That's very close. Hmm, I wonder though, if it's possible to just make his ears a little sharper without making them longer. Do you think you could make that happen?
That's very close. Hmm, I wonder though, if it's possible to just make his ears a little sharper without making them longer. Do you think you could make that happen?
That's very close. Hmm, I wonder though, if it's possible to just make his ears a little sharper without making them longer. Do you think you could make that happen?
@EpitomyofShyness Yeah no problem, added a few different zoom levels to my post above. Plus here's a larger image (minus the background blur) if you'd to cut your own portraits from it - just in case I've got the sizes or something wrong and they don't work - haven't played BG in a long time.
That's very close. Hmm, I wonder though, if it's possible to just make his ears a little sharper without making them longer. Do you think you could make that happen?
That's the one I used on my first BG1 playthrough way back when, as a half-elven ranger. However, I'll probably play a male character because of romances, so I'm not sure which portrait I'll use. I'm going to see what they add, and if I don't like one of those I'll look at that drakonis site.
Yeah definetly *Hugs* Thanks sweetie I really appreciate the effort. I think there's a tie between the first and the third, but yeah.. I think I got a new portrait for the campaign!
Your welcome. It's hardly an effort at all, ear sharpening is a five-minue job. XD
I think I'm going to use the plate-armed human warrior guy from the original BG1 selection. Aside from the fact that I lack a lantern jaw, it looks a lot like me, and my Blackguard characters are almost always based partially on myself.
I'll probably will get into a fight with Schneidend, I expect him to come crashing into my campaign with a fierce grin: I plan to use that same portrait for a Cavalier, as it's a portrait I haven't used before as I've never played a paladin or plain fighter before, but this one suits the bill and I like portraits that fit in with the originals.
I imagine there will be a doppelganger-like battle somewhere in the Swordcoast between my Cavalier and Schneidend's Blackguard, both wearing the same face. I'd better prepare myself ; )
Without a second thought, I will be using the one in my portrait. It's "classic", and perfectly fitting as the LG/NG Paladin/Fighter leader of my party.
Dear Sir, might I invite you for a tough fight when Schneidend comes rushing at my Cavalier, angry for using the same face?
On second thoughts, no I'd rather you'd not come, I'd kill a fellow Paladin for mistaking him with a Blackguard!
BTW: isn't the same portrait used in the TOTSC standard party, with Abdel as CHARNAME?
I just found this amazing image by Lauren Cannon. and I had to make it into a portrait. I imagine a Charname that is devastated after Gorion's death... or one that has recently undergone horrible torture at the hands of Jon Irenicus... or been forced to survive in the wilderness... or been hunted by bounty hunters... or been set upon by bandits... this sort of thing :-s
I just found this amazing image by Lauren Cannon. and I had to make it into a portrait. I imagine a Charname that is devastated after Gorion's death... or one that has recently undergone horrible torture at the hands of Jon Irenicus... or been forced to survive in the wilderness... or been hunted by bounty hunters... or been set upon by bandits... this sort of thing :-s
I just found this amazing image by Lauren Cannon. and I had to make it into a portrait. I imagine a Charname that is devastated after Gorion's death... or one that has recently undergone horrible torture at the hands of Jon Irenicus... or been forced to survive in the wilderness... or been hunted by bounty hunters... or been set upon by bandits... this sort of thing :-s
and a decade with a needle in your arm. ; )
Mr colgate you spelled 'grief and the horror of seeing loved ones murdered' incorrectly (j/k)
I just found this amazing image by Lauren Cannon. and I had to make it into a portrait. I imagine a Charname that is devastated after Gorion's death... or one that has recently undergone horrible torture at the hands of Jon Irenicus... or been forced to survive in the wilderness... or been hunted by bounty hunters... or been set upon by bandits... this sort of thing :-s
I just found this amazing image by Lauren Cannon. and I had to make it into a portrait. I imagine a Charname that is devastated after Gorion's death... or one that has recently undergone horrible torture at the hands of Jon Irenicus... or been forced to survive in the wilderness... or been hunted by bounty hunters... or been set upon by bandits... this sort of thing :-s
Mmm, very nice picture. Although I'd put some armor (or at least robes) on her for gaming purposes.
