"Random Treasures of Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition" [Complete List by @CamDawg / #workinprogress]
Easthaven & Kuldahar Pass:
1. Easthaven [AR 1000] - Goblin Elite [2870 , 2425]:
[ 1 / 4 ]

2. Cave of Orcs [AR 1201] - Northern Chest [390 , 600]:
[ 1 / 5 ]

3. Kuldahar Pass: Ruined Mill [AR 2004] - Uligar [130 , 160]:
[ 1 / 5 ]

The Vale of Shadows:
4. The Vale of Shadows: 2nd Crypt [AR 3101] - Sarcophagus [695 , 135]:
[ 1 / 4 ]

5. The Vale of Shadows [AR 3000] - Yeti Chieftain [1965 , 1380]:
[ 1 / 5 ]

6. The Vale of Shadows: Temple of Myrkul [AR 3301] - Therik [570 , 700]:
[ 1 / 5 ]

7. Kresselack's Tomb: 1st lvl [AR 3501] - Mummy's Sarcophagus [1845 , 950]:
[ 1 / 4 ]

8. Kresselack's Tomb: 2nd lvl [AR 3502] - Pedestal Tomb [600 , 785]:
[ 1 / 6 ]

9. Kresselack's Tomb: 3rd lvl [AR 3503] - Kresselack's Resting Place [280 , 450]:
[ 1 / 6 ]

Temple of the Forgotten God:
10. Temple of the Forgotten God: 1st lvl [AR 3601] - Lower Chest [445 , 1655]:
[ 1 / 10 ]

11. Temple of the Forgotten God: 1st lvl [AR 3601] - Middle Chest [475 , 1385]:
[ 1 / 7 ]

12. Temple of the Forgotten God: 2nd lvl [AR 3602] - Chest II *SW* [1400 , 1650]:
[ 1 / 4 ]

13. Temple of the Forgotten God: 2nd lvl [AR 3602] - Chest III *NE* [1350 , 670]:
[ 1 / 4 ]

14. Temple of the Forgotten God: 2nd lvl [AR 3602] - Chest IV *SE* [1840 , 1530]:
[ 1 / 4 ]

Dragon's Eye:
15. Dragon's Eye: 1st lvl [AR 4001] - Right Chest [505 , 815]:
[ 1 / 5 ]

16. Dragon's Eye: 1st lvl [AR 4001] - Snake Statue [2980 , 420]:
[ 1 / 6 ]

17. Dragon's Eye: 3rd lvl [AR 4003] - Presio's Package [3110 , 1900]:
[ 1 / 7 ]

18. Dragon's Eye: 4th lvl [AR 4004] - Cabinet [2580 , 760]:
[ 1 / 4 ]

19. Dragon's Eye: 5th lvl [AR 4005] - 2nd Treasure Chest [375 , 180]:
[ 1 / 7 ]

20. Dragon's Eye: 5th lvl [AR 4005] - Yuan-ti Champion [3270 , 2480]:
[ 1 / 4 ]

21. Dragon's Eye: 5th lvl [AR 4005] - "Bleeding Room": Right Chest [1280 , 340]:
[ 1 / 2 ]

22. Dragon's Eye: 5th lvl [AR 4005] - Yxunomei's Chest V [2970 , 270]:
[ 2 / 10 ~ may double! ~ ]

Severed Hand - Main Tower:
23. Main Tower: 1st floor *W* [AR 5001] - Hole [600 , 1730]:
[ 1 / 3 ]

24. Main Tower: 2nd floor *W* [AR 5002] - Pile of Chairs [1520 , 390]:
[ 1 / 2 ]

25. Main Tower: 3rd floor *W* [AR 5003] - Orc Chieftain [970 , 850]:
[ 1 / 3 ]

26. Main Tower: 3rd floor *W* [AR 5003] - Pile of Chairs *2 [620 , 1250]:
[ 1 / 3 ]

27. Main Tower: 3rd floor *E* [AR 5003] - Serrated Skeleton [2300 , 760]:
[ 1 / 4 ]

28. Main Tower: b/a 2nd floor *E* [AR 5002] - Pile of Chairs *3 [2640 , 1860]:
[ 1 / 2 ]

29. Main Tower: b/a 1st floor *E* [AR 5001] - Severed Soul [2420 , 1800]:
[ 1 / 4 ]

30. Main Tower: b/a 1st floor *E* [AR 5001] - Pile of Chairs *4 [2640 , 1140]:
[ 1 / 3 ]

Severed Hand - Seldarine Towers:
31. Solonor Tower: 2nd floor [AR 5202] - Cleric's Chest [790 , 540]:
[ 1 / 3 ]

