Return To Menzoberranzan - 1994 SSI game Reboot on IWDEE engine

Some info:
I am opening this thread just as teaser for my new project, and it's open for discussion
As you know I'm currently working on Frostwood GUI for IWDEE and Wood GUI For BG:EE, so this project is on wait until they are done !
I have learned a lot from Infinity engine so far, and I'm preparing a special treat for you!
After I am done with those GUI modification (I hope it will be done by the end of the year) , i have prepared a new project, (older AD&D gamers will love what i am preparing)
Project will include new ui, new setting, new areas, new updated assets, new graphics, and ofc new/old story

I have done some assets, scripting & 2D/3D graphic so far for this project

Now back to frostwood creation...

So.... what is in plan for this project so far??
Story - Done, but it need to be tweakedNPC/PC Portraits - They have to be redrawn to HD from 1990's Pixel art
Buildings - 50+ unique HD buildings rendered from 3D to isometric 2D (exterior & detailed interior)
Terrain(landmass) - New unique 3D terrain rendered to isometric 2D
Trees & Flora - New HD trees,flora & mushrooms rendered from 3D to isometric 2D
GUI - New GUI interface, with new GUI sounds
New HD FX - Only for bad ones from Vanilla engine like fire, etc...
New Areas - Yes ~20 main areas (not counting sub areas & buildings)
New HD WorldMap - Yes
New Audio Dialogs - Perhaps, but not possible yet at this project stage, unlikely....
New Music - Perhaps (need to be redone from original midi samples)
New Movies - Yes
New Items - Yes (if needed)
New Spells - Yes (if needed)
New Weapons - Yes (if needed)
New Classes - No
New Playable Races - Yes
New Enemies - Yes
Minsc & Boo?? - No

Hours of awesome roleplaying - Yes

So far i have done some 2D & 3D concept art for Areas, Buildings, Gui, Terrain Landmass, Trees & Flora, Spell & FX animations,as a test, and i think i can handle all the 2D/3D graphics for this project.
(I will need help with NPC portraits redesign)
Expect first alpha gameplay trailer in a few months
For now this project is on Hold,and only concepts are being made....
I have 2 more small projects to finish before i can start this project!!
Please be patient this is not a small project
Yes i know this is pretty ambitious project, but i have free time to do it....
For now this project is on Hold,and only concepts are being made....
I have 2 more small projects to finish before i can start this project!!
Please be patient this is not a small project
Yes i know this is pretty ambitious project, but i have free time to do it....
Keep calm and roll a d20 
Post edited by Soulmarine on
Maybe now we speak in this thread with the future Beamdog developer.
@Soulmarine If you need help modding (you know creating items or other time consuming work) I and others can help.
At some time of development i will need some help and i will have mod recruitment for this project announced in this thread.
At this stage of development 2 people are working on this.
For now this project is on Hold,and only concepts are being made....I have 2 more projects to finish before i can start this project!!
More info soon
Update: First things first... MOD GAME LAUNCHER
I have created Game Launcher for Infinity Engine Mods.(Currently it is working only for my mod, but later i have plan to expand it for any IE game or mod)
It is in early stage of development, and for now it only Load Vanilla IWDEE game, my RTM Mod,
and it reads Html newsfeed in left part of the Window from my Server...
Next Stage of development is automated mod update and mod web install from my server through this Launcher....
Install is very simple, just put it in your IWDEE game folder
Why is this mod launcher so important for my mod?? - It will not interfere with IWD:EE vanilla files or your custom IWD:EE mods, making my RTM mod as independent as possible....(a step closer to standalone)
(yes you still must have latest IWD:EE installed)
this is vanilla stock UI graphics, i will replace it with my at later Launcher updates
I will record Launcher with Fraps some time later
Yea, was playing (studying it) through Dosbox.... it works like a charm.
For now this launcher will support only my Mods, but i will release Launcher Source Files to public some time in future.
Unfortunately, none of the original assets will not be used in this project (because of the Copyright Ownership), so everything will and must be created from scratch.
For the Audio Dialogs, as I said in project info, perhaps, but not possible yet at this project stage, unlikely....i will need a lot of voice actors, so dialogs for now will be text only....
It would be nice to have some pro Voice acting ingame, but i'm afraid it is not possible.......yet....
For the Original music, i am currently looking for some professional to remaster original midi files...So, you can expect remastered and new music..
To answer your question, no. I liked both Ravenloft games, but not Menzoberranzan. But I'm sure there are enough fans here to warrant a remake
So what it does when you put it in your IWDEE folder & run it?
1.On start or "Update menzoberranzan".. it download/update latest RTM:EE to override_rtm folder
when you press"play menzoberranzan"
2.It checks for current override folder, if exists, it rename it to override_iwdee
3.It renames override_rtm to override
4.It start the game
when you press"play icewind dale"
2.It checks for current override folder, if exists, it rename it to override_rtm
3.It renames override_iwdee to override
4.It start the game
When you run app there will be fresh news/update log on left side that are loaded from my server
Current app version is hardcoded for my mods only , but i will release in the future version with external config file so you can use this (for your projects) for any infinity engine game & mod
Current Launcher is 100% done & was easy to create this app
I will not release this launcher , until i have working alpha of RTM:EE, and i must add external config support and savegame (same as override case) support to it.
I hope this info helps.
I also had two other Forgotten Realms name but I don' t remember their names. The one with the mummy and the other with the vampire.
Stone Prophet I could finish but got stuck in some castle in Strahd's Possession.
The thirst is real!