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Dark side of the sword coast

saoxsaox Member Posts: 106
Is this mod available for BG EE?


  • MercilecMercilec Member Posts: 55
    After i read the description on this mod, i dont understand some thing, such as:

    1)Enhanced Original BG Quests and Encounters.
    2)Experience cap raised to 20 million.

    The first one means that the mod has done changes to the AI of the EE monsters? which means it will not be compatibly with SCS?

    Wtf is the second one ?:D
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Mercilec the first one means it enhances the game's existing quests and encounters, and the second one means the XP cap is raised from 161,000 to 20,000,000.
  • Red_CarnelianRed_Carnelian Member Posts: 91
    edited February 2017
    That link is out of date. Try this one.
  • MercilecMercilec Member Posts: 55
    edited March 2017
    hey man, is it possible to add the list with all the features that the mod contains? (old and new etc)
    Post edited by Mercilec on
  • GynsburgheGynsburghe Member Posts: 60
    I was pleasantly surprised when DSOTSC updated my world map (previous installs on v1.3 of BGEE were only usable by me with the console)... I was less elated when I couldn't get to the Forest of Forgotten Souls without a crash, from any location. I tried to Clua into the area, guessing at the code, but that also crashed the game... All the other "first quest" areas seem to accessable through the world map though. Thanks for reviving this classic mod BTW.
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    edited March 2017
    Mercilec said:

    hey man, is it possible to add the list with all the features that the mod contains? (old and new etc)

    Here is list of quests from Northern Tales & Dark Side if you want to know what Quests are in it, further details are at Baldursgatemods (mandatory to avoid bugs), but just be sure to compare which one is Darkside, and which are Northern Tales, this guide however dates back quite a bit, so there might be some outdated information.

    However I do like to know what exactly was added in the Vanilla Areas from items, and to creatures as there does not seem to be any list of specific details. I also like to know what kind spells were added as well.

    If anyone has such a list that it would be greatly appreciated.
  • Red_CarnelianRed_Carnelian Member Posts: 91
    For the latest version these are the spells that are added. Spells.ids will give you a better idea if you know how to use Near Infinity.


    These are the existing creatures that are patched in one way or another. For details you will have to look at the setup files and study them.

    AMARAN, ANDRIS, ARLIN, Bassil, BOR, BRENDA, Brunos, Coksmth, Corsone, DAVAEO, Denak, Diana, Drakar, Drasus, Drizzt, Druid3, Galdor, Gentho, Izefia, Kahrk, Kestor, Kirinh, Kobcomm, Krysti, Lasala, Laskal, Molkar, Morvin, Mulahe, Osmadi, Ragefa, Rielta, Semaj, Slythe, Stalke, Takiyah, Tazok2, Vax, Zal
  • Red_CarnelianRed_Carnelian Member Posts: 91
    These are the spells that are added. Spells.ids will give you a better idea if you know how to use Near Infinity.


    These are the existing creatures that are patched in one way or another. For details you will have to look at the setup files and study them.

    AMARAN, ANDRIS, ARLIN, Bassil, BOR, BRENDA, Brunos, Coksmth, Corsone, DAVAEO, Denak, Diana, Drakar, Drasus, Drizzt, Druid3, Galdor, Gentho, Izefia, Kahrk, Kestor, Kirinh, Kobcomm, Krysti, Lasala, Laskal, Molkar, Morvin, Mulahe, Osmadi, Ragefa, Rielta, Semaj, Slythe, Stalke, Takiyah, Tazok2, Vax, Zal, Zeela
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    edited March 2017
    Do you know if those spell components are mandatory since it's listed in the BWS setup under DTOTSC? Reason being is that I don't know if it transfers over to SoD, and then to BGEE2, I would like to avoid potential crashes.

