Other than CHARNAME, who would have been the best heir to the Throne of Bhaal?

Sup fools!
Simple question. Lots of interesting choices, really enjoyed many of the Bhaalspawn characters. Was thinking of this the other day. Please give an explanation if you so choose!
Simple question. Lots of interesting choices, really enjoyed many of the Bhaalspawn characters. Was thinking of this the other day. Please give an explanation if you so choose!
- Other than CHARNAME, who would have been the best heir to the Throne of Bhaal?64 votes
- Illasera the Quick  1.56%
- Yaga Shura  1.56%
- Sendai  1.56%
- Abazigal  3.13%
- Balthazar23.44%
- Gromnir Il-Khan  1.56%
- Imoen12.50%
- Sarevok39.06%
- Viekang  1.56%
- Someone else (like that random dude Sarevok kills in the opening movie, or the chinchilla... thing)14.06%
Also, I can call him Bhaalthazar.
I guess it depends on how you answer the question. Best heir in terms of most likely to survive the fight would probably go to Abazigal (dragon!) or Yaga Shura (immune to nearly everything until mommy snitched on him), with Balthazar getting a runner up because high level monks are insane. Sarevok would have had a definite edge though because he researched and schemed. Many of the others relied too much on their bhaal powers and too little on their minds.
In terms of Best heir according to the individual most like Bhaal himself, I'd have to give it to Amelyssan, actually. Although not directly an heir, she was willing to trick and murder her way into the position and the Lord of Murder would have to give her points for that, if not for her betraying him as well in the process! Definitely, a back stabbing murderess worthy of the title.
If you're a Carsomyr wielding paladin type then best would be the one most likely to purify the Throne of Bhaal of its evil taint. For that role Imoen, the pixie of pep herself, could no doubt slay any remaining Bhaal essence with one simple phrase. "Heya, It's me. Imoen."
Balthazar would actually kill himself to escape his destiny.
Sarevok was the one that had both the drive, brains, brutality and charisma to become one.
He was the one with the most potential.
Him and perhaps Sendai being a Drow Cleric/Mage with an army at her disposal.
Badass picture. Deathbringer assault. An ability to dualclass into a mage to make an OP F/M.
Most importantly, he was so obsessed to become an heir. He became acting like an heir to the Throne much more earlier than anybody else.
Sarevok would not be the best heir to the Throne of Bhaal. No, having conquered his father's throne, he would not rest upon it as a Lord of Murder. A skilled manipulator and excellent strategist, it is clear that his career as a deity would not stop there. Had Charname not stopped him, Ao would.
The best heir in terms of representing, managing and perhaps even strengthening Bhaal's portfolio could indeed be Sarevok, given his track record as an intelligent, calculating, eager and ruthless murderer. However, I wonder, what do we know of the murderous achievements of the Five before they meet Charname? In BG1 we learn a lot about Sarevok and his schemes and actions, but I for one lack the same knowledge of the Five, which may well be the result of not having played ToB in two years.
The best heir for the good people that walk the realms would probably be Balthasar. Balthasar is a Shaolin-style master. On the one hand he's shown leadership, he fights like a champion, and he is willing to kill an LG Paladin charname, making him sufficiently powerful and commanding to manage the portfolio it seems. On the other hand he also knows discipline and restraint, which suggests he would only endorse 'justifiable murder', and not chaotic slaughter for the sake of it (which Sarevok seems more willing to propagate). I can see him be the preferred Lord of Murder for many people in the realms.
That's exactly what I mean by "doing the right thing".
Bhaalthazar, being a monk, has the discipline to overcome the temptation to accept the power from his heritage and destroy it.
I like Sarevok, too, since he was such a cool character. I think @BelgarathMTH said it best about him.
Imoen, if she accepted the power, would be absolutely hilarous. Imagine a lord of murder with pink hair
"He, you're a dead fellow"
"You are gone"
....so creepy, actually
But, Sarevok rocks too, he is a pure product of Bhaal, and I think he would have been a very good pretender
Otherwise, I'd chose Sarevok. He's badass.
I see charname as being more of a 'squeek by', which was key to his success. Lots of enemies blatantly underestimate you, including Sarevok, Irenicus, the 5, and many others. The Shadow Thieves certainly aren't too frightened by you, nor are most folks. Chsrname imho was probably not that special for an adventuring Bhaalspawn, until Irenicus worked on him.
Probably whichever Bhaalspawn was captured by Irenicus was going to have the best shot, but we know Irenicus wanted someone not too dangerous to grab, ie none of the 5, who probably were an adventuring group at some point. They must have done something to get to epic level range, annoying we find out basicly nothing in ToB about their pasts.
I like Sarevok, but until he died, he was just this side of Xzar level crazy, so he would have had a tough time. So, I tend to go with Sarevok, but no decision quite yet.
Sarevok was in the background pulling the strings, building up not only an army but also political power as a duke in Baldur's Gate. His political reach and influence would have been massive if we didn't stop him, and he would have had an army at his command that would have been larger than the others from what little information you get in ToB.
He was also a Human which makes it easier for him to interact with people, he was incredible powerful and could brute force down almost anyone in BG1, if he had gotten into SoA i'm sure he would have gotten even more powerful. He was highly intelligent and very charismatic.
He was working behind the scenes and had schemes that not only succeeded, but also put him in a place of great power. And he did not shy away from combat and would gladly get his own hands dirty.
Oh and he picked up a great party with Angelo, Tazok and the Mage dude.
At the end of the game he controlled the flaming fist, was a duke and if you hadn't stopped him then he would have been the sole leader of Baldur's Gate with the entire army (flaming fist) at his hand. Also let's remember the 'common' people seem to love him.
What he did was truly amazing.