Number reference question

On the inventory menu, where they have the list of numbers, in various shaped boxes. The upper most one, for Khalid, is at 1, then I give him the fists of the brawler, and it goes to -1, his dex goes from clean 16, to red 18.
What significance is that 1 to -1, and why is his dex going in the red?
What significance is that 1 to -1, and why is his dex going in the red?
So red, is not a negative marker. ?
-# = towards a positive reason. ?
Red on a stat simply means something (an item or spell) is changing that stat. That could be a beneficial or harmful change.
But now, with 40 years of accumulated modifications, and 10s or 100s of millions of players familiar with a certain basic structure of play for the widest spread role playing game system in the world, you are kind stuck with accepting the core numerics the way they are - or choosing to play another game & game system altogether.
the game will roll a 20 sided die to see if you hit
Thac0 - AC = roll required to hit
a roll of 20 is always a hit and a roll of 1 is always a miss
you only really need what elminster said though