    I take it those creatures listed are simply patched with the new spells?
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Version 1.01b doesn't install on BG:EE without SoD. For this, the patching of BDDIALOG.2DA has to be wrapped in a check for GAME_INCLUDES ~sod~:


    Also, I tried resetting my password on but no email arrived. If this is something you could help me with I'd appreciate it.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    A question concerning the Wood Elves in Bear River, especially Fey'doch. NTotSC places the Wood Elves into the custom area "Northern Forest" and uses his bow for a quest. In DSotSC for BGT, the spawning of the wood elves was disabled. In this version, it is not. Do they serve any purpose in DSotSC (other than providing an encounter)?
    I am updating NtotSC currently and it will be BG:EE compatible. Going with what I understand is original design I will disable the Wood Elves of this mod in Bear River via NTotSC, then, unless there is a good reason why I shouldn't. Other than that, the NTotSC will consider this DSotSC-EE version concerning items and spells.
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    jastey said:

    A question concerning the Wood Elves in Bear River, especially Fey'doch. NTotSC places the Wood Elves into the custom area "Northern Forest" and uses his bow for a quest. In DSotSC for BGT, the spawning of the wood elves was disabled. In this version, it is not. Do they serve any purpose in DSotSC (other than providing an encounter)?
    I am updating NtotSC currently and it will be BG:EE compatible. Going with what I understand is original design I will disable the Wood Elves of this mod in Bear River via NTotSC, then, unless there is a good reason why I shouldn't. Other than that, the NTotSC will consider this DSotSC-EE version concerning items and spells.

    I've played those two mods in the old version BGT many times. Only Fey'doch and his bow played a role on the sending demons home quest. But this never seemed to have worked too well and mostly the wood elves were just a tactical encounter. That bow quest seemed bugged to me. It's been some time so I have no further details.
    I played the two quests now in EET at least twice and it all works. The wood elves are gone, thus that area is a bit empty except for ogres and bears. The bow/demon quest works.
    So by knowing both variants, my personal impression is that the current EET mod versions have solved the problem.

    In DSotSC for BGT, the spawning of the wood elves was disabled. In this version, it is not.

    I think the EET versions and the BGEE versions of the mods are different? As far as my memory serves, the elves appeared in BGT but not in EET. Can't say for BGEE, I never played the standalone.

    Yes, it's always been a bit confusing. To me, the EET implementation seems to be how those mods should work together. But that's just a player's (customer's) view.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Thank you for the feedback - I never played with the mods before and the EET version(s) is all I know.

    I also found a bug concerning this in the EE DSotSC mod: Currently, the area is patched in a way that Laurel is replaced by Fey'doch and wood elves, same for the Ogre that is supposed to be at the fire side in Bear River. This area patching needs to be removed, as I am sure it's not the mod's intent to erase the Laurel and Ogre encounters from the game.
    Plus, the script added to Bear River adds a second Fey'doch - they are standing right next to each other.

    To fix this, in the sd-core.tpa the following has to be removed:
    COPY_EXISTING ~%BearRiver%.ARE~ ~override~
    //Change Laurel, Merchant, Orge Berserker and Hobgoblin Elite to Wood Elves
    //READ_SHORT ~0x058~ ~numActor~
    READ_SHORT ~0x054~ ~actorOff~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 2992) ~Wood Elf~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 3120) ~WELF2~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 3264) ~Wood Elf Elite~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 3392) ~WELF1_E~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 3808) ~Fey'doch~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 3936) ~FEYDOCH~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 4352) ~Wood Elf~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 4480) ~WELF3~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 4624) ~Wood Elf~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 4752) ~WELF4~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 4896) ~Wood Elf~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 5024) ~WELF2~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 5168) ~Wood Elf Elite~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 5296) ~WELF3_E~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 5440) ~Wood Elf Elite~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 5568) ~WELF2_E~

    Removing this, the script will still insert Fey'doch and the Wood Elves, moving Laurel to a place further South. Beware: The spawning of the Gibberlings (via her dialogue) will still be in the original places near the Wood Elves, which might lead to problems for PCs who want to help Laurel but not get into conflict with the Elves.

    My suggestion would be to remove the Wood Elves from DSotSC altogether, and leave them to NTotSC, as it is done for the BGT/EET version.
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    jastey said:

    Thank you for the feedback - I never played with the mods before and the EET version(s) is all I know.

