What are *your* stats? (What class do you qualify for?)

While we are trying to figure out the stats of Conan ( http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/comment/558463 ) and other figures, we may as well check:
*** What are *your* stats? ***
(Assume the population is normalized 'fairly' :: i.e. we all rolled 4xd6 and kept the best 3xd6.)
I go first: 10/11/9/14/8/13
(i.e. my particular delusion-of-above-averageness claims to be somewhat smarter than usual and rather likeable, actually, but not very wise; also I can't benchpress worth a damn nor catch a fly with my hands; and, just don't sneeze in my general direction, please.)
I'll make an okay Wizard, I guess. But it still takes many rolls for me to learn each new 'spell'.
*** What are *your* stats? ***
(Assume the population is normalized 'fairly' :: i.e. we all rolled 4xd6 and kept the best 3xd6.)
I go first: 10/11/9/14/8/13
(i.e. my particular delusion-of-above-averageness claims to be somewhat smarter than usual and rather likeable, actually, but not very wise; also I can't benchpress worth a damn nor catch a fly with my hands; and, just don't sneeze in my general direction, please.)
I'll make an okay Wizard, I guess. But it still takes many rolls for me to learn each new 'spell'.
Str 11
Dex 14
Con 9
Int 16
Wis 13
Cha 17
Vanilla Bard
I'd probably be locked up in Spellhold.
CON 14
I'd be a creepy NPC that lurks in the graveyard. You can kill me for a "Shovel of Elf Slaying +4"
I had no idea what I could bench-press as I have never done anything like that, so I have reduced my strength score, as it looked too high.
I guess I could do a bit of clericy business..
Low (8?) strength
low dex
enough con for bonus hit points (in 2nd edition terms, everything from 7-14 is the same here. 15 seems high but its hard to judge)
17 int. Yes, 17. Really.
low wis
low charisma.
I would make a good wizard. Not the dumb adventuring kind, but the smart kind that sits around getting experience making magic items (it used to be a thing!)
STR 14
DEX 12
CON 12
INT 16
CHA 11
Str 7
Dex 10
Con 13
Int 14
Cha 11
So a low level mage or cleric/mage multi for me. Can't wear much for armor as a c/m or swing a mace with that strength so pure mage is okay, too. I ofcourse would be terrible for a npc or pc in the game with these stats. Umm, it seems Garrick is wiser than me, (shock!) but I am a bit smarter than him, so yay! He seems to be more handsome, though it is okay since he is a bard afterall.
In bg games when I roleplay and create myself as a pc I ofcourse give my character better stats, I like to think it as the Bhaal essence augmenting my natural stats so I become more competent. Hey, Imoen and Sarevok are total cheaters with their stats roll (so high!) so I guess they get the Bhaalspawn augmentation thingie going on as well.
I chose to answer the questions as my 25-year old self rather than as my current age of 49. If I answered as 49 years old, the STR and CHR scores would be significantly lower.
I don't agree with a lot of what's on the test instrument. Also, the STR score is way too high, even for my younger self. I was in fact much physically stronger than almost any other person I ever met, out in the general public, but I had absolutely no athletic skill training, and I often saw other guys in the gym who could do a lot more than I could with the weights. That said, I was 6'4" and 200+ pounds of muscle at age 25, and at top personal condition, I never had any interaction with any other male who could out-grapple me, although I'm sure there were a lot of them around, and I was never on a football or wrestling team, or in the military.
With all those caveats, here is what I got on the Haw test:
STR 17
INT 17
WIS 15
CON 13
CHR 13
Given that I was very spiritual at that age, I'm pretty sure I would have become a cleric or a cleric-mage in the D&D world. The low DEX would make me a very poor front-line fighter and swordsman, or rogue.
Even though the first three scores are on the high side, the percentages and aptitudes in that score set actually represent the real-life me pretty well. I may use this score set the next time I do a self-insert BG run.
High con (never ill even when I should be, survived a deadly disease when young)
Med-High wis
High int(cum laude)
Med cha
Str 9
Dex 7
Con 10
Int 17
Wis 14
Cha 10
I have actually rolled a character in bg exactly like this. :-) Still think int 17 is a bit stretch, though. Then again I would like to think I am as smart as Imoen. (Or Nalia, or Neera.)
