Favourite Mage Specialisation - BG Series

Just curious to see where people stand on mage specialisation. This is mage exclusive, namely because of space. So if you are a sorceror/bard lover you are out of luck.
- Favourite Mage Specialisation - BG Series382 votes
- Non-specialised mage22.77%
- Abjurer  2.36%
- Conjurer20.16%
- Diviner  3.14%
- Enchanter  2.36%
- Illusionist  7.59%
- Invoker10.47%
- Necromancer  7.85%
- Transmuter  2.88%
- Wild Mage20.42%
Yes Fireball and Magic Missile are the main reasons I always wanted to be an invoker even though they can't use enchantment magic. Who needs enchantment when you can just web and fireball ^_^
Although, Wild Mages are pretty fun too!
Although I guess when the game first starts out... I'm a pretty sucky diviner because I think anyone else would have been able to see Gorion's death from a mile away...
Roleplay-wise would be diviner, if only it not had two let-downs. First - its stupid to have high wisdom and not being able to use Wish spell. Second - since divination spells themselves play only a minor role, I always wanted them to be easier to memorize, say - two clairvoyances in one slot, two farsights, three or even four detect alignments, etc. As for conjuration itself - theres Edwin for that. The only event in the game that you really wish you had conjuration as a diviner is spellhold dream, where you confront one-on-one with your father. Had to use a lot of hastes and run around Imoen slinging on that occasion
Yes, you could use wands of monster summoning all game or, for a much less of a cost simply use a conjurer that can't cast the most useless spells around. Divination.
If I had to pick one though, I would go with conjurer, since the only worthy spells you're losing are the various detect/dispel illusion divination spells, which can either be made up by a cleric (true seeing) or forgone at a low utility and combat opportunity cost through other spells or means (vendor or ID glasses in the case of item ID).
In 3rd edition of d&d, if you choose Transmutation, you also have to choose either Conjuration or Evocation as its opposite school. Considering the fact that Time Stop in d&d(and not its BG implementation) is primarily used to escape combat, summon allies or buffing, due to the inability to harm your enemies while they are in the area of effect of your Time Stop, it is not advisable to choose Conjuration school as its opposite. From another point of view, you can use Time Stop to cast spells that last for a period of time longer than the period of Time Stop, so they can harm the enemies when the Time Stop expires. In these both cases you limit your mage to summoning or doing "direct" damage combined with buffing. In BG the opposite school of Transmutation is Abjuration, which is not to be missed either.
Examples like the one above make me lean towards Non-specialised mage.