    I also found a bug concerning this in the EE DSotSC mod: Currently, the area is patched in a way that Laurel is replaced by Fey'doch and wood elves, same for the Ogre that is supposed to be at the fire side in Bear River. This area patching needs to be removed, as I am sure it's not the mod's intent to erase the Laurel and Ogre encounters from the game.
    Plus, the script added to Bear River adds a second Fey'doch - they are standing right next to each other.

    To fix this, in the sd-core.tpa the following has to be removed:

    COPY_EXISTING ~%BearRiver%.ARE~ ~override~
    //Change Laurel, Merchant, Orge Berserker and Hobgoblin Elite to Wood Elves
    //READ_SHORT ~0x058~ ~numActor~
    READ_SHORT ~0x054~ ~actorOff~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 2992) ~Wood Elf~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 3120) ~WELF2~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 3264) ~Wood Elf Elite~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 3392) ~WELF1_E~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 3808) ~Fey'doch~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 3936) ~FEYDOCH~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 4352) ~Wood Elf~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 4480) ~WELF3~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 4624) ~Wood Elf~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 4752) ~WELF4~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 4896) ~Wood Elf~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 5024) ~WELF2~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 5168) ~Wood Elf Elite~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 5296) ~WELF3_E~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 5440) ~Wood Elf Elite~
    WRITE_ASCII_TERMINATE (~%actorOff%~ + 5568) ~WELF2_E~

    Removing this, the script will still insert Fey'doch and the Wood Elves, moving Laurel to a place further South. Beware: The spawning of the Gibberlings (via her dialogue) will still be in the original places near the Wood Elves, which might lead to problems for PCs who want to help Laurel but not get into conflict with the Elves.

    My suggestion would be to remove the Wood Elves from DSotSC altogether, and leave them to NTotSC, as it is done for the BGT/EET version.
    Just to confirm - in the EET setup there is a custom area Northern Forest used for the mod contents. Nothing is tweaked in the Bear River. Bear River only has the Vault (other mod interacting with those other two) have a guy positioned on the island in the river. This doesn't interfere with vanilla contents in any way.

    The wood elves in Bear River is something I remember only from one of my earliest installs of a modded original BG1 (before BGT days even). Looks like that BGEE version of the mods went back to those old versions maybe? This may have been almost 15 years ago since I saw that Bear River setup and it was a bug even then.
  • verlaineverlaine Member Posts: 47
    I play EET with North Tales interim. There is Northern Wood and Northern Forest. First gets visible on worldmap when you travel north from Zombie Farm or other north area. Second only comes to map when you get the bow quest. Nothing in Bear River but Laurel quest didn't work, must be other reason.
    I think nothing is wrong with EET mods, agree with @PaulaMigrate .
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Northern Wood is from NTotSC, there Fey'doch and the Wood Elves should be. I don't know which mod adds an area called Northern Forest. Not DSotSC (EET), as far as I can see.
    I agree that the BGT/EET version is more advanced. (From coding aspect, too.) I don't know why there would be several mod versions, either. The effort put into turning the BG1 version into BG:EE version could have spent to make one mod for all platforms - like I do for NTotSC currently. But I guess it's not fair saying this now, as the BG:EE version was worked on starting in 2014 or so.
  • verlaineverlaine Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2017
    jastey said:

    Northern Wood is from NTotSC, there Fey'doch and the Wood Elves should be. I don't know which mod adds an area called Northern Forest. Not DSotSC (EET), as far as I can see.
    I agree that the BGT/EET version is more advanced. (From coding aspect, too.) I don't know why there would be several mod versions, either. The effort put into turning the BG1 version into BG:EE version could have spent to make one mod for all platforms - like I do for NTotSC currently. But I guess it's not fair saying this now, as the BG:EE version was worked on starting in 2014 or so.

