game with a barbarian and he scaled very well, and I loved it. It may be my favorite fighter class in the game, and the only one I enjoy as much as my fighter-mage/blade/thief-mages.

    Oddly enough, Korgan is technically the ideal berserker and yet when I use him, I... don't like him very much. He just takes so damn much damage when he fights and I constantly have to withdraw him to heal. But maybe it's just me and I suck real bad at fighters.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Dwarven Defender is incredibly powerful.
    It's also incredibly unimaginative, which is why I'll never play one. Yawn, pass.
  • GlidderdustGlidderdust Member Posts: 70
    It's one thing to say the Dwarven Defender moves slowly when in defensive stance. It's another thing to try to play it. I hate it.

    Before EE I'd say Barbarian was better but now with true grand mastery the Berserker gets an extra 1/2 attack, more damage, and can equip bracers that give another 1/2 attack.

    It's more of a toss up now, for me anyway.
  • KloroxKlorox Member Posts: 927
    Berserker (for the immunities). I like playing BG1 as a Berserker and becoming a Mage or Cleric in 2.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    The Dwarven Defender is easily in my top 3 of most powerful single class character (no dual or multi). It's so strong right from the start of the game, reach a high power spike at level 10-11 at the start of BG2 when you buy the DoE and continue to grow in power pretty well.
  • tennisgolfbolltennisgolfboll Member Posts: 457
    Berserker. No reloads run really benefits from the rage
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @tennisgolfboll‌ What about cooldown?
  • The_Potty_1The_Potty_1 Member Posts: 436
    Well I've spent the weekend running a zerker & defender through the black pits, and all I can say is, defenders suck :p

    OK that's a bit harsh.

    My BG1 group comprised the dwarven defender, an orc zerker, plus an elven archer. The defender started out strong at level 1, and stayed pretty good all the way through BG1. This run was super easy.

    The BG2 group comprised the dwarven defender, an orc zerker, a dwarven Fighter/cleric, and an elven dragon disciple. the zerker really started to shine here, and the defender was pretty good to start. However, round about 3M XP, the the zerker took off, the dragon disciple leapfrogged the zerker, and the defender became utterly mediocre. The cleric could bring out epic level elemental summons, buff the group, and then fire off a GWW and match the defender in melee. Both could run hardiness, which was generally better than the innate defenser ability, and doesn't stack with it.

    In conclusion, I wish I'd done this with a barbie as well, but I expect that it would have started out relatively weak, but ended up pretty much on a par with the zerker in terms of time spent in the thick of the fight.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    I actually prefer the barbarian's rage over the berserker's. If you know enough to debate whose rage is better then you should know enough about the game to get around the two or three times you face an opponent that uses imprisonment.


    People focus a lot on the fact that a berserker gets an extra immunity from their rage, but this only comes into play in a few isolated moments in only the second of the two games. I don't think it's worth sacrificing the other 99% of the time when barbarians are chunking opponents left and right due to the strength bonus that their rage gives them.
  • GlidderdustGlidderdust Member Posts: 70
    When you introduce dual class options the conversations is no longer barbarian vs berserker.

    It becomes barbarian vs fighter/cleric, which the fighter cleric is going to usually win. I'd rather have a dwarven fighter/cleric multi-class.

    It's a much closer and better debate when you have a non human berzerker vs a non human barbarian, imo.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Barbarian is more versatile, and derives bigger relstive benefits from a character with suboptimal stats.

    For laughs, try comparing barb to berzerker, both with 15 str and cons. This is cool, but obviously judt proves Barbarian is more forgiving of lower but still good stats.
  • IThe berzerker will get the extra 1/2 attack per round from grand mastery. Also in ToB, the berserker will be able to wear bracers that grant another 1/2 attack per round...THAT THE BARBARIAN CAN'T USE. This is significant. The berzerker gets the small but useful +2 to hit, +1 damage, but also gets a full extra attack per round.

