BGEE/BG2EE Duo Party Suggestions?
I've recently picked up both BGEE and BG2EE. Looking forward to playing them through again for the first time in over a decade, but don't feel like micromanaging a large party. I'm more in it for the story and immersion.
What I'm thinking of doing is doing a full run with a Duo / 2-Person party, consisting solely of my player character and one NPC. It can be one of the new ones, or one of the old ones. I'm very much open to using mods to enhance the dialogue between characters, if one exists. Could be a romantic or non-romantic match-up, I'm okay either way (as long as there is dialogue and/or side-quests).
So what would people recommend, for a fun and engaging duo like that? In terms of the NPC, and what type of PC I could create to best complement them? Looking forward to suggestions, thanks!
I've recently picked up both BGEE and BG2EE. Looking forward to playing them through again for the first time in over a decade, but don't feel like micromanaging a large party. I'm more in it for the story and immersion.
What I'm thinking of doing is doing a full run with a Duo / 2-Person party, consisting solely of my player character and one NPC. It can be one of the new ones, or one of the old ones. I'm very much open to using mods to enhance the dialogue between characters, if one exists. Could be a romantic or non-romantic match-up, I'm okay either way (as long as there is dialogue and/or side-quests).
So what would people recommend, for a fun and engaging duo like that? In terms of the NPC, and what type of PC I could create to best complement them? Looking forward to suggestions, thanks!
that's when it comes to roleplaying...when it comes to mechanics, she's a fantastic fighter and a mighty choice for a 2-member party.
later on, towards the last quarter of the saga you might want to pick another (peculiar) character because it will be very rewarding story-wise, and make it a trio (he's not a spellcaster so it won't increase the need for micromanaging)
apart from jaheira, you might want to pick dorn if you want to go full evil.
you should also know, since you want the get the most out of the story that there's a lot of roleplaying stuff (and content in general) attached to NPCs that you will miss out on if you never let them join. this especially goes for BG2. you should have them join one or two at a time, try them out for a while, help them with their pursuits, get some nice rewards and move on.
An illusionist/fighter is actually a very strong choice. As an NPC, you can take Montaron in the first game and Jan Jansen in the second. If you want some divine magic, try a cleric/ranger multiclass.
An illusionist/thief is also an option. A tough guy, like Dorn could be a good companion.
If you make a F/M/T, then you can take any NPC you want at all - a cleric, such as Branwen and Anomen, is a good option.
Charname was a (female) berserker dualled in mage in BG2EE, so:
In BGEE it was me and Imoen (dualled to mage)
In BG2EE it was me and Hexxat.
I didn't need a cleric thanks to Bhaalspawn special ability, and when you loose them, you'll have plenty of regeneration items.
It was very fun indeed, but it was very powerplay oriented.
My advice:
Character should be evil, but you need a good reputation until you have the second bhaalspawn special ability (you need some healing spells).
After that you can be as evil as you want!
I suggest to dual wield FoA and Belm (or Kundane). The mace of Disruption is very good when yoy face undead:
Flail *****
Two weapon style ***
Scimitar *
Mace *
My BG2EE run was organized to get the deck of many thing before dualling, so I could get a +1 strenght bonus (By the end of the game I had 23 strenght).
I did everything I could (all the tricks I know) to speed the duallling process (I dualled at 13 as a Berserker), and I managed to do it without exiting Waukeen's Promenade, and without intermediate level up, so I could even use 2 mage prificiency points for the fighter's weapon choice.
I just asked Hexxat to steal every scroll in the Promenade, then I kicked her out of the party, then I used the deck of many things to gain 1.000.000 xp, and finally I learned every spell I had, I even erase and relearn many spells.
As I said it was very powerplay.
Think I'm going to go with:
- Sorcerer for my Charname, so I can have fun with arcane magic but not be overwhelmed with managing a full spellbook and memorizing spells ahead of time.
- Jaheira as my full-time companion and eventual romance, mostly filling a tank role to protect my caster (until he can start protecting himself better).
- And a rotating third party member, consisting of temporary NPCs I bring in just long enough to see a bit of dialogue and complete any sidequests. I'll probably also keep Imoen handy for when I take on Durlag's Tower, since I definitely remember that well enough to want some trap removal.
In terms of mods, I'll probably try out the NPC Project one, since roleplaying and story depth is what this run is all about. Things that enhance the original game, without really changing it.
Looking forward to the trip down memory lane!