Mod request: not so random drops

in IWD:EE Mods
Can something be done so it works with EE, please? Because right now it doesn't, which is a shame.
Can something be done so it works with EE, please? Because right now it doesn't, which is a shame.
in that case the big boss orcs would own the Dachas and the rest would be all carrying turnips to make soup with.
"Are we there yet?"
Well, I need to refresh my memory with the obscure WeiDU first.
I'm thinking just replacing every random treasure with associated items and let players decide which to keep. If possible, the mod will output a list so they would know what items were generated.
The task is not so difficult but I need to overcome my natural lazyness.
For the moment, I'm playing with WeiDU 2DA patching options. Learning much in the process!
There are included macros/functions called DELETE_AREA_ITEM and ADD_AREA_ITEM that will quicken the work. It will be about writing another function like HAS_AREA_ITEM so I can know what random treasure must be deleted and so what items must replace it. I also need to determine the relevant containers. I predict I'll spend much more time than I want debugging the code or getting the WeiDU syntax right.
My story is I've played IWD some yars ago, then I played more of it with random drops turned off via IWD tweaks, then bought EE, and couldn't play and have fun without random drops off
I am so thankful for the response, keep up good work!
I'm making good progress. Today, I learned how to use the GET_OFFSET_ARRAY patch. In the process, I came to understand how arrays work in WeiDU. Now, thanks to this useful kind of function, I can successfully retrieve all item references of all containers in areas.
Now, I'm moving to the part where I compare these references to those contained in the rndtres.2da. All in all, I think it shouldn't be too long before a first working version.
"Friendly Random Drops
One of IWD's funner aspects can also be one of its most frustrating: random drops. Various chests and creatures will pick an item from a list of posibilities once you enter their area, making certain powerful and unusual items unavailable in a given game--a common frustration is missing elven chain mail for bards. This component gives players some control over this process by letting them select from one of three options:
- Re-Randomize on Reload - This option simply re-picks the random item whenever you reload or revisit an area, so you can stand beside a chest and mash quickload.
- Choose Your Drop - The random items are replaced with tokens, which can be immediately exchanged for your choice of an item from the original table.
- Exchange with Merchants - This component will have the normal random drops when you travel through the world, but adds a merchant in Kuldahar and one in Lonelywood (if HoW is installed). These merchants will allow you to exchange your items for another item in the table--for a commission, of course."
and it was awesome
- unzip contents of attached file into relevant folder (mine is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition\Data\00798) that is where icewind.exe is located
- double click setup-abel_unrandomizer.exe
- install
There are still a few things to do:
- some random treasures give projectiles; quantity seems to vary; I've set it to the highest number I've seen (20) but some give less
- list of generated items for each area and container
- code needs cleanup and commentaries
I'll try and do that for the next version. Now I can rest... and eat!
I will try it tommorow to see how well is it working
I want just ask how exactly you resolved the problem of random drops?
Is it like "Re-Randomize on Reload" or are there all of the random drops possible in each container, or you choosen one you like too appear?
The mod adds every item in containers so you'll be able to loot them all, keep one or more if you want!
I've started a new game and I realise I didn't take into account creatures random drops
I could work on a 'hotfix' just for this. I have the code for containers so it shouldn't be too difficult to achieve.
Also, regarding the list, I'm thinking about creating some notes for each treasure with items generated and their quantity. It's a bit more difficult to code than a text file but it can be read in game and more importantly in location.
Edit: version 1.1 for creatures ready! Sadly, I had to exclude some random treasures because generated items wouldn't fit inventory. They're all projectiles, gems, or normal/fine weapons. So, you won't lose anything important.
Indeed, I finished a run ad this problem arises. Random items thus generated appear at the bottom of containers but in some cases it's hard to distinguish.
That's why I was thinking about the notes. Your first idea is interesting.
I'm more skeptical about the second one since there are many random treasures (around 90 from memory) and it really wouldn't be convenient to ask for that much input on the user's side.
Until there's more interest in this mod though, I don't intend on spending additional time on it for the moment.
I tried your version and checked the first chest in the cave of Easthaven. It has all the items from the random loot. Of course I only take one. Thanks!
Is there an instance where there's 1 item from the random loot table and also another item? If that's true, I would be missing on some items. I guess i'll have to print a list of the random loot and check it. Thanks again.
If you intend to only take one of the random drops, then you should install Tweaks from CamDawg. It handles it better than my mod, I think.
There's only ever one item that randomely appears from a treasure. But some random treasures are used several times in the game (the minor ones).
And yes, I saw @CamDawg 's mod, but apparently it only works with the original IWD, not the EE one. Has that changed?
Treasure lists:
Newest Tweaks mod: