[Testers Wanted] Tweaks is dead. Long live Tweaks!

Introducing The Tweaks Anthology, Beta 1 2 3 4
edit: Now at beta 4
This mod originally started when a couple of friends--myself and Idobek--decided to combine their small tweak packs into a single mod, christened the G3 Tweak Pack and hosted at the (then brand-new) Gibberlings Three modding community. As Baldur's Gate Tutu gained in popularity, the G3 Tweak Pack was spun off into the Tutu Tweak Pack. As modding tools became more advanced and as conversion projects began to overlap the G3 and Tutu Tweak Packs were recombined and, with the permission of Wes Weimer, included the Ease-of-Use mod. This effort resulted in the BG2 Tweak Pack. Once again, demand caused several spin off mods--Andyr spun off the IWD and PsT Tweak Packs; the bigg created the IWD2 Tweak Pack; grogerson made the BG1 Tweak Pack; and DavidW integrated several tweaks into the IWD-in-BG2 combo fixpack/tweak pack. Once again, technology has caught up, and all of these individual projects are once again being discontinued individually and combined--hopefully for good this time--into a monolithic mod, the Tweaks Anthology.
In short, the Tweaks Anthology should run on any Infinity Engine game, from the original Planescape: Torment through the impending Siege of Dragonspear expansion for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. In the nearly 18 months since the release of BG2 Tweaks v16, I've been grabbing bits of time here and there to work on this, and I think we're now at a place where you can install the mod without your computer catching fire. In other words, it's time for beta testing.
I'll try to delineate my points of concerns on a per-platform basis in the next few posts; for now here are the relevant bits you want:
Download Beta 4: Windows | OS X | Linux
Beta 4 Changelog
edit: Now at beta 4
This mod originally started when a couple of friends--myself and Idobek--decided to combine their small tweak packs into a single mod, christened the G3 Tweak Pack and hosted at the (then brand-new) Gibberlings Three modding community. As Baldur's Gate Tutu gained in popularity, the G3 Tweak Pack was spun off into the Tutu Tweak Pack. As modding tools became more advanced and as conversion projects began to overlap the G3 and Tutu Tweak Packs were recombined and, with the permission of Wes Weimer, included the Ease-of-Use mod. This effort resulted in the BG2 Tweak Pack. Once again, demand caused several spin off mods--Andyr spun off the IWD and PsT Tweak Packs; the bigg created the IWD2 Tweak Pack; grogerson made the BG1 Tweak Pack; and DavidW integrated several tweaks into the IWD-in-BG2 combo fixpack/tweak pack. Once again, technology has caught up, and all of these individual projects are once again being discontinued individually and combined--hopefully for good this time--into a monolithic mod, the Tweaks Anthology.
In short, the Tweaks Anthology should run on any Infinity Engine game, from the original Planescape: Torment through the impending Siege of Dragonspear expansion for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. In the nearly 18 months since the release of BG2 Tweaks v16, I've been grabbing bits of time here and there to work on this, and I think we're now at a place where you can install the mod without your computer catching fire. In other words, it's time for beta testing.
I'll try to delineate my points of concerns on a per-platform basis in the next few posts; for now here are the relevant bits you want:
Download Beta 4: Windows | OS X | Linux
Beta 4 Changelog
- Make Magic Shields Glow had two bugs preventing its installation; it would halt on games without an extended color palette (e.g. non-EE games or without 1pp) and would halt on shields without any colors set, such as IWD's Lyre of Progression
- Unique Containers was supposed to be available for BGEE, but was omitted from the allowed platforms list for the component
- The werewolf paws in Shapeshifter Rebalancing now get named explicitly
- Move NPCs from Baldur's Gate will now be skipped if the SCS version of same is installed. The component will also skip NPCs already moved by similar somponents in the BG1 NPC Project, or skip the component altogether if all three have been moved already.
- Change Experience Point Cap should now work on Siege of Dragonspear
- Included workarounds for incomplete 25stweap.2da in Siege of Dragonspear and IWDEE for the various components that touch kits (Enforce PnP Proficiency Rules on Dual-Classed Characters and Expanded Dual-Class Options), though the next patches should take care of this. In general, the component should be more forgiving for incomplete files.
- Remove Racial Restrictions for Single Classes and Remove Racial Restrictions for Kits will no longer allow non-human monks. Other races do not have monk animations so the engine tends to crash during character generation. Support for shamans has been added to both.
- If Druids Use 3e Alignment Restrictions was installed after Shapeshifter Rebalancing, which is the likely install order, non-true neutral shapeshifter druids would not be able to use their symbolic paws.
- On a suggestion from Sam., the component Stores Purchase All Item Types has been added.
- Minimum Stats Cheat now lets you specify minimums for the six attributes individually.
- Friendly Random Drops needed a few more fixes
- The 'Token Genie' was undead, meaning a cleric could turn or even chunk him.
- Items with charges should now be handled in a more robust fashion
- The library for fixing kit.ids as part of should now be up to date for Expanded Dual-Class Options
- The BG and IWD variants of Alter Weapon Proficiency System should now account for racial bonuses in the EE games
- Sensible Entrance Points only modifies the Beregost entrance point for BG content on BGT games, as BGT already defines good entrances for the other areas.
- Updated Italian translation, thanks improb@bile!
- Miloch's Unique Containers mod has been added to Tweaks as a cosmetic component, including all of its original options and translations. If Add Bags of Holding is installed after it, the new bags will use the unique icons.
- Added Use Character Colors Instead of Item Colors component
- Added components Everyone Gets Bonus APR from Specialization (subtledoctor) and Enforce PnP Proficiency Rules on Dual-Classed Characters (subtledoctor) courtesy of subtledoctor
- Make Magic Shields Glow will now try to read in an appropriate glow color from the palette bitmap instead of a (limited) lookup table
- Fixed a bug with Higher HP on Level Up > NWN-Style; withdrew the Low Variance Rolls option due to the same bug
- Fixed a math error in Change Experience Point Cap > Remove Completely that caused bards and thieves to need an extra 100,000 XP to advance from level 39 to 40
- Fixed a bug with Send BioWare NPCs to an Inn where it wouldn't install on vanilla Baldur's Gate due to bad tra references (thanks Angel)
- Friendly Random Drops was failing to account for two random drops in IWDEE that are different compared to IWD+UB; the fix in beta 2 caused it to not install on vanilla IWD, which is in turn fixed (thanks to Angel again)
- The Change Avatar When Wearing Robes or Armor (Galactygon) component is being withdrawn, as One Pixel Productions has a superior solution
- Fixed bug with Commoners Use Drab Colors where commoners ended up lookng like they were made of chocolate instead
- Unique Icons was expanded to BG2 games; also fixed a bug where it was not updating helmet animations
- After discussion, Rest Anywhere was expanded into mltiple components. The main component continues to work as the original, and Disable Non-Hostile Rest Spawns and Alter Hostile Rest Spawns have been added to give players a finer grain of control.
- Friendly Random Drops could pull from the wrong table in IWDEE.
- Fixed a bug with Friendly Random Drops > Choose Your Drop where it was not accounting for Orrick's reward after you bring him the Mythal book. Also fixed the bug that would cause the Kuldahar merchant to leave after the orog attack, for real this time.
- All BAMs in the mod converted to uncompressed for better cross-platform goodness.
- Fixed a couple of bugs where Faster Chapter 1&2 Cut-Scenes & Dreams was not quite matching and replacing verything it should and Gaelan's dialogue lacked the shortcuts it was supposed to have
- Faster Chapter 1&2 Cut-Scenes & Dreams will skip adjusting the Irenicus-Cowled Wizard cutscene in the Promenade if the player has installed Extended Waukeen's Promenade Cutscene from Almateria's Restoration Project. Other cutscenes and dreams are still affected in this case.
- Fixed bug with Increase Potion Stacking where it handled items with multiple charges incorrectly; thanks argent77!
- OS X version now up to date with WeiDU v239, as the Windows version; thanks argent77 again!
- New components:
- New - Baldur's Gate Casting Graphics, Max HP at Level One, Recoverable ammunition (argent77), Recoverable throwing weapons (argent77)
- From BG1 Tweaks - Make Magic Shields Glow (plainab/grogerson), Send BioWare NPCs to an Inn (DavidW/Zed Nocear), Portable Containers (Zed Nocear), Friendly Arm Inn Hidden Container Restoration (plainab), Move NPCs from Baldur's Gate, Bardic Reputation Adjustment, Change Cloakwood Mine Chapter End Change Trigger to Non-TotSC Behavior, Paladins Use IWD-HoW Spell Progression Tables (grogerson), Rangers Use IWD-HoW Spell Progression Tables (grogerson), Druids Use 3e Alignment Restrictions, Loosen Item Restrictions for Multi- and Dual-class Clerics, Loosen Item Restrictions for Multi- and Dual-class Druids, Taerom Makes Additional Ankheg Armors (Icendoan/grogerson), Give Coran A Legal Dexterity Score of 19, and Make Xan a Generalist Mage (Mike1072)
- From IWD-in-BG2 Fixpack/Tweaks - Game ends when the main character dies; NPCs respond to the main character, not to whichever character talks to them; Make Heart of Winter accessible at any level; and Restore BG2 spells and make scrolls available, and Never lose access to Orrick the Grey's trade goods
- From IWD Tweaks - Friendly Random Drops, Restore IWD Loading Screens (icelus), and Unique Icons
- Fixed an original game bug with Alter HP Triggers for NPC Wounded Dialogues that would affect Edwin's wounded dialogue
- Fixed a bug with Gradual Drow Item Disintegration; items should have a chance to break upon use
- Improved Improved Multi-Player Kick-out Dialogues further with input from BG1 Tweaks; NPCs in BG now have more places to go when kicked out
- Gems and Potions Require Identification now uses different scales for determining lore for gems vs. potions; also capped max lore to identify at 100
- Fixed multiple bugs with Multiple Strongholds. In the No Restrictions variant, it would fail to account for the shifted clerical stronghold alignments in BG2EE. Notably, this meant no one would spawn after Gaal's speech in the Temple district. Also fixed a bug where the druid restriction was still in place, preventing the messenger who would summon you back to the Grove. Also fixed a bug where both variants could bypass the bard stronghold XP reward from Raelis for rescuing the troupe from the Planar Prison.
