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So what is your character portrait going to be?



  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
    Sexy editting!! ;)
  • EpitomyofShynessEpitomyofShyness Member Posts: 113
    @xLegionx first, thank you for linking that awesome site! Second, do you know how to download those portraits, in the appropriate sizes? It's been so long since I played BG. Lastly, I'd pretty much use anything on those portraits are gorgeous.
  • KholdstareKholdstare Member Posts: 160
    @EpitomyofShyness The proper sizes should be 110x170 and 38x60 for large and small, respectively.
  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
    edited August 2012

    @xLegionx first, thank you for linking that awesome site! Second, do you know how to download those portraits, in the appropriate sizes? It's been so long since I played BG. Lastly, I'd pretty much use anything on those portraits are gorgeous.

    Well someone else posted that site on this forum which is the reason I found it but glad I could help nevertheless! Typically I just save the picture to My pictures folder, load it up on "paint", then stretch, zoom, adjust pixels, etc. until its finally the appropriate size. Don't know if thats the most effective way of doing it but I'm sure there's a program you can download that enables you to further edit your pictures in some ways but it costs money I believe. But yeah they really are lovely pictures though. Been constantly searching for a good portrait site and couldn't find one myself until now lol. :)
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    CoM_Solaufein I might have just found my portrait for assassins and stalkers oO
  • KurumiKurumi Member Posts: 520
    Guess I will use my current Avatar as first Char/Portrait..
    Jeanne Landrea (Neutral Sorceress or Druid)
  • rodneyandsteptoerodneyandsteptoe Member Posts: 99



    I think if you were going to rejig his stats slightly, his Dex could go down a bit and his Int up a bit - he's pretty indestructible but not the most agile and he does come up with some good ideas that work...

    Love that Tom Sellick is in the party too - what profession does he follow?
  • rodneyandsteptoerodneyandsteptoe Member Posts: 99
    This was always my one - female Human Paladin...
  • johnnydgoodjohnnydgood Member Posts: 38

    DLite said:

    StrandBG said:

    I have been using: in a few recent play troughs. I will more than likely use her again if I play a female spellcaster.

    Dang.. this website had a LOT of good stuff. :)

    I just wanted to second this. is a site all BG/IWD players should know about :)
    Can you download the avatar and small portraits suitable for bgee at this site? because it is absolutely awesome!
  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    I've been practicing on Baldurizing photos, so I plan to have a custom one ready by the time I start playing the game.
  • StrandBGStrandBG Member Posts: 5

    DLite said:

    StrandBG said:

    I have been using: in a few recent play troughs. I will more than likely use her again if I play a female spellcaster.

    Dang.. this website had a LOT of good stuff. :)

    I just wanted to second this. is a site all BG/IWD players should know about :)
    Can you download the avatar and small portraits suitable for bgee at this site? because it is absolutely awesome!
    Just save the image and make two files in bitmap format in your portraits folder, one 38x60 and the other 110x170 for the small and large version (Paste into paint, click Resize|Pixels|set desired dimensions). There is also a 8 character limit when naming them so keep that in mind, they won't appear in the selection screen otherwise.
  • rodneyandsteptoerodneyandsteptoe Member Posts: 99

    This was always my one - female Human Paladin...

    Changed it to f43 - it's my new avatar here (better than my ugly mug!)
  • Raistlin82Raistlin82 Member Posts: 256
    In BG2, mine was the brown-haired chick with the staff and some armored dude in a helmet. Both taken from the game default images.

    Now... I'm actually looking for new, custom ones.
    Can somebody help me out?

    I'm looking for:
    Good-aligned cleric of Lathander (female or male... depends on the alignment of the new LIs). Probably human, or maybe elf.
    Neutral-aligned mage/conjurator (human male).
    Evil-aligned assassin (half-orc female).
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    Its the best surface elf picture I found so far. It's a portrait I use for my NPC Ninafer also.

    CoM_Solaufein I might have just found my portrait for assassins and stalkers oO

  • Silver6986Silver6986 Member Posts: 26
    edited August 2012
    Well I will be using my own (my avatar), pieced together a few years back from the Human Paladin type portrait from BGI with the head of Edwins BGII portrait and Sarevoks Armor (changed the shoulder pads so that they match), utilising the background (not much of it) from Edwins BGI portrait, altering the colour from red to green. Also took a strap from Imoens BGII portrait and copied it and used the copy by reversing it. I like to play rogues, hence the all black ;)

    Plus, I tend to think this armor is pretty close to the Grandmaster's Armor +6 you pick up in ToB, the background colour was meant to represent the final battle arena (the green glow).
    Post edited by Silver6986 on
  • serabietserabiet Member Posts: 52
    I'm toying with the idea of painting yet another new one for my charname, possibly also new portraits of all the npcs to match my character's (trying to keep their features true to the originals, of course), but that might take ages. Style consistency, why you so attractive. Yet two more weeks or so to go and nothing better to do so!
  • RisingsunRisingsun Member Posts: 99
    edited September 2012
    I really liked that sample from the AMA that Manley did. If they rest of the portraits are that good I'm going to have a hard time choosing. I hope he makes a lot of new ones for the EE.
  • SophiaSophia Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 581
    I have read in the AMA questions that the new portraits will be bigger then 110x170, does anyone know how big will they be?
    I'd like to risize the portraits I have while I'm waiting for the game :)
  • g314g314 Member Posts: 201
    Maybe they will be as big as the portraits in Character Generation (210x330), but I'm just guessing. If we're lucky, maybe not ALL art was lost.
  • FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477
    Khamill said:

    That's me:)

    Nice VOULGE you have there! :D
  • PhillipDaiglePhillipDaigle Member Posts: 654
    That guy is buff as heck
  • alannahsmithalannahsmith Member Posts: 143
    I am in LOVE with the Suna Seni portrait from the BG2 unfinished business mod. (I can't find a picture of it on google.) So, if I don't like any of the new portraits I plan on using that one. :)
  • KelesKeles Member Posts: 31
    I'll use Keles who I drew up when I made him for the first time years and years ago.~

  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Since I plan to play a female skald, I will probably choose Branwen's portrait, since she looks about like what I would look as a drag queen in real life, if I were interested in that particular aspect of gay life.

    Actually, I usually choose Branwen's portrait for most of my female characters. Occasionally I choose Skie's portrait, just to get some plum and black colors as opposed to greens in my avatar, as I like for the portrait and avatar colors to match.

    Plus, I think that Branwen and Skie look a bit like each other except for the hair color, and therefore, they both look like me.
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    I'm going to steal Ajantis' portrait and hope that his changes to avoid confusing myself with myself... if you get the picture.
  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
    @Ward He will be your long lost twin brother! :)
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    This has always been one of my favs


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