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[Known] Safana should not keep stopping if she loots the pirate treasure on her own

specter597specter597 Member Posts: 16
edited November 2014 in BG:EE Bugs (v1.3)
Gate70 said:

1. Load the attached save.
2. C:CreateCreature("Safana")
3. Talk to Safana and recruit her (2, 2, 2)
4. Select Safana (3) and send her into the cave on her own.
5. Go north, west, north; killing any golems on the way (Ctrl/Y).
6. Use Ctrl/R if Safana is incapacitated by traps.
7. Loot the container.
8. Click near the cave entrance.

Safana stops after a couple of steps.

Safana should walk to the cave entrance.

Safana will keep stopping if she is asked to move again.
She appears to be trying to talk to the protagonist but can't as he is outside the cave.

So in an attempt to get a manual of health at the beginning of the game I went over to the lighthouse, got thief, equipped a bottle of invisibility, walked into the Golem cave. looted. Then (in order to avoid being crushed to jelly) I drank an Oil of Speed potion. Hasted. Great. Except now ... Thief will only walk 2 or 3 steps before stopping. If I attempt to click farther away she gets stuck on walls. This continues outside the cave as well. 2-3 steps then stops - regardless of where I click for movement. I've tried this several times now. Before the oil of speed movement and AI path finding is normal.

Windows 8 64bit/Dell E6400 w/ Dual Cores at 2.8ghz. Shouldn't be a performance issue.
Post edited by Gate70 on


  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,880
    Have you got any AI scripts active @specter597‌ and if not could you zip & attach a save before this point for inspection please.
  • JaceJace Member Posts: 193
    Is Safana your thief who attempted the cave heist by any chance?

    Safana is supposed to speak to your main character after you plunder the cave, but if your character is outside, she will exhibit this strange behaviour because of her inability to find you.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,880
    Thanks @Jace‌ sounds like a distinct possibility. If @specter597‌ can confirm I'll get this logged as an issue.
  • specter597specter597 Member Posts: 16
    edited November 2014
    Hrm ... sadly I dumped that save file. I don't remember if I used my main character or Safana ... could have been Safana. That would explain it. I didn't think about the save file, sorry.
  • specter597specter597 Member Posts: 16
    Gate70 said:

    Have you got any AI scripts active @specter597‌ and if not could you zip & attach a save before this point for inspection please.

    I'm not running any scripts, no.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
    @Gate70‌ I can confirm this issue being as Jace says. It looks like if the cave's container is looted and Safana cannot find Charname this happens. I would edit the discussion, but for some reason I seem to have lost my mod powers for this section of the forums.
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