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New to IWD, making an all Dwarven party

I am new to IWD but not new to D&D... I have played various other games with everything from 2nd -4th set rules to play on so I kind of know what I am doing, however I do hear that IWD is a tough cookie. Being a Dwarf fan and having my main D&D character pretty much the same (Gloren Bronzebeard, Dwarven fighter, Dwarven defender if possible) but being an adventurer Gloren has never had a problem teaming up with humans, elves, gnomes, hell even a kobold once or twice giving the right circumstances... Yes I get "Bronzebeard" was not too creative or original, however I was very young when I came up with this character and I have not seen it fit to change him...

This game, having the ability to create your entire party, I want to try an all Dwarven party.... Made up of kin from Gloren's home...His brother Thorin will be with him along with his 4 cousins... I am thinking of setting it up as thus:

Bronzebeard Clan breif bio (role play): The clan's origins can be traced back to the deep shanatar or the original mithril hall. Once a noble clan the Bronzebeards became watered down with fueding and constant wars with drow and goblins... Gloren's direct family comes from a noble house born in Neverwinter which deals mainly in merchant business. Many of the Bronzebeards are delvers, looting old dungeons and mines rather than mining the loot themselves...

-Leader: Gloren Bronzebeard~ Dwarven Defender~ NG
Charismatic, strong, handsome.. adventurous for a Dwarf. He makes his living by organising parties of adventurers and finding dangerous lost caverns, dungeons or mines to loot...

-Right hand man and Brother: Thallin Bronzebeard ~ Fighter/Cleric ~ LG
Brave, cautious, sort of timid... Thallin is the counter weight of Gloren. Though he has stuck with Gloren through most of his early adventures he is often quick to warn Gloren of the many dangers that may await them.

-Advisor, Spiritual Guide: Belo Bronzebeard ~ Cleric ~LG
Old and strong in the ways of Moradin Belo is the wise advice that Gloren often seeks on not only magical devices but Ethical decisions... Gloren knows Belo has a strong Ethos and high charisma (even for a Dwarf) and is a very wise leader....

-Scout/Thief: Crimlin Bronzebeard~ Thief... or bounty hunter... some feedback? ~ NG
Never living underground Crimlin became a great tracker and archer, suffecient in the crossbow and shortbow Crimlin knows much about traps, tracking, lock picking, hunting, poison, herbal remedies and general wilderness knowledge. His strength is finding and navigating dark and deadly caves, he is a good one to bring when seeking a decent shelter in the wilderness... His ethics are not all there though, but for the right price, they can be bought.

-Beserker: Grok Bronzebeard~ Barbarian~ CG
Like most beserkers Grok is sort of over zealous, hot headed, high tempered, and quick to judge... Often with good intentions he will dismiss the law in what he thinks is the greater good.. Gloren knows his cousin Grok to be a highly able warrior...though sometimes he can be a loose cannon and get the party in trouble.

-Spy, Assasin : Bain Bronzebeard~ Assasin or shadow dancer~ TN bordering NE
Bain is the darkest of them all, one can almost be sure there is a duegar under that black hood he wears and not a Dwarf. The man is highly pessimistic thinking optimism as a weekness. Bain is morbid and infactuated with death. He welcomes it which sometimes allows him to seemingly be acting heroic, when he is simply testing his luck with fate. He takes his time and can be insanely meticulous when carrying out an assasination or when stalking an enemy and although dark, he is a good addition to any party.

So... here it is... my own Dwarven Adventure.... my fears are 1. No Wizard... hell even Thorin's group had a wizard... and 2. No bard... Both are very powerful additions to the group... I am hoping though, as Dwarves.. with 2 clerics.. I can protect myself from magic and not need to use it myself.

Anyways, any feedback is helpful.. I am buying the game tonight and hope to play it out tomorrow... I am pretty set on this party but some feedback would help.. Thanks!


  • ZyzzogetonZyzzogeton Member Posts: 526
    Clerics essentially do nearly everything a Mage needs to do.

    Which is Buff n Summon.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2014
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  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    Clangeddin would approve!

    The divine magic in IWDEE is powerful and handy. You'll be fine :)
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited November 2014
    I wouldn't take two thieves. You could go with an achery based assassin and a dual wielding fighter/thief. Alternatively, you might consider one if the lesser used fighter kits. How about a Wizard Slayer with grand mastery in crossbows? Or an axe kensai?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited November 2014
    Fardragon said:

    I wouldn't take two thieves. You could go with an achery based assassin and a dual wielding fighter/thief. Alternatively, you might consider one if the lesser used fighter kits. How about a Wizard Slayer with grand mastery in crossbows? Or an axe kensai?

    The funny thing about you mentioning Wizard Slayers and crossbows is that the description for one of the crossbows in the game (Daisy) says that it was previously used by a "mage-killer." That would be a good fit.

    Oh, and what is an "achery based assassin?" Is it a murderer from the plane of Acheron?
  • hexxactlyhexxactly Member Posts: 40
    Would be cool if there was one piece of armor/weapon that a Dwarven Cleric could use that granted +1 Constitution. Be a great way to sleep > Favor of Ilmater another party member deep in dungeons without wasting a bunch of heals or a slot on DUHM.

    Tho DUHM > sleep > FoI has been working fine. Really like the Favor of Ilmater spell. A real tide turner.
  • GlorenBronzebeardGlorenBronzebeard Member Posts: 45
    Thanks for the feedback... Fardragon.. The reason I went with 2 thieves is for 2 primary ranged units.. You mentioned a wizard slayer with a crossbow... I am interested, however the bounty hunter has the traps and lock pick that I need while my assassin is stealth and used for sneak attacks...

