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Good morning!

I should probably say hello. I'm Luri. I got my username from Kulyok's Xan mod several years ago and it's stuck ever since; I am most of the Luridels on the internet now. (Luridel is the elven name for the planet Coliar; associated with Erevan Ilesere.)

I was probably nine or ten when I started playing Baldur's Gate. It was the largest obsession of my childhood. I wrote fanfiction over at the Attic when I was eleven, I remember looking up 'omnipresent' in the dictionary at my middle school's library and trying to find excuses to use it in conversation (Jaheira was my favorite character), and I (to my great embarrassment twelve years later) also once made a Microsoft Word document transcribing all the quotes I had heard the in-party NPCs say. This was thirty-something pages long... in fourteen-point Comic Sans.

I've never actually stopped replaying this game, although I swore by BGTutu for many, many years. I seem to have registered around the time when I bought the Enhanced Edition for my little brother, @OlvynChuru - but I had no memory whatsoever of these forums until yesterday when he showed me that he'd been documenting his jester playthrough, which I'd heard occasional stories about.

I would have loved to have an active forum like this when I was younger, and I'm delighted to have it now.

Confession: I have never actually beaten Throne of Bhaal. I can't stick with a playthrough long enough before I restart them.


  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Welcome @Luridel I have really been enjoying your brothers playthrough. It’s wonderful to have you join us as well! I always like hearing about family members who share the love of these games.
  • rufus_hobartrufus_hobart Member Posts: 490
    Welcome, glad to have you around, and thanks for sharing your character Mariel's adventures with us as well. Of course, in my mind I'm now picturing an ultimate face-off between her and Olvyn's Halizurex... ;-)
  • LuridelLuridel Member Posts: 25

    Heindrich said:

    Greetings and welcome!

    Keep an eye on your brother... Bhaalspawn siblings make for dangerous company.

    No, I'm not dangerous! It's just that... that... people around me tend to murder each other for some reason! I never lay a finger on anybody! Except for those cows, of course. You just can't trust them. Nor can you trust that Kelddath Ormlyr fellow.
    @OlvynChuru That's odd, how long have I been holding this knife for?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    God said:

    No turtles have been harmed in the process of writing this post.
    All rituals appearing in this post are fictitious. Any resemblance to real rituals, past or present, is purely coincidental.
    You should consult with a professional practicioner before starting a ritual routine.

    And this is what we call "God Morning" here;)
  • HurricaneHurricane Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 730
    Welcome, Luridel!
    Luridel said:

    It was the largest obsession of my childhood. I wrote fanfiction over at the Attic when I was eleven, I remember looking up 'omnipresent' in the dictionary at my middle school's library and trying to find excuses to use it in conversation (Jaheira was my favorite character), and I (to my great embarrassment twelve years later) also once made a Microsoft Word document transcribing all the quotes I had heard the in-party NPCs say. This was thirty-something pages long... in fourteen-point Comic Sans.

    That ... is ... absolutely beautiful! It reminds me of the time I first played the game as a kid, too. I had started a game and walked around Candlekeep for the very first time ... just a few hours before I went off to a summer vacation. But I was so stunned that I obsessed about the game in my head the whole time I was away from home ... And now, more than a decade later, it really hasn't stopped. :)

    Luridel said:

    Confession: I have never actually beaten Throne of Bhaal. I can't stick with a playthrough long enough before I restart them.

    And don't worry--you're not the only one. TT_TT
    That makes three of us. :D Damn, ever since I discovered mods and the possibilities of fixing and enhancing this game, I never really get around to actually PLAYING it anymore. T.T
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