    Sorry, I mixed that, it's Wood of the Dead and Northern Wood. And Northern Citadel.
    So you do a new version for EET? Why not make the interim to permanent? It's working fine all along and is balanced with XP and items for EET? And DSotSC is also perfectly fine in EET, all old bugs gone.
    May not be working backwards for old games, I don't know.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited October 2017
    Ah, yes, these are areas from NTotSC.
    The NTotSC interim version is very restrictively designed to work for EET alone. k4thos already started on an EET+BGT version a while back, and I am finishing this one plus adding BG:EE support. It's one package with all fixes included (no longer mod + fixpackage), and also nerfed items with item rebalancing by Vlar. The coding is up-to-date, no files are being overwritten, the journal system uses UNSOLVED/SOLVED entries. The quests are less restrictive in the order they have to be done (except the main onces, you still get send to Northern Citadel by Duke Eltan and also won't find the Cult of the Black Hand before dealing with the cultists in Ulgoth's Beard). You don't get into "has nothing to say to you" situations of Quest characters. The new version will also have bugs fixed, and a lot of them. And since the question arises occationally: I also went through the interim version to see what fixes where applied there.
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    jastey said:

    Ah, yes, these are areas from NTotSC.
    The NTotSC interim version is very restrictively designed to work for EET alone. k4thos already started on an EET+BGT version a while back, and I am finishing this one plus adding BG:EE support. It's one package with all fixes included (no longer mod + fixpackage), and also nerfed items with item rebalancing by Vlar. The coding is up-to-date, no files are being overwritten, the journal system uses UNSOLVED/SOLVED entries. The quests are less restrictive in the order they have to be done (except the main onces, you still get send to Northern Citadel by Duke Eltan and also won't find the Cult of the Black Hand before dealing with the cultists in Ulgoth's Beard). You don't get into "has nothing to say to you" situations of Quest characters. The new version will also have bugs fixed, and a lot of them. And since the question arises occationally: I also went through the interim version to see what fixes where applied there.

    That clarifies a lot of things with all those versions around.

    I have recently saved Keelor in Wood of the Dead and later met him in Beregost. He has a lot of information for Sandrah in my party. She was already commenting on that orc grave up there. From my last playthrough I know there is a lot of interaction between the two mods and NTotSC is on list of mod required for Sandrah. Is that also the case for the new version?
  • verlaineverlaine Member Posts: 47
    I found much more:
    There is lot of Sandra action in the General's tomb. And later there is new quest in the hidden temple with the dark priests. There is complete story of what happened on Fields of Dead and why it matters for the hero's story.
    There is also the battle with a demon at the graveyard of Citadel when you help the man in the temple by Ducal Palace before .
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I've seen people mention a BGEE version several times and I was wondering if this mod works with BGEE + SoD?
  • Red_CarnelianRed_Carnelian Member Posts: 91
    Yes the Mod is compatible with SOD. However it is still in a beta state although it is stable. You can download the MOD from here;sa=view;down=197

    Thanks for the BGEE refernce Jastey I will implement that and try and get the next version complete by Christmas.

    I suggest messaging Com_Solaufein in this forum if you are having issues login into the Com Site.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Good to know, thanks.
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    I had some trouble installing that with BWS, had to pause the installation and do a manual install as BWS didn't recognise it.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @Red_Carnelian Thank you. What would be your suggestion concerning the Fey'doch doubling with NtotSC?

    @PaulaMigrate Not yet, but I hope Roxanne will switch to the new version as it was intended. But the new version comes with some changes coding-wise which need adjustment and new testing for Sandrah, too, before the two mods will work together.
  • verlaineverlaine Member Posts: 47
    jastey said:

    @Red_Carnelian Thank you. What would be your suggestion concerning the Fey'doch doubling with NtotSC?

    @PaulaMigrate Not yet, but I hope Roxanne will switch to the new version as it was intended. But the new version comes with some changes coding-wise which need adjustment and new testing for Sandrah, too, before the two mods will work together.

    There is much need for other mods to switch, too. Vault and many NPCs and Dark Side all must work again with new version.
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    When will the new version of Ntotsc come out?
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    I am writing the documentation, after that I will announce the version for testers here in the BG:EE fourm.
  • Red_CarnelianRed_Carnelian Member Posts: 91
    I think the best thing to do is remove the wood elves altogether from DSotSC and let NTotSC handle the implementation. As it has a quest it seems the better option. I'll disable it for the next release.
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