- Bonus Merchants (Baldurdash, Weimer) now places a little more nicely with other mods.
- Streamlined and combined code from Two-Handed Bastard Swords, Two-Handed Katanas, and Two-Handed Axes. Also fixed weapon breakage issues for BGT games.
- Change Experience Point Cap > Remove Completely should now tackle rules tables in a more robust fashion
- The armor lookup table used by Allow Stealth and Thieving Abilities in Heavy Armor per P&P, Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Armor, and Icon Improvements has been expanded with new items and now allows for individual armor values instead of trying to broadly categorize items.
- kit.ids is now properly patched as part of Expanded Dual-Class Options
- Fixed a fairly large and glaring oversight with Wear Multiple Protection Items > P&P Restrictions where the items with AC bonuses could still be worn together
- Alter Weapon Proficiency System underwent a significant revamp. Most notably, DavidW's IWD options from IWD-in-BG2 are now available, and the BG system was improved with some of the techniques from the IWD system.
- True Grandmastery is now one option in Change Grandmastery Bonuses instead of a standalone component, as a BG2 option has been added.
- Added two new options to Higher HP on Level Up: Average and Low Variance Rolls. Also adjusted NWN-style to be a little more accurate.
- Expanded and renamed Increase Ammo Stack Size, Increase Jewelry and Gem Stacks, Increase Potion Stacking, and Increase Scroll Stacking to include four options: 40, 80, 120, and unlimited (999). Increase Jewelry and Gem Stacks also covers furs, pelts, and other miscellany like bandit scalps
- Expanded Rest Anywhere to include options for disabling rest spawns.
- Fixed a bug when adding Friendly Random Drops > Wandering Merchant that would cause the Kuldahar merchant to leave after the orog attack
- Added more NPCs to the Improved Fate Spirit Summoning component
- ToB-Style NPCs should now have a more robust method of finding joinable NPCs and their creature files
- Consistent Stats: Viconia should now better adjust her spellbook to account for the gain or loss of bonus spells due to the change in wisdom
- Fixed similar issues with Make Khalid a Fighter-Mage (Domi) and Make Montaron an Assassin (Andyr); now it checks for walking speeds on non-Tutu games, better adjusts proficiencies for the alternative schemes, and now work if installed after ToB-Style NPCs
- Faster Chapter 1&2 Cut-Scenes & Dreams (Karzak, Blucher, aVENGER, Weimer) no longer overwrites scripts, which was causing a compatibility issue with BGT
- Added compatibility for EET
Post edited by CamDawg on
This discussion has been closed.
The following components are new and work on BGEE/BG2EE/IWDEE: Max HP at Level One, Recoverable ammunition (argent77), Recoverable throwing weapons (argent77), Make Magic Shields Glow (plainab/grogerson), Druids Use 3e Alignment Restrictions, Loosen Item Restrictions for Multi- and Dual-class Clerics, Loosen Item Restrictions for Multi- and Dual-class Druids.
In addition to the new components, a couple of the old ones also have new, nifty option. Alter Weapon Proficiency System has added an option for IWD-style proficiencies, so you can play IWDEE (or anything) with the old great sword/large sword/etc. setup. Higher HP on Level Up now has options for Average rolls or Low Variance rolls. You can now disable rest spawns in the Rest Anywhere component.
New components just for IWDEE: Baldur's Gate Casting Graphics, Game ends when the main character dies; NPCs respond to the main character, not to whichever character talks to them; Make Heart of Winter accessible at any level, Friendly Random Drops; and Unique Icons.
A lot of folks have been asking for Friendly Random Drops on IWDEE, so here you go. Unique Icons also helps a great deal when trying to distinguish between the dozen or so rings that use the Ring of Protection +1 graphic.