    Actually, Barbarians can use the Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization (as far as the engine is concerned, they're a fighter kit, after all), and depending on the circumstances, this can close the APR gap between the two classes. This gets a bit complicated because of the 5 APR cap and the various permutations of how you can arm your Barb/Zerker. If you use a two-handed weapon, the zerker comes out ahead because they can reach 3.5 APR with the Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization compared to the barb's 3. Likewise, dual-wielding without a speed weapon favors the Zerker (4.5 vs. 4). Once you toss in a speed weapon on the off-hand, though, the zerker ceases to benefit from the GoES and the barb is able to catch up. This basically makes the damage comparison a wash, since their to-hit and damage bonuses are practically identical while raging.
  • GlidderdustGlidderdust Member Posts: 70
    Kaigen said:

    IThe berzerker will get the extra 1/2 attack per round from grand mastery. Also in ToB, the berserker will be able to wear bracers that grant another 1/2 attack per round...THAT THE BARBARIAN CAN'T USE. This is significant. The berzerker gets the small but useful +2 to hit, +1 damage, but also gets a full extra attack per round.

    Actually, Barbarians can use the Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization (as far as the engine is concerned, they're a fighter kit, after all), and depending on the circumstances, this can close the APR gap between the two classes. This gets a bit complicated because of the 5 APR cap and the various permutations of how you can arm your Barb/Zerker. If you use a two-handed weapon, the zerker comes out ahead because they can reach 3.5 APR with the Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization compared to the barb's 3. Likewise, dual-wielding without a speed weapon favors the Zerker (4.5 vs. 4). Once you toss in a speed weapon on the off-hand, though, the zerker ceases to benefit from the GoES and the barb is able to catch up. This basically makes the damage comparison a wash, since their to-hit and damage bonuses are practically identical while raging.
    Bad oversight on my part. I was going on old info and bad memory.

    If the apr and damage gap is made smaller then the barbarian is better because of late game resistances, imo. Especially since the barbarian will have extra proficiency points laying around.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Overall the barbarian is better, but the berserker does have some specific advantages, IMO.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    I presumed the berzerker would want to take advantage of grand mastery, which imo, makes taking a pure berzerker over a barbarian viable. This is strictly the thac0 and damage of each. I didn't calculate weapon usage and dps.

    Berzerker To Hit:

    +3 Grand Master
    +3 Strength
    +2 Rage
    + 8 Total To Hit

    Berzerker Damage:

    +5 Grand Master
    +7 Strength
    +2 Rage
    +14 Total Damage


    +8 To Hit, +14 Damage


    Barbarian To Hit:

    +1 Specialized
    +3 Strength
    +2 Rage
    + 6 Total To Hit

    Barbarian Damage:

    +2 Specialized
    +7 Strength
    +4 Rage
    +13 Damage


    +6 To Hit, +13 Damage

    The Barbarian's Rage gives him a +3 STR bonus, so he'll get to 22 when he uses the Rage ability, making it +10 to damage *and* a +4 to THAC0.
  • GlidderdustGlidderdust Member Posts: 70
    "RAGE: The enraged status lasts for 5 rounds and provides a +4 bonus to Strength
    and Constitution..."

    A half orc starting with 19 strength gets a +4 bonus to strength, giving him 23 strength for a total of 23.

    23 strength gives +5 to hit and +11 damage unless my manual and math is wrong.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Barbarian is more interesting if you are not min maxing... ie 15 str and cons. Rage becomes a huge jump in power then. Mind you, when you arent raged its a slog, unless you rely on ranged.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2014
    It is difficult to directly compare the damage bonus for Beserkers and Barbarians, since the Barbarian benefit depends on base strength. A Str 19 half orc barbarian has a net benefit of +4 damage, a Halfling Barbarian with a base strength of 17 gets +9 damage. Likewise for Constitution, Elf Barbarians benefit more than Dwarves.

    One other advantage of Barbarian Rage: you can use it to force locks.

    I would say it depends on your choice of race. Dwarves should choose Defender, Half Orcs and Humans should Choose Beserker, Elves and Halflings should choose Barbarian.
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