32. Solonor Tower: 3rd floor [AR 5203] - Shadowed Elven Priest [620 , 390]:
[ 1 / 4 ]

33. Solonor Tower: 3rd floor [AR 5203] - Podium Chest [680 , 420]:
[ 1 / 3 ]

34. Corellon Tower: 1st floor [AR 5301] - Pile of Chairs [940 , 350]:
[ 1 / 3 ]

35. Corellon Tower: 3rd floor [AR 5303] - Officer's Chest [850 , 500]:
[ 1 / 3 ]

36. Shevarash Tower: 1st floor [AR 5401] - Kaylessa [550 , 550]:
[ 1 / 4 ]

37. Labelas Tower: 3rd floor [AR 5104] - 2nd Table [320 , 320]:
[ 1 / 3 ]

38. Orrick the Gray - Reward for the "Mythal Theory" [AR 2102] [360 , 180]:
[ 1 / 3 ]

Special Thanks goes to @CamDawg for providing a complete list of treasures . .
Thank You! 
Post edited by Rodrian on
in chapter 1 under vale of shadows in "crypt IV" your potion of transference is labeled incorrectly, you have it giving:
+1 dexterity
+1 charisma
when I believe it is:
+1 charisma
-1 dexterity
I will fix it as soon as I get back to my PC (mobile at work RN
[EDIT:] @sarevok57 Done..
Again, let me know if there are any mistakes!
(Next stop - Dragon's Eye.. That's gonna take a while
Just not to "have to save scum to reload and potentially change the randomized item" install the https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/48165/testers-wanted-tweaks-is-dead-long-live-tweaks#latest: the Friendly Random Drops component. Choose one from 3 options:
- Re-Randomize on Reload - This option simply re-picks the random item whenever you reload or revisit an area, so you can stand beside a chest and mash quickload.
- Choose Your Drop - The random items are replaced with tokens, which can be immediately exchanged for your choice of an item from the original table.
- Exchange with Merchants - This component will have the normal random drops when you travel through the world, but adds a merchant in Kuldahar and one in Lonelywood (if HoW is installed). These merchants will allow you to exchange your items for another item in the table--for a commission, of course.
I would like to remind you, old man, that you were the one who got drunk under the "Root", and forgot to refill our supplies properlyHaa! And NOT TO MENTION, that darn Dragon's Hole is not so *empty* as you said it will!
"... urm anyways.. I would like to welcome and ask, since you are also here young Master @CamDawg, if you could provide me with one of your own official lists of Random Treasures, which seems obvious, you had to use while creating one of your remarkable modifications? I had a real pleasure to become familiar with your creations about our *forever cursed* common interest, and thought that we could exchange some insights.. and would speed up everything ^^
It is also delightful to see one of your succesors, @Abel 'glad you joined us!
Bonus - about future entries:
Before I will ever wrap myself to the Severed Hand again, the Great Council of Kuldahar had asked me to take their ward with me to that haunted place. I'm not exactly sure why, she is supposedly known here as a "Daughter of Council", "The Great Future of Infinity",
and as the Shaman . . ?
So yeah.. Thank you all for your support!
@Rodrian - get. to. work."
Easthaven (prologue) - missing caravan - cave of orcs (ar1201) - Chest (468, 692)
Kuldahar Pass - Mill - entrance (ar2004) - Uligar (195, 200)
Orrick the Grey's tower - study (ar2102) - Orrick's reward for the Mythal book
Vale of Shadows - yeti cave (ar3001) - Lysan (474,402)
Vale of Shadows - minor tomb (ar3101) - Sarcophagus (806,194)
Vale of Shadows - minor tomb (ar3201) - Sarcophagus1 (1083,282)
Vale of Shadows - Temple of Myrkul (ar3301) - Therik (681, 716)
Vale of Shadows - Tomb of Kresselack - first level (ar3501) - Sarcophagus (1982, 875)
Vale of Shadows - Tomb of Kresselack - second level (ar3502) - Sarcophagus (700, 656)
Vale of Shadows - Tomb of Kresselack - third level (ar3503) - Sarcophagus (532, 468)
Temple of the Forgotten God - first level (ar3601) - Container10 (468, 1396)
Temple of the Forgotten God - second level (ar3602) - AR3602Chest2 (1372, 665)
Temple of the Forgotten God - second level (ar3602) - AR3602Chest4 (1916, 1619)
Dragon's Eye - first dungeon level (AR4001) - SnakeIdol (3092, 436)
Dragon's Eye - third dungeon level (AR4003) - Pileo'Stuff (2906, 2248)
Dragon's Eye - fourth dungeon level (ar4004) - AltarThingy (2708, 884)
Dragon's Eye - fifth dungeon level (ar4005) - Chest2 (429, 244)
Dragon's Eye - fifth dungeon level (ar4005) - Chest4 (1236, 372)
Dragon's Eye - fifth dungeon level (ar4005) - Yuan-ti Champion (3341,2524)
