Well, hello there
Since I never took advantage of the new members area when I was actually new and since I've been away for a while, this seems like as good a time as any for greetings, salutations, well mets, and assorted other hello type comments.
Oh, and don't forget to check out my site: http://www.im-totally-not-a-hacker-looking-to-scam-you.com/checkitout/sweet/moneymaking/allmajorcreditcardsaccepted
Oh, and don't forget to check out my site: http://www.im-totally-not-a-hacker-looking-to-scam-you.com/checkitout/sweet/moneymaking/allmajorcreditcardsaccepted
I remeber how you started from simple comments on @Lemernis 's thread and now when you're not here for several days, you're missed already!
kcwise ... the only Carsomyr who used 3 tomes of Wisdom
P.S. Am I the only one who actually clicked on the link kswise posted ?:D