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[Not An Issue] Trials of the Luremaster

sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
edited November 2014 in IWD:EE Bugs (v1.4.0)
So this is the first time I've ever played trials of the luremaster, and now I am stuck and I can't possibly continue, I looked at walkthroughs telling me what I should so and I didn't do it in the order they told me, so now I have all 4 tales that you are supposed to put in the coffins in that one dungeon, but I finished that earlier and now I can't get access to it because the hand of helm is gone and now I cant progress through the game, at this point it looks like the only way I can continue is to activate the cheats ( which I don't know how to do with this game) and summon in another one of those helm symbols, does anyone out there know what I can do to fix this?
Post edited by Jalily on


  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    edited November 2014
    you can't get back into the watchknight crypt? thats odd
    to activate the console paste
    'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',
    into the baldur.ini file after INSERT INTO options ROWS (
    then ctrl+space will open the console
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    unfortunately i can't find the code for the helm symbol on the internet
    hopefully someone else will either know or find an alternative solution
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    actually i've figured out a way
    open the console ant type in
    this should put you into the crypt allowing you to complete the quest
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    awesome, thanks @wubble‌ that worked perfectly, now I can actually continue on, although they should still look into that incase that happens to someone else though
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    Glad I could help
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    @sarevok57‌ do you have a save at the point where you noticed the issue that you could zip & attach please.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    @Gate70 unfortunately no, after wubble's help I was able to continue on and now im in the castle interior, and also im about 700 km away from that save file now and probably wont be back for 2 or 3 weeks
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    Closing due to lack of save/reproducibility.
This discussion has been closed.