Severed Hand - main tower - first floor (ar5001) - Container7 (468, 1524)
Severed Hand - main tower - first floor (ar5001) - Container8 (2708, 1204)
Severed Hand - main tower - first floor (ar5001) - Severed Soul (2419, 1796)
Severed Hand - main tower - second floor (ar5002) - Container3 (1556, 436)
Severed Hand - main tower - second floor (ar5002) - Container4 (2644, 1684)
Severed Hand - main tower - third floor (ar5003) - Container1 (660, 1268)
Severed Hand - main tower - third floor (ar5003) - Serrated Skeleton (2288, 760)
Severed Hand - main tower - third floor (ar5003) - Shadowed Orc Chieftain - (2114, 648)
Severed Hand - Tower of Labelas - entrance floor (ar5104) - Container2 (468, 308)
Severed Hand - Tower of Solonor - second floor (ar5202) - Container1 (788,628)
Severed Hand - Tower of Solonor - third floor (ar5203) - Shadowed Elven Priest (619,392)
Severed Hand - Tower of Solonor - third floor (ar5203) - Container1 (724,436)
Severed Hand - Tower of Corellon - first floor (ar5301) - Container1 (980,308)
Severed Hand - Tower of Corellon - third floor (ar5303) - Container2 (916,436)
Severed Hand - Tower of Sheverash - first floor (ar5401) - Kaylessa (553,542)
Dorn's Deep - orog cave (ar6003) - Container1 (694,1937)
Dorn's Deep - Tiers of the Dead (ar6005) - Container19 (1490,94)
Dorn's Deep - Tiers of the Dead (ar6005) - Container5 (1499,1246)
Dorn's Deep - Tiers of the Dead (ar6005) - Container1 (1002,1074)
Dorn's Deep - Tiers of the Dead (ar6005) - Container16 (674,595)
Wyrm's Tooth Glacier - aquarium interior, ice salamander lair (ar7001) - Kerish (3389,996)
Wyrm's Tooth Glacier - frost giant cave (ar7004) - Joril (1193,2046)
Wyrm's Tooth Glacier - frost giant cave (ar7004) - Kontik (2635,1606)
Lower Dorn's Deep - watchtower stair (ar8002) - Kelly (195,235)
Lower Dorn's Deep - Order of the Kraken manor - first floor (ar8006) - Chest1 (404,884)
Lower Dorn's Deep - Order of the Kraken manor - second floor (ar8007) - Bureau1 (1428,308)
Lower Dorn's Deep - Malavon's lair (ar8010) - MalavonThrone (2004,372)
Lower Dorn's Deep - forge (ar8011) - Dresser (1940,2228)
Lower Dorn's Deep - forge (ar8011) - Wardrobe (1940,2228)
Lonelywood (ar9100) - Alpheus (1065,2710)
Barbarian camp (ar9200) - Container7 (3282,1288)
Sea of Moving Ice (ar9600) - Container1 (1820,1767)
Sea of Moving Ice - cave entrance (ar9601) - Container1 (1369,911)
Sea of Moving Ice - Field of Bones (ar9602) - Container1 (1014,2210)
- Ring of the Will-o-Wisp (wisp.itm)
- Mourner's Armor +4 (mourner.itm)
[/spoiler]B'BUT now, after a second glance, I'm afraid I have to point out a few mistakes to you (..and I fear that I'm only at the beginning
Again, I'm thankful for what you've done!
. . however,
"For the love of Dugmaren!"
Is there really no *official version* of this AOdamn list?
@TrentOster, @Amber_Scott, @Dee, @PhillipDaigle, @AlexT, @Troodon80, @elminster . . @Devs ?
So if you found some that means there's either been some misstep in the list generation or that the relevant files were modified (yours' or CamDawg's).
It's no trivial task to code and format such a list!
I've finally added full Dragon's Eye, will work on Severed Hand in a minute now. .
● ● ● Repost from the General questions. IWD for newbies and semiprofs thread ● ● ● EDIT:
Or maybe I need to roll the Stoutward first, before the symbol appears there?
Huh, who'd have known, it's ^ exactly ^ what needs to be done. .
saving / reloading never seemed to do a new roll sadly
[EDIT]: Also, as Julius mentioned before:
+ IWD:EE has Items' Upgrades component! ^^
If you like spoilers, you might want to check out A guide to new magic items in IWD:EE
Every time I find some new, fancy way to achieve what I want, Vanilla suddenly decides to turn that format off. . SO, yes - I will finish it. . s o m e d a y
the pictures are really well done and sets itself miles apart from other guides.
while we're at it, I would like to report that the Massive Warhammer in kresselack 2 also gives a 2 AC penalty (outrageously)
[EDIT]: huh, an actual funny thing about the hammer:
It says nothing about the AC penalty in the description:
. . but it gives me a -1 AC when I actually wield it:
it's a real downer for warhammer fans
Dying to know the loot tables for further on!
Any volunteers?
@JuliusBorisov - could it be arranged? I'm not very active lately on the forums, and I'm sure I won't be, so it seems like the best way to keep it goin. .