Alveus Custom Soundset mod

As the title said, this is a soundset for IWDEE. I made this using the video series Icewind Dale Survival Rules featuring Mark Meer.
Big thanks goes to @Cuv for his customization mod (, actually i just edited that one a little bit, so he did the hard work for me.
And thanks to @Luigirules too, for his excellent tutorial:
Oh, and thanks to @Drugar for the idea!
This is my first mod, so constructive remarks are welcome!
For using this extract the zip file in your main IWDEE directory and run install_alveus_customsound.bat
Edit: here dropbox link:
Edit: Thanks for @smeagolheart this now compatible with BGEE and BG2EE. You can grab enhanced Alveus soundset as the part of loliensSoundsets here:
As the title said, this is a soundset for IWDEE. I made this using the video series Icewind Dale Survival Rules featuring Mark Meer.
Big thanks goes to @Cuv for his customization mod (, actually i just edited that one a little bit, so he did the hard work for me.
And thanks to @Luigirules too, for his excellent tutorial:
Oh, and thanks to @Drugar for the idea!
This is my first mod, so constructive remarks are welcome!
Edit: here dropbox link:
Edit: Thanks for @smeagolheart this now compatible with BGEE and BG2EE. You can grab enhanced Alveus soundset as the part of loliensSoundsets here:
Post edited by lolien on
The thing I (and I'm sure many others) wanted so much as soon as I read a tweet about Mark being in the Beamdog's office and "recording something".
In BGEE, we have a male 5 voice by Mark Meer. In IWDEE we now have it by this mod.
Will download and install as soon as I get home.
Edit: OP attachment updated
-It's like cousin Cadiana told me.
-Hahhah! Wands, i just love them!
-Don't be a James!
-I call that adventuring smarter, not harder.
Link in the OP!