My kensai sit at lvl 25 atm , dualspec it?

Hi , started bg1 with kensai/mage in mind, just completed bg2 Soa at lvl 25 kensai , has been so fun as kensai only in my soloing, now im wondering , should i dualspec it? ye ive heard all the babbling about doing it at 9 or 13 .. what if i do it now? , or even at 30 ? , gimme ur thoughts on this, gimme some tips, and if u have dualspecced it later then 13 u are more then welcome too share ur opinions. my goal is bg1 all the way too icewind .
flamers be gone .
flamers be gone .
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With very impressive to hit and to damage bonuses your kensai will reap apart everything in several rounds.
Moreover, without removing XP cap of 8 000 000, you won't be able to get your kensai levels back if you dual now.
The general consensus of dualling a kensai to a mage at early levels is based on the fact of using the character as a fighting mage (a person with magical protections who kills things). But such a high-level kensai as yours uses fighter abilities to the fullest.
i mean , ofc i play bg1, bg2 ice wind dale . (importing character ) .... minmax to cap . nothing else . sigh*
*casuals stay casuals , iq under 60 move on . flamers be gone .
Make sure to delete any back-up savegames and autosaves before you dual you're kensai. Let us know how the dual class works out for you. lol
Edit: If you really wanted to dual you might try Shadowkeeper. Otherwise I wouldn't advise it.
GLHF all with ur full cleric party . tryhards. bb. be proud guys. mid 30s prolly playing clicker games. gg
L2P. QFT. |\|()()|3. kkthxbai
L33t enough for you, kid?
Obvious troll is obvious