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New icon for Near Infinity

argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,504
edited November 2014 in General Modding
Near Infinity uses a dated low resolution application icon practically since the very beginning of the tool. That's why I'm thinking about replacing it with a modernized version or even a completely different icon.

Since I'm not the most artistically skilled person, I'd like to ask you for ideas or samples I can use as the new application icon for Near Infinity. The icon should preferably be 64x64 pixels or larger, but at the same time it should still be recognizable at sizes of 32x32 and smaller.

This is what it currently looks like (magnified version):


To start off I'm presenting my own creation, which is a modernized version of the original (in different sizes from 128x128 down to 16x16 pixels):


I'm looking forward to your suggestions. (Edit: I have posted the same topic here.)
Post edited by argent77 on


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