    If I go with the wiz slayer I feel like I am bringing another combat based character... Gloren, Grok and Thallin are going to be mainly combat... while Belo will be mostly magic.. the other 2 ranged, stealth and traps...
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    I haven't found traps very useful in IWDEE. There never seems to be an opportunity to set them. They might be of use if you maxed out hide and sneak on that character first. As for sneak attack, you don't need to be hidden to use 3rd edition sneak attack, but if you have high APR (i.e. ftr/thief) you can slaughter many goblins per turn. The ftr/thief has the added advantage of not being completely useless against the hordes of undead you spend most of your time fighting.

    I.e. you would get best results from a BH with hide, sneak and set traps, using a shortbow in combat, plus a duel wielding fighter/thief with find traps and pick locks, for sneak attacking.
  • cbarchukcbarchuk Member Posts: 322
    edited November 2014
    I'm currently using an assassin and am perplexed on whether to use sneak attack or backstab. Normally I would argue that backstab would be the way to go. But assassin's have the best sneak attack progression right out of the gate all the way into later levels. While backstab progresses at the same rate as a regular thief but maxes out eventually at X7. The only advantage here is at higher levels which I doubt you can reach in a normal game. It might require HOF mode.
    So anyhow I'm unsure how to tread here. Sneak attack seems designed more for fighter/thieves as Fardragon eluded to.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    You are quite right, outside of HoF, you would never benefit from the assassin's higher backstab multiplier, whereas they get superior sneak attack from level 4.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited November 2014
    So I decided to solo the game as an assassin. Here's what I figured out about sneak attack vs backstab:

    Generally in a large party I'd suggest using sneak attack all the time, but when I was soloing I didn't have another party member to distract the enemies while the thief sneak attacked them, so in order to hit enemies in the back I had to turn invisible, so backstab was better. However, if you decide to solo as a mage/thief or a cleric/thief, you could still use sneak attack since you could summon monsters to distract the enemies while you sneak attack them.

    Also, in my solo assassin game, I was doing septuple damage by the time I was about halfway through the Severed Hand (I was playing on insane).
  • GlorenBronzebeardGlorenBronzebeard Member Posts: 45
    So far my game has been progressing well. I play these games very slow and usually scout ahead with my BH or Assassin before bringing the rest of the regiment in. Because of this, I have already used an abudance of traps and they seem to work fine... especially agaisnt yetis and bigger creatures who hurt even my dwarven defender in meele...

    As for my assassin, I havent had to use him in meele too often... I use poison weapon and combine that with a crossbow and he is pretty deadly... Usually the poison kills or weakens the enemy before they get a chance to touch the main party. I have been toying with sneak attack and backstab a bit since I found him a strong dagger but the poison weapon + crossbow just seems boss right now..

    As for undead.. undead seem to stand no chance agaisnt my ragtag group of dwarves... my fighter/cleric and pure cleric have powerful turn abilities and undead seem to scatter so i can easily take them in small groups rather then all at once. I am sure I will get to some stronger undead who can resist my turn but as for now undead are welcomed over the living enemies...

    Its hard not having a wizard though... I always rolled with atleast one necromancer (mainly Xzar) in BG... and the first thing I always did when I encountered a large mob was blast them with horror... I am waiting for some higher level cleric spells with some good AOE properties to compensate...
  • Gulthias_AmarsonGulthias_Amarson Member Posts: 28
    I will say something terribly unpopular and suggest you take a gnome.

    Yes, I know it's not a dwarf. I love dwarves! But I love wizards just as much. And gnomes are like midget dwarves. Without the awesome beards. Or deep seated pathological love of gold. Or crippling functional alcoholism.

    Alternatively, you could snag the BG2 Tweak pack and use options that lets you remove class/race restrictions, and make yourself up a Dwarf Invoker and just be like "Thunder Blessing came early, yo."
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Nah, you really don't need an arcane caster in IWD. If I where to mod on any class it would be a Druid.
  • GlorenBronzebeardGlorenBronzebeard Member Posts: 45
    edited November 2014
    No Dwarf wizards.... and I thought about bringing a gnome... would have been a female gnome wizard... only female in the group, add a bit diversity.... but then I thought... naaahhh... So far my full cleric and fighter/cleric have been plenty of magic... especially for a Dwarf group! Dwarves dont trust them magick users.... I prefer using axes and bows anyways... much more of a raw experience...

    Plus full clerics get pretty absurd in the higher levels anyways... their spells rival a good wizard and have no armor penalty...

    I've also thought a human wizard would be a good choice too... sort of like a guide.. a gandalf sort of mythos.... but then I thought.. naaah axes, hammers, bolts and a bit of holy blessings will get this party to the end... I had my fun in BG with Xzar causing terror in my enemies with horror, then blowing them up with various fireballs...
  • cbarchukcbarchuk Member Posts: 322
    I tend to agree with using the assassin as more of ranged combatant. I'm using a halfling assassin in my current game. Assassin's don't have fantastic THACO or APR. I'm finding using sneak attack to be kind of a waste a lot of times. The damage isn't really that great especially compared to my barbarian. Now it does add the crippling strike debuff. That's pretty cool I guess but not sure if it's worth it. But with a bow and poison he becomes pretty nasty. I mean it seems weird maneuvering my 17 strength assassin, with poor THACO and 1 APR, around enemies backs to hopefully land one sneak attack. At least with backstab and stealth you get the bonus to your THACO. I don't know. I'm still testing things out. Let me know how your game goes with your assassin as well.

  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    If you use BG2Tweaks you can remove racial restrictions on classes and have that dwarven wizard.
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