Now, since waiting for 18.09 has put me in an obsessive photo-manipulation phase, have a look at Malica, the evil halfling lady. Left to right - the original, how she looked the first time I played her, how she will look in BG:EE. (You may notice that I tried to get rid of the weird green light. It's harder than it may seem).
And a random baldurized stock-photo dude in various gear, up for grabs if anyone fancies him (...uh, that came out wrong. I mean, the picture is up for grabs @_@ )
Here are some manipulations I've done over the past few weeks. I didn't want to display the entire image in the post as it is fairly large.
Hey look, an Invisible Woman and a Nazgul! XD Awesome. The second man in second row (the one with the tattoo) looks solid! Like he jumped right out of BG2. How'd you make him?
@Syntia13 Most of the picture is the generic barbarian portrait from BG1 with some of the armor swapped around and recoloured. The face is from some picture I googled up.
The pictures without faces were attempts to make templates players could just stick faces on to have a BG type portrait. Then I realised you would need some photo skills to do that (layers etc), so you could probably do it yourself if you wanted, so never did more than the two, though there are several recolours of the Nazgul robe.
I usually import the portraits from Icewind Dale and pick one of those. They match better than most of the fan made portraits and I don't accidentally steal a protrait from an NPC that way. The elf warrior one gets a lot of use by me.
I don't accidentally steal a protrait from an NPC that way.
Brings back funny memories to the first time I played Baldur's Gate. My fighter-mage finishes the second chapter - and finds out he has the same face as Xan!
(or was it thus Xan got handed a reserve portrait and did I only find out Xan's real face - and my mistake - the second playthrough, when I picked a fan-made pic? - memory is an unreliable brain phenomenon)
That's very close. Hmm, I wonder though, if it's possible to just make his ears a little sharper without making them longer. Do you think you could make that happen? s Gate stuff/Ear1.png s Gate stuff/ear2.png s Gate stuff/ear3.png
Any of those catch your fancy?
I think there's a tie between the first and the third, but yeah.. I think I got a new portrait for the campaign!
Edit - Or this ..
I've used this pic for a lot of my (typically good) female chars, be it paladins, rogues, barbarians, etc.
However, for my upcoming evil female blackguard, I have my sights set on this pic:
...or possibly this:
I'm also considering some headshots of Sophia Bush which I've used as BG portraits in the past:
That's the one I used on my first BG1 playthrough way back when, as a half-elven ranger. However, I'll probably play a male character because of romances, so I'm not sure which portrait I'll use. I'm going to see what they add, and if I don't like one of those I'll look at that drakonis site.
And also this one, for an elf girl:
@Quartz Heh, the picture was brought to the table by Zinodin, so as long as he's OK with it... help yourself.
I imagine there will be a doppelganger-like battle somewhere in the Swordcoast between my Cavalier and Schneidend's Blackguard, both wearing the same face. I'd better prepare myself ; )
On second thoughts, no I'd rather you'd not come, I'd kill a fellow Paladin for mistaking him with a Blackguard!
BTW: isn't the same portrait used in the TOTSC standard party, with Abdel as CHARNAME? and I had to make it into a portrait.
I imagine a Charname that is devastated after Gorion's death... or one that has recently undergone horrible torture at the hands of Jon Irenicus... or been forced to survive in the wilderness... or been hunted by bounty hunters... or been set upon by bandits... this sort of thing :-s
Now, since waiting for 18.09 has put me in an obsessive photo-manipulation phase, have a look at Malica, the evil halfling lady. Left to right - the original, how she looked the first time I played her, how she will look in BG:EE.
And a random baldurized stock-photo dude in various gear, up for grabs if anyone fancies him (...uh, that came out wrong. I mean, the picture is up for grabs @_@ )
The second man in second row (the one with the tattoo) looks solid! Like he jumped right out of BG2. How'd you make him?
The pictures without faces were attempts to make templates players could just stick faces on to have a BG type portrait. Then I realised you would need some photo skills to do that (layers etc), so you could probably do it yourself if you wanted, so never did more than the two, though there are several recolours of the Nazgul robe.
(or was it thus Xan got handed a reserve portrait and did I only find out Xan's real face - and my mistake - the second playthrough, when I picked a fan-made pic? - memory is an unreliable brain phenomenon)