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Is my approach unrealistic?

I'm playing through the campaign on Core Rules, with a not-quite-min/max'd party.

Cavalier w/ 2-hander
Fighter/Cleric mace/flail+shield(bunch of healing spells, stats for fighter)
Cleric warhammer/shield (semi-front line, buffer)
Avenger (ranged and shapeshifting whenever melee is needed. Spellbook is mixed between buffing, control, offense)
Mage/Thief (will use utility and situational spells; mainly ranged but high enough STR to buff for melee occasionally)
Sorcerer (offensive spells and often-used AOE's like glitterdust, haste, etc).

What I'm not getting is how this game is supposed to be played with role-playing in mind. I just got into the Temple of the Forgotten God. The opening fight with the cleric and 2 Verbeeg's nearly demolished my two front-liners and half of my healing spells were used up to get them back in fighting condition. If 1 fight knocks them down that much, then 2 more and they'll have to rest for 'x' number of hours. As far as RP goes, I'm not sure what I'm trying to do is viable: how can a party of 6 people realistically rest for all that time in a temple full of giants and priests that want to kill them?

Is my approach to trying to roleplay the entire scenario not going to be feasible?


  • ZyzzogetonZyzzogeton Member Posts: 526
    Use summons like Animate Dead, send them in first.

    For a single spell slot you have a way to mitigate a dozen or so points of damage. Can't remember how much HP summons have in normal mode.
  • BladesBlades Member Posts: 167
    Early game can be easily overcome with missile weapons. RPwise this game isn't BGII.
  • SpungiSpungi Member Posts: 219
    Simmons and ranged! That place is cruel... Those verbeegs pack a punch... On insane they 1 shot my poor Ranger...
  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    The_Grump said:

    how can a party of 6 people realistically rest for all that time in a temple full of giants and priests that want to kill them?

    Why I feel vanilla bards are a must for this series. Daylong naps after every fight in hostile locales bother me on an RP level. Group regen means you only rest when you need to replenish spells.
  • SpungiSpungi Member Posts: 219
    Didn't HoW make it so the regen only works in combat? Or is that iwd2?
  • TvrtkoSvrdlarTvrtkoSvrdlar Member Posts: 353

    What do you care if it's 'realistic' or not?

    Play the game and have fun! If that means resting for 90 days in an underground cavern, so be it.

    Don't let the little things take away from your enjoyment of a product you paid your hard-earned money for.
  • macomeaumacomeau Member Posts: 80
    Regeneration works all the time. I use the Bard Controlled script and keyed it to always sing once I reached level 11. By default, the script only has the bard sing during combat.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Rp wise adventurers die, and quite often.

    Surviving to level up was supposed to be a feat of skill and luck in 2e and of you had a character survive until higher levels he was treasured, respected and quickly retired before something unfortunate happened.

    Save/ reload in crpgs ruined that feeling. If you want the correct vibe then play no-reload and see how your appreciation for the game changes.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    This is what I've done when entered the Temple of the Forgotten God (and any other area): Invisibility on one party member -> Scout all the location -> Detect where all the enemies are and what are they -> Bard Song -> Haste and attack -> Chant by my cleric -> Sunscorch by my druid and Magic Missile by my mage at enemy caster -> Win
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Ranged weapons remain viable throughout the whole game.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Well of course it's unrealistic for a party to be able to rest in a temple full of enemy priests and verbeegs, just as it is unrealistic for a mere human to be able to survive a blow from a verbeeg. The game can be nonsensical in ways that some people might take for granted.
  • RedrakeRedrake Member Posts: 426
    Verbeegs (and giants in general) are best taken out by ranged weapons. Use haste on your best archer(s) (not the spell as that runs out and leaves your character fatigued, but the speed potions) and try to draw giants one after another. Don't just charge them. They can take quite a punch. Area spells like Stinking cloud, grease, web or entangle can also work wonders for keeping them in place for a ranged character to take them out.
  • The_GrumpThe_Grump Member Posts: 5
    Awesome, thanks for the feedback guys. I guess I'll stick the more serious RP'ing mainly to Baldur's Gate and NWN.

    @TvrtkoSvrdlar Normally I don't much care for realism, but I set up this party from the get-go to be more role-play centric. After the third bout of my berzerker complaining about how quickly the priest ran out of his holy magic, I realized there was probably going to be a certain disconnect I'd have to deal with if I wanted to keep the party going.
  • FrondFrond Member Posts: 121
    Like others said, I've found archers to be a huge help. Also spells like Blindness, Glitterdust, and Ray of Enfeeblement really helped while fighting the giants. Stinking Cloud + Spike Growth is also a very deadly weapon, especially if you lure the enemies down a narrow hallway, double stack Spick Growth, and hit em with a Greater Malison.
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