Story of Your Adventurers

In the original Baldur's Gate games (via multiplayer), the Icewind Dale series, and more recently the Black Pits campaigns, you've had the opportunity to create custom parties of six unique individuals. Some people chose to make their parties a well-oiled collective killing machine with the best possible stats, while others simply played what came to them naturally and what appeared to be their favorites.
In each case, sometimes the player would create stories in their head about the fictional adventurers that they created to cut a swath through the Sword Coast and beyond. Tell us the story of one of your favorite parties or single adventurers, be they recent or from back in 1999 when the original games were still fresh off the racks.
In each case, sometimes the player would create stories in their head about the fictional adventurers that they created to cut a swath through the Sword Coast and beyond. Tell us the story of one of your favorite parties or single adventurers, be they recent or from back in 1999 when the original games were still fresh off the racks.
Well, I've never really role played a BG playthrough, but for IWD2 I played with characters from a series that I hope to write a novel about one day, as soon as I can find the time. A group of friends that had family issues growing up, ending up trusting each other for their similar pasts. I'll write more when I get more time.
Can't wait to see, that sounds awesome.
I call this group the Black Legion. It's a team of six young adults looking for a reason to live after being tormented during their childhoods by their families. The idea is that they had entered Luskan (will be Easthaven in IWD:EE) during the time of the crisis that drives the story. They agree to work together, though at first they do not trust each other and would rather work alone. They view their partnership as necessary, but unwanted. During the course of the story, these adventurers of necessity learn more about each other's past, and find out that their lives and circumstances aren't so different. The team will eventually trust each other completely, as they find that the way they deal with their hardships is through fighting and helping each other through hard battles and other dangerous situations.
The party leader is a half-elf fighter/mage named Emerin. Bold and charismatic, he fights by casting defensive arcane spells on himself before rushing into battle. His leadership ability is reflected in the ultimately undying loyalty of his companions. Obviously charisma is set at 18, with strength and dex at 15 and 14, respectively. Con is 10, int is 16, and wis is 11. He fights with a longsword, later branching into bastard swords as his main proficiencies, with single weapon style to supplement them (in IWD2, I just have mastery in both sword types.)
I'll continue later if people want me to.
My current IWD2 party (With their levels placed for roleplaying reasons more than anything) are the following. They were bought together mostly by necessity, and four of them were in pairs before they met to defend Targos.
Arathir Starsong, Leader, Chaotic Good Tiefling Bard/Rogue/Ranger
Fargrim 'The Wary', Lawful Good Gold Dwarf Paladin of Helm/Fighter
Landon Free-Wind, Neutral Good Half-Elf Fighter/Barbarian/Ranger
Vallen Emberheart, Neutral Good Half-Elf Sorcerer
Eytira, Chaotic Neutral Drow Lorekeeper of Oghma
Rinoa Elissalde, Chaotic Good Aasimar Rogue/Evoker
Emerin, Lawful Neutral half-elf fighter/mage
Years later, after leaving the Dale to pursue his dream of adventure, Emerin returned and made his way to Easthaven, where he met the men and women who would one day entrust him with their lives, the founding members of the Black Legion.
Ronan, Chaotic Neutral human bard
Further knowledge about Ronan's past is gained over time. It is found that he was wrongfully imprisoned in his youth for the murder of a dear friend of his, a crime he did not commit. He spent those years in prison alone, without any consolation for the death of his dearest friend. After his innocence was later proven he was released, though he had developed an extreme dislike of law enforcement. He then considered local guards to be completely incompetent, and staunchly refuses to show them respect.
STR 10
DEX 18
INT 17
WIS 13
CHA 16
Main Profs
Kaiser, True Neutral human fighter
Emerin finds out later that Kaiser and his sister were forced from their homes as children when their father tried to murder them both. Their mother lost her life trying to protect them, and Kaiser lost his left eye and hand trying to protect Starlen. He spent the next few days unconscious, as he had lost a lot of blood. When he awoke, he discovered that his sister had traded herself to slavers in exchange for food and for healing Kaiser's wounds. When he made this discovery, he found and slaughtered them all, freeing his sister from their grasp.
While Kaiser is content to follow Starlen's lead, he informs Emerin that his ultimate goal is to find his father and find out why he wanted to kill them, and, if necessary, force him to stop. As Kaiser says this, Emerin sees the sudden rising anger as it threatens to overwhelm the normally stoic man.
STR 18/85
DEX 16
CON 15
INT 12
WIS 10
Main Profs
Two-Handed Weapon Style
Miria, True Neutral half-elf mage/thief
It is later revealed that Miria was not a thief by choice. Her family was of noble lineage, but she was disowned after having a tragic love affair with a rival family's son. The man she loved was assassinated by a mercenary hired by her parents, who had discovered the two lovers' relationship, and she was thrown out onto the street with no money to her name, though she quickly picked up on any useful talents needed to survive. She gained some magical knowledge by learning from a kind wizard who took her under his wing for a time. She has been stealing ever since, though it was becoming clear to her that Easthaven was no longer a good place to stay, as evidenced by the thugs that tried to attack her. She bears no ill will toward her parents despite their actions, as she acknowledges that her previous affair was destined to end badly from the beginning.
DEX 16
CON 12
INT 18
WIS 13
CHA 14
Main Profs
Short Bow
Starlen, True Neutral human cleric
Emerin later discovers that Starlen and her brother have been on the run since they were children, after their father tried to kill them. Kaiser was grievously wounded, and if their mother hadn't thrown herself in front of them, sacrificing her life in the process, they both would have died. As their parents fought, Starlen managed to lift Kaiser's beaten body over her shoulder and carry him away from the scene. After that terrible night, Starlen was desperate to save her brother, who was on the verge of death. Her prayers were answered, though she did not know who answered them, and a healing light escaped from her fingertips, closing his wounds and keeping him alive, though he still did not wake up. She vowed to do whatever it took to bring him back, but was tricked by slavers, who captured her and kept her in chains. After a few days of being forced to serve her captors, Starlen was saved by her brother, who had woken up and tracked her down. He killed anyone who got in his way, no longer the sweet boy he once was.
Starlen tells Emerin that her one true desire is to see her brother smile again, though she fears that the way to that goal will involve them meeting their father again.
STR 12
DEX 16
CON 14
INT 15
WIS 18
CHA 15
Main Profs
Sword and Shield Style
Brian, Chaotic Good human berserker
It would later be discovered that Brian was adopted by a mage, who treated him as more of a test subject than a son. The experiments gave him significantly enhanced strength, but ultimately caused his mind to become slightly unhinged, resulting in his constant assertions that he was, and still is, a legendary hero.
STR 18/99
CON 16
INT 12
WIS 10
CHA 15
Main Profs
Two-Weapon Style
Deltago, that's a great idea! I might just do that myself with the Snowfall company (my party listed above).