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BG1 Items that aren't in BG2

I'm contemplating making a mod that adds additional content on BG2 EE which would allow players to recover some of the more notable unique items from BG1 as part of some of the questlines. In relation to the items in BG2, specially those in ToB, I doubt it'll cause imbalances in the game if it's placed appropriately and with the proper challenges. Off the top of my head I know the Cloak of Balduran is one of those items. Can anyone volunteer others?


  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    Maybe a quest to gather the items of Balduran?

    His shield is being held by a Beholder.

    His sword (original bastard sword version) is in the possession of a Greater Wolfwere.

    An Ooze has his butter knife!

    To be honest, the cloak should only be available late-game, if at all... As it's incredibly powerful.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    I'm working on a mod like this that checks of the player has the item, and then randomizes them in Athkatla/Chateau Irenicus. Some of the items I am taking into account are:
    BG1's Ring of Wizardry (only for BGT installs)
    The Practical Defense +3
    The Honorary Ring of Sune
    Bala's Axe
    Koveras' Ring of Protection
    Krotan's Skullcrasher (only for BGT installs)
    Wolfsbane Charm Amulet
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 267
    edited September 2014
    Only one i really miss and that is The Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity some NPC's it would be great to make permanently cursed.

    Bala's Axe is FAR to powerful and by itself replaces the Wizard Slayer class in its entirety, that is a definite forbidden item for me.
  • GrayleGrayle Member Posts: 43
    CrevsDaak said:

    I'm working on a mod like this that checks of the player has the item, and then randomizes them in Athkatla/Chateau Irenicus. Some of the items I am taking into account are:
    BG1's Ring of Wizardry (only for BGT installs)
    The Practical Defense +3
    The Honorary Ring of Sune
    Bala's Axe
    Koveras' Ring of Protection
    Krotan's Skullcrasher (only for BGT installs)
    Wolfsbane Charm Amulet

    Nice list! I totally forgot about the cleric's version of the ring of wizardry. I'm thinking the BG1 version of the ring of wizardry would be incredibly powerful in a Neera-centric quest. Thanks, I'll try to plot these items out!

  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    I miss those acid/fire/cold/lightning darts and ammo sold in High Hedge (added by BG:EE, I think) They were cheap and fun to use.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,739
    lunar said:

    I miss those acid/fire/cold/lightning darts and ammo sold in High Hedge (added by BG:EE, I think) They were cheap and fun to use.

    Also, wands from Sorcerous Sundries. It would be good to be able to buy wands in BG2 as simple as you can do in the city of BG.
  • PekingduckmanPekingduckman Member Posts: 151
    Balduran's Sword has changed stats in BG2 IIRC, whereas in BG1 it was a golden sword with bonus damage to werewolves. The one sold by the bonus merchant is a separate item with a lore bonus.
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307

    Balduran's Sword has changed stats in BG2 IIRC, whereas in BG1 it was a golden sword with bonus damage to werewolves. The one sold by the bonus merchant is a separate item with a lore bonus.

    It also changes from a bastard sword to a longsword.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,250
    Well you know Balduran had a different sword for every change of armor. Have to keep everything stylishly coordinated and all. So I'd expect there's several more swords out there someplace...
  • CherudekCherudek Member Posts: 73
    My Wild Mage needs her Ring of Wizardry back because of reasons.
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    Nimran said:

    atcDave said:

    Well you know Balduran had a different sword for every change of armor. Have to keep everything stylishly coordinated and all. So I'd expect there's several more swords out there someplace...

    Balduran is to swords what Bhaal is to female life forms of various humanoid and non-humanoid descent.
    Never touching THAT sword again.... Eww!
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    edited October 2014
    abacus said:

    Nimran said:

    atcDave said:

    Well you know Balduran had a different sword for every change of armor. Have to keep everything stylishly coordinated and all. So I'd expect there's several more swords out there someplace...

    Balduran is to swords what Bhaal is to female life forms of various humanoid and non-humanoid descent.
    Never touching THAT sword again.... Eww!
    Don't worry, he used protection. By which, I mean a sheath.
    Post edited by Nimran on
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Nimran said:

    atcDave said:

    Well you know Balduran had a different sword for every change of armor. Have to keep everything stylishly coordinated and all. So I'd expect there's several more swords out there someplace...

    Balduran is to swords what Bhaal is to female life forms of various humanoid and non-humanoid descent.
    He's really no worse than some dragons.

    The Cloak of Balduran is not unreasonable to find mid or late ToB. Really great find it would be, especially for Monks to save equip slots. ;)

    Bala's Axe isn't too spectacular, but it would be a nifty item only available if your PC is a Wizard Slayer. Maybe upgradeable by Cromwell by sacrificing a heap of magic items? Probably not worth he trouble just to make WS worth playing in BG2 though!
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    DreadKhan said:

    Nimran said:

    atcDave said:

    Well you know Balduran had a different sword for every change of armor. Have to keep everything stylishly coordinated and all. So I'd expect there's several more swords out there someplace...

    Balduran is to swords what Bhaal is to female life forms of various humanoid and non-humanoid descent.
    He's really no worse than some dragons.

    The Cloak of Balduran is not unreasonable to find mid or late ToB. Really great find it would be, especially for Monks to save equip slots. ;)

    Bala's Axe isn't too spectacular, but it would be a nifty item only available if your PC is a Wizard Slayer. Maybe upgradeable by Cromwell by sacrificing a heap of magic items? Probably not worth he trouble just to make WS worth playing in BG2 though!
    So, the dragons with feet like rabbits are now explained.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Yep, they were half fiend half dragon celestial dire rabbits.

    Warning: Don't ask questions you don't want answered.
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    edited October 2014
    DreadKhan said:

    Yep, they were half fiend half dragon celestial dire rabbits.

    Warning: Don't ask questions you don't want answered.

    Were they miniature giant space half fiend half dragon celestial dire rabbits? Or were they just regular old half fiend half dragon celestial dire rabbits? Did they have mustaches?
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