Moderator powers
Want exactly are the full powers of a moderator? How is a administrator different? How do people get chosen to be moderators? I know they can
•react to their own posts.
•give promotes
•edit any post
•see IP and other stuff we can't
•view forum activity data
•ban, jail, and warn users
But what else? Can they view every post edit? Can they see PMs if they have to? How far do these powers stretch?
•react to their own posts.
•give promotes
•edit any post
•see IP and other stuff we can't
•view forum activity data
•ban, jail, and warn users
But what else? Can they view every post edit? Can they see PMs if they have to? How far do these powers stretch?
Other than that, the list you wrote up is pretty much the extent of it. We have a Staff Room for the moderators to discuss issues as needed, but other than stepping in to close problematic discussions moderators are more or less like any other user (and follow the same rules as non-moderators).
I should constantly think if it's the right time to interfere in a heated debate, whether I really have a right to use a certain power in the certain context, what words should I choose when I type a comment and so on.
I feel my increased responsibility because general users should always clearly understand their rights are being protected and respected. Moderators are here to provide all the discussions go as free as they can and in the same time rules are followed by each participant of any discussion.
A moderator monitors the interchange of contributors and makes decisions regarding content and the direction of threads. Moving discussions/comments from one section to another to keep topics organized is also a common job for a moderator, @mlnevese often does it, for example.
If the tone of a discussion becomes hostile or starts to move in the direction of personal attacks, a moderator usually has the discretion to close the discussion to prevent heated interchanges. @Heindrich , for e.g., often gives several warnings before a thread closing is made. A moderator is also able to hide discussions he deems unworthy of further discussion and/or public attention.
Moderator duties are diverse. Some moderators are virtually invisible, they surface only when situations arise that do not seem likely to resolve themselves. @Lemernis , for e.g. is responsible for "Challenges and playthroughs" section: merging threads, making announcements... Other forum moderators are always there, ready to intercede at the smallest hint of discourse
A moderator can check the spam queue to help those forumites whose posts unfortunately were considered a spam.
A moderator can also stick a certain thread - "make an announcement". Just as with giving promotes, the procedure of sticking a thread, in my opinion, should not be random and every decision here should be thought about more than once or twice.
If an abusive contributor refuses to cease unacceptable behavior, a moderator has the discretion to warn or even ban the user. A moderator may opt to access the user's IP address. This enables the moderator to ban the address instead of banning the user by name or email address. I should say every decision to warn or to ban an actual forumite (not a spambot) comes as a result of a closed discussion between moderators and administrators.
A moderator can also see the timing of any reaction given to a certain post, can find out who exactly has given a reaction to a post on the Activity page, can edit and delete comments, threads and even delete other people's reactions.
bengoshi banned KHostette.
Banned for spamming.
9:00AM Comment
bengoshi banned GCurrent.
Banned for spamming.
8:45AM Comment
bengoshi banned H6509.
Banned for spamming.
7:09AM Comment
Jalily banned usahozvz.
Banned for spamming.
6:25AM Comment
Jalily banned LGiffen.
Banned for spamming.
3:13AM Comment
You banned MMims.
Banned for spamming.
12:40AM Comment
Metalloman banned CCote.
Banned for spamming.
October 6 Comment
Dee banned yffqmvvuzo.
Banned for spamming.
October 6 Comment
Metalloman banned ABaca.
Banned for spamming.
October 6 Comment
You banned DGXZ.
Banned for spamming.
October 6 Comment
You banned LRechner.
Banned for spamming.
October 6 Comment
bengoshi banned SPinkham.
Banned for spamming.
October 6 Comment
Metalloman banned SBolling.
Banned for spamming.
October 6 Comment
Metalloman banned lfthvgxf.
Banned for spamming.
October 6 Comment
bengoshi banned B98D.
Banned for spamming.
October 6 Comment
You banned HChilds.
Banned for spamming.
October 6 Comment
Metalloman banned uxrtfsnapba.
Banned for spamming.
October 6 Comment
bengoshi banned DBuford.
Banned for spamming.
October 6 Comment
bengoshi banned RHartz.
Banned for spamming.
October 6 Comment
Jalily banned EDorringt.
Banned for spamming.
October 6 Comment
You banned NPeter.
Banned for spamming.
October 5 Comment
You banned RBrough.
Banned for spamming.
October 5 Comment
mlnevese banned DVanatta.
Banned for spamming.
October 5 Comment
You banned YFelton.
Banned for spamming.
October 5 Comment
You banned INazario.
Banned for spamming.
October 5 Comment
You banned QMTJ.
Banned for spamming.
October 5 Comment
You banned ABenefiel.
Banned for spamming.
October 5 Comment
You banned VS37.
Banned for spamming.
October 5 Comment
You banned SHosking.
Banned for spamming.
October 5 Comment
mlnevese banned DOMalley.
Banned for spamming.
October 5 Comment
... but in practice our different preferences and skills tends to lead to a degree of specialisation. @Troodon80 and @Gate70 for example were absolute heroes in the technical corner of the forum way before they became blues, something that I couldn't do even if I wanted. @Metalloman can keep an eye on the Italian forum cos... well Italian... and I tend to watch the Beginner sections of the forum cos... well I am still a relative noobie to the BG/D&D world and thus easier to understand somebody completely new to the game.
Also, how are mods chosen? How often do you think of adding another to you're group? What does the process look like? How many of the answers to these questions are "that's classified"?
Something I've always wondered is why @Elminister isn't a moderator(can I ask that?) It seems like he should be, he's such an awesome contributor to the community, and he's just behind dee on the leaderboard.