I'm also pleased to make the acquaintance of some possible Nobel-prize winning athlete supermodels. I hope we can be friends.
Let's form a party and rid the world of the Terror of Monsanto ... err... I mean Vecna.
Str: 6
Dex: 6
Con: 6
Int: 17
Wis: 15
Cha: 15
The test gave me:
Str: 7
Dex: 5
Con: 6
Int: 17
Wis: 12
Cha: 17
Little wonder there's all that uncontrolled ebola and zombie stuff going on. I should really move on to become some sort of a Nobel-prize winning athlete supermodel like you before I take an arrow in the knee or something. There would be nothing wrong about hiring some obscenely underpaid contractors in Delhi to handle the universe for me, I suppose. It could actually turn out to be fun if there were more singing, colours and zombies indulging in bellydance instead of biting people for a change.
I've done... To much thinking about this(see "Meagloth's alignment test") and I pretty much consider my as that's to be:
9str on a good day I can do like 15 push ups and 30 sit ups.
15dex... Pushing it. But probably above average; 12-15. I am a very good climber, a decent shot, and play cello ok.
Either 14 or 7 con, depending on what you measure. I'm still youth and "fit"(if 115lbs(55kg?) at 16 is "fit", but I'm certainly not fat) and I have a relatively high pain tolerance. My idea of fun inadvertently leads to a high pain tolerance. Just earlier today I was loading my slingshot crossbow and slapped myself. I didn't notice that my finger was bruised and bleeding until I dripped blood on my pants. I can run a mile in 7m, and I did a 20 mile backpack up mt. Blanca in Colorado over the summer. So high pain tolerance, relatively fit, ok; con. I'm pretty much permanently sick though. In between allergies, actuall sickness and a strict diet of only things that taste good I have way below average con. I'm underweight, anemic(we think from outrageously common nose bleeds), and usually coughing *something* up. So take your pick.
17 int. by the scale of my own division IQ 127=17 int. ((1)<50 (3)65 (6)85 (9)100 (12)110 (15)122 (17)130 (18)145 (19)160+)
14 wisdom. For my age, anyway(can stats do that?) whole threads have been waged over wisdom, but generally I think I'm alright. I've stopped a few he-said she-said amount my peers from blowing up. I don't buy most of the bullshit life throws at me, will *always* try to get both sides of a story, and I really do try to be fair.
15 charisma. If charisma is about confidence, uniqueness, and individualism I'm right there with you. I am always armed with an anecdote and a witty response. I have two stubborn mules for younger brothers and worked as a caddy for a *ahem* well-to-do country club. I can deal with crazy, and I can talk people down. I also have my hair going for me:P
15cha. And yes, I am the most awesome person in the room.
Anyway, that test gave me 9str, 12dex 7con, 17int 10wis 13cha. So probably about the real thing.
Edit: for those who don't know, I'm a sorcerer. I'm chaotic good but my familiar is my cat, Buttershot.
STR: 5
DEX: 8
CON: 7
INT: 13
WIS: 14
CHA: 12
Can you say "Never see the light of melee combat ever?"
Of course, stats like these aren't much good for any class. No, I wouldn't make a very good cleric, as I'm agnostic-atheist.
I don't think 127 IQ would give someone 17 intellect... I was forced to attend a youth skills group in my teens, and a psychologist guy officially tested everyones IQ over the course of a week. I scored 127 IQ... the top 3 out of 81 people. I was never told what the other 2 highest scores were, but the teacher was obviously very shocked that I'd done so well. They made me resit an alternate version of the test(I guess they though I cheated...), I scored 125. Funny thing is, I never finished highschool, I dropped out 2 years early and had the worst grades in my year group.
Are you currently accepting prayers?
Will there be any scheduled ... err... demolitions soon, as some seem to suggest?
"I'm a Paladin with 18 charisma and 97 hit points. I can use my helm of disintegration and do one D4 damage as my half-elf mage wields his plus-five holy avenger."
- Peter Griffin, Family Guy
Whatever. I'll take it.