New components just for BGEE: Move NPCs from Baldur's Gate, Change Cloakwood Mine Chapter End Change Trigger to Non-TotSC Behavior, Taerom Makes Additional Ankheg Armors (Icendoan/grogerson), Paladins Use IWD-HoW Spell Progression Tables (grogerson), Rangers Use IWD-HoW Spell Progression Tables (grogerson), Give Coran A Legal Dexterity Score of 19, and Make Xan a Generalist Mage (Mike1072).
In addition, the Improved Multi-Player Kick-out Dialogues now has several options for BG destinations instead of just sending everyone to the FAI.
In addition to the ones above, BG2EE also gets Paladins Use IWD-HoW Spell Progression Tables (grogerson) and Rangers Use IWD-HoW Spell Progression Tables (grogerson).
I commited a fix for this issue to the BiG World Fixpack some time ago.
Will the proficiencies on my party members be changed to the new style? Or will I have to change them manually (and the mod will affect only further level ups)? If so, how?
Will the merchant appear and will he take items that were already found before?
Will the game remember, if the main character died?
Additional question: The EE-Keeper doesn't support non-EE proficiency system, does it, @Troodon80 ?
edit: fixed quotes
Another question: how will it behave if I use old (BG1, pre-BG2) proficiency system for BGEE thanks to this mod, and then I start BG2EE with an imported character and I want to use the new (the BG2) proficiency system? So, have I understood it right that my proficiencies in bastard swords won't count into new proficiencies of greater swords unless I change it manually?
Another issue I've noticed is that Gaelan Bayle doesn't initiate a conversation the first time you enter the Slums. He also doesn't provide any of the shortcut options from the "Faster Chapter 1&2 Cut-Scenes & Dreams" component anymore.
Some of the involved cutscenes also contain a mix of full and faster cutscene content. For example, the sequence of the Cowled Wizards in Spellhold talking about practicing their enchantment spells on Imoen is fully shown while the Irenicus part of disintegrating the wizards is from the tweaks component which results in one of the Cowled Wizards not being destroyed. The first cutscene in Athkatla's Council of Six Building is also somewhat off, although it's not as noticeable.
Could you grab baf sources for the pre-Tweaks files (cut01, cut01a-g, movie2b, movie3b-c, newgame and cut01bgt if it's BGT) in your game and email them to me? The Gaelan part is easy at least--I accidentally deleted the COMPILE of gaelan.d, and shouldn't be making changes to ar0400. That was originally from EoU and wasn't working before; guess it should have remained that way.
So, basically, it means that for the existing game, I have to first install the components, then go to the EEKepper and change proficiencies to the pre-EE ones, then run the game, wait for the level up and continue to develop proficiencies with the rules from the mod.
Also, if I used the modded proficiencies in BGEE and then imported the character to BG2EE, which doesn't have this mod component, I have to change them in the EE-Keeper to the system the Enhanced Edidions use.
Also, I'm curious, didn't we always get Max HP at Level One in BG1&2EE and IWDEE as a default? Is there any way to randomise it?
EDIT: I just confirmed again that it works, by switching my current IWD saved run, and another older save, over to BG1 weapon proficiencies. You have to be careful with your file management and double check everything carefully, though, because it's very easy to make errors while moving all those pips around in Keeper. It's all perfectly doable, though. Sorry I can't test it with the beta, but it should work the same, shouldn't it?
I would love to see more frequent monster spawns in 'dangerous' areas while resting as per @jobby 's request above.
I would also love it if summoned creatures could set off traps. In any case, glad to see an update. I'll put it through the ringer when I get a chance
For now, I think I'm going to re-organize like so
* Rest Anywhere (back to a singular component)
* Disable Non-Hostile Rest Spawns (I don't think anyone would want these changed beyond yes/no)
* Alter Hostile Rest Spawns
1) Disable completely
2) Decrease frequency by 50%
3) Increase frequency by 50%
4) Double frequency
5) Quadruple frequency
Since the spawn percentages are per-hour, quadrupling the frequency is actually pretty hard-core. For example, the basement of Nalia's Keep has a 5% day and night spawn chance, meaning you end up with a ~34% chance of an interrupted rest. Quadrupling the spawn percentage ups that chance to ~84%. We'd definitely want to cap it somewhere though. Once it hits 30% the chance for uninterrupted sleep is down to ~5%; safety on a roll of 20 on d20 seems appropriate.
Thanks for pulling these together i can't wait to play it
I also think @elminster has been looking into something like this for his "Eve of war" mod for BG1 though it may just be for the type and number of monsters spawned, not likelihood to spawn, either that or disabling resting completely in some areas, he mentions it in the "Rough World" component.
That aspect of the mod also affects the chance to rest in some of these areas (by adding to the area script) which is also influenced by difficulty level.
Let me find some time to test these a bit and then I'll probably call this Beta 2.
Edit: it looks like this was partially answered above
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It wouldn't give the IWD behavior, but it might be enough to make Player1 not feel quite so essential during combat.