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Favourite Mage Specialisation - BG Series



  • KharasKharas Member Posts: 150
    @DragonSpear That would indeed be a suitable soundbit.. Every single time I play mage in BG... I end up with pretty much only fireballs in lvl 3 slots :p

    There is just something about that huge orange explosion that bring a smile to my face :)
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    @Kharas well is that and that lightning bolt in baldur's gate is liable to get you killed. Not that I haven't occasionally used it to devastating effect in some hallways.
  • KharasKharas Member Posts: 150

    I know lightning bolt is a great spell, and you can use it to devastating effect.. But in my world it have never been able to compete with fireball.. It might be pyromaniac tendencies.. I dont know.. but the "cast fireball with main" pause "cast fireball with 2nd mage in group", wait for them to go off, pause "cast fireball with main" pause "cast fireball with 2nd mage in group", unpause.. wait.. Profit in the form of death, mayhem, destruction and exp + loot... Its just the way to go :)
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    @Kharas Not only does it not fit our pyro tendencies, but if you're indoors and aim it even a little off next thing you know you're reloading cause you just killed yourself and half your party with you.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    No preference... When I create a mage, I throw a 1D8 for choose the specialisation.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    @Kerozevok that's actually a pretty cool idea. Except with the addition of the wildmage will you through a d10 now and make a 1 a critical failure non-specialist mage?
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2012
    @Dragonspear I dislike the wild mage, but with a 1D10 : 1=non-specialist & 10=sorcerer. Why not... :)
    Post edited by Kerozevok on
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    @dragonspear one of the female voice sets for a Mage in iwd went "A little fire and Lightning Ought to liven things up." My favourite voice in the entire game.
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    It may not be the flashiest of specialist schools, but it's certainly the darkest and creepiest. I'm more partial to the "soul tainted" types of necromancers as opposed to the "undead master" types.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    @Jolanthus Well aware of that one. I love it =)
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    Fire bad...tree goood
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    I don't specialize for a PC mage, as I'd prefer to have full access to all the schools. For NPC mages, the only specializations I would probably tend to avoid would be Abjurer and Diviner. But none of the original game's mages belong to those schools, fortunately. Not sure if there are any NPC mods using either of those wizard specialties.

    That said, one of the funnest games I ever played was a custom party using generalist mage PC and specialist mages of different types. It was a blast.

  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited August 2012
    Personally I find the necromancy spells to be largely not needed. Plus spells like Horrid Wilting and Wait of the Banshee take away my personal pleasure in slowly picking off my opponents one by one, as they each struggle to get through my defences and frivolously attempt to attack me. My only regret is that as an illusionist I will never be able to have the level of control over illusions that the gnome in the circus tent has. Otherwise I will take an illusionist over any other type of mage. I like having the option of being able to cast divination spells, even if it means I sacrifice a few necromancy spells.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Conjurer is the easy choice. Divination offers you identify and that's basically it. If that's all I'm losing for an extra spell slot a day, I honestly couldn't care less.

    Behind that, Illusionist. Necromancy has a couple neat spells, but then again not really anything worth writing home about in BG1. Losing out on Abi-Dalsim's Horrid Wilting in BG2 is the only major downside but there are so many other big stompy powerful spells at that point it's another "meh."

    Behind that, Enchanter. Invocations are over-rated. I always stocked plenty of wands so if I *really* needed a fireball, I had one. I mostly loaded up on summon spells anyway.

    The WORST kit, bar none, has got to be Invoker. 2 barred schools, both of which are incredible? No thanks.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    edited August 2012
    I thought there would be more enchanters given their strength in the first game, I guess people prefer blowing stuff up and summoning hordes of monsters, to crowd control, and who wouldn't!
  • CrazedSlayerCrazedSlayer Member Posts: 131
    Non-specialized because if I wanted a crippled mage id play bard :D
  • CCarluNNCCarluNN Member Posts: 200
    Wild mages like to gamble on the wild surge table. More than that, they have spells that can shape this wild magic to have a more desirable outcome, which is fantastic. Welcome to my party, Neera.
  • charnamecharname Member Posts: 13
    Enchanter. I just love manipulating the minds of sentient beings.
  • ManveruManveru Member Posts: 75
    Wild mage: Predictability is a weakness ;)
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited August 2012
    Illusionist, because I never use necromancy spells anyway. I guess some people would miss Skull Trap. But I really think Sorcerer is better than any of them.

