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I have so many questions about this bear! But mainly i was curious to any special abilites he recives at high levels, is he actually good at a high level???


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    He gets the same HLA's as a ranger.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    elminster said:

    He gets the same HLA's as a ranger.

    I was disappointed by this. I though he was going to get special grizzly HLA s.

    Also, some of his item restrictions don't make any sense at all. I don't see ant reason he can't equip necklaces, cloaks, and ioun stones, or drink antidotes at least. The excuse for him only drinking healing potions is that beats "do not prefer the taste of other potions", which is pretty weak.
    Also, a custom suit of bear armor from cespenar wouldn't be out of order, would it? At least a helm, people. Come on.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    You'll get by, however. I just finished a run with him today. He does take a lot of damage, and some enemies are resistant to him, but you do get by. He is some fun. I just wish he had more banters.
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    edited September 2014
    meagloth said:

    elminster said:

    He gets the same HLA's as a ranger.

    I was disappointed by this. I though he was going to get special grizzly HLA s.

    Also, some of his item restrictions don't make any sense at all. I don't see ant reason he can't equip necklaces, cloaks, and ioun stones, or drink antidotes at least. The excuse for him only drinking healing potions is that beats "do not prefer the taste of other potions", which is pretty weak.
    Also, a custom suit of bear armor from cespenar wouldn't be out of order, would it? At least a helm, people. Come on.
    Maybe if his name was Iorek?

    This really wants a mod... Mini quest given by Cromwell, gives armour, helmet & gauntlets... Later upgradable by Cespenar.

    Maybe delay it until after the underdark by requiring a specific type of ore found only in Small Teeth Pass?
  • Spjuv3rnSpjuv3rn Member Posts: 61
    edited September 2014

    ....... wait this isn't Bethesda? nevermind then.

    Disclaimer: I actually like Bethesda Software.
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    Spjuv3rn said:


    ....... wait this isn't Bethesda? nevermind then.

    Disclaimer: I actually like Bethesda Software.

  • Spjuv3rnSpjuv3rn Member Posts: 61
    Nimran said:


    You bet.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited October 2014
    meagloth said:

    Also, a custom suit of bear armor from cespenar wouldn't be out of order, would it? At least a helm, people. Come on.

    At least doing some kind of magical or elemental damage with each attack would have gone a long way to making him a better character to use. Even just additional damage caused by some kind of wounding effect would have been good.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    Bear necessities: armor, enchanted claw polish, hair gel of magic resistance...
  • SpungiSpungi Member Posts: 219
    I wonder if I'll ever get too old for Disney songs... Probably not
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