    EDIT: Yikes, I was thinking BG1 and forgot about horrid wilting! Late SoA and ToB without horrid wilting to deal with dragons and giants would be a nightmare! Can I take my vote back? LOL
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389

    Illusionist, because I never use necromancy spells anyway. I guess some people would miss Skull Trap. But I really think Sorcerer is better than any of them.

    EDIT: Yikes, I was thinking BG1 and forgot about horrid wilting! Late SoA and ToB without horrid wilting to deal with dragons and giants would be a nightmare! Can I take my vote back? LOL

    You get your first level 8 spell at 16 and your first level 9 spell at 18. So it's only two levels. And as soon as you hit 18, you get epic spell feats. And once you get epic spell feats, you get things significantly more deadly than Horrid Wilting.

    Alternative level 8 spells for the small bit where HW would be your most damaging spell:
    Spell Trigger
    Incendiary Cloud

    Yeah it sucks losing out on Vampiric Touch early game, and it sucks losing out on Skull Trap and Animate Dead, and yes it sucks losing out on Horrid Wilting. I'd rather lose those spells than summons/enchantments.
  • aldainaldain Member Posts: 332
    Conjurer. Though in my case it's not because it's the most powerful (you can just get another mage to cast Identify during BG1, and a cleric for True Sight during BG2), but because I absolutely adore all kinds of summoning spells. And even though the conjurer doesn't get any particular bonus for summons, it just feels so right to call up a small army of Earth Elementals when your character sheet says Conjurer...
  • Doom972Doom972 Member Posts: 150
    Since the divination spells in these games aren't very useful (except for True Sight, which is available to clerics), I choose the Conjurer.
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    It's been a looong time since I played BG or BG2, doesn't a summon dependent build get wipedpretty easy with the various methods of being able to get rid of all summons? Theres like 2 or 3 spells to get rid of them.
  • Dragonfolk2000Dragonfolk2000 Member Posts: 390
    My favorite characters have always been chaotic in alignment and one of them was a wild mage from 3.5. Whenever I can I play a wild mage.
  • aldainaldain Member Posts: 332

    It's been a looong time since I played BG or BG2, doesn't a summon dependent build get wipedpretty easy with the various methods of being able to get rid of all summons? Theres like 2 or 3 spells to get rid of them.

    Not in BG1, no. Hell, in BG1, even the critters from Monster Summoning 1/2 can actually contribute in a fight.

    In BG2 pretty much every enemy mage has Deathspell memorized, but they typically only have 1 casting prepared.. meaning you send in a really crappy summon, then once the enemy mage blows their single Death Spell, send in the summon cavalry.
    Excellent and pretty much failsafe tactic if you want to take on a Lich with a L8-9 party. Of course it works less well if you've got an improved AI mod where they typically won't cast Timestop followed by 3 symbol spells just because a kobold commando started shooting at them.

    Still, a wall of summons is a viable strategy pretty much throughout the game.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    With SCS installed enemy mages will behave a whole lot smarter. I highly recommend that mod.
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292

    Conjurer is the easy choice. Divination offers you identify and that's basically it. If that's all I'm losing for an extra spell slot a day, I honestly couldn't care less.

    Behind that, Illusionist. Necromancy has a couple neat spells, but then again not really anything worth writing home about in BG1. Losing out on Abi-Dalsim's Horrid Wilting in BG2 is the only major downside but there are so many other big stompy powerful spells at that point it's another "meh."

    Behind that, Enchanter. Invocations are over-rated. I always stocked plenty of wands so if I *really* needed a fireball, I had one. I mostly loaded up on summon spells anyway.

    The WORST kit, bar none, has got to be Invoker. 2 barred schools, both of which are incredible? No thanks.

    I don't seem to miss anything playing as an Invoker, well maybe Melf's Acid Arrow :/

    Hiding behind summoned beasties. pfft
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    General. A wildmage a close second... Get a wish spell and you can get all your spells back anyway so that extra slot is meaningless...
  • Roller12Roller12 Member Posts: 437
    edited August 2012
    ehh, bg1 Evokers dont get

    sleep, chaos, emotion, greater malison. Except for sleep which is THE low level spell but is limited by hit dice, these are all ToB quality spells. Group disablers with save penalty. Sleep is -3, Chaos is -4... Its ridiculous even in ToB.
    Post edited by Roller12 on
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