[iOS] Should not be possible to lose the Sanctum key for Kesselack's tomb
I was in the tomb, had the Sanctum key in my inventory, but not the Gate Key.
While standing at the gate, I was trying to figure out of the Sanctum key unlocked the first gate.
I tried to put the Sanctum key on the ground, but it disappeared from my inventory.
+ it is not on the ground in the tomb.
+ it is not back in the treasure chest where I found it.
+ I double checked the inventory of my other characters and every vendor in the zone, no one has the key.
Now I am stuck and cannot continue playing.
While standing at the gate, I was trying to figure out of the Sanctum key unlocked the first gate.
I tried to put the Sanctum key on the ground, but it disappeared from my inventory.
+ it is not on the ground in the tomb.
+ it is not back in the treasure chest where I found it.
+ I double checked the inventory of my other characters and every vendor in the zone, no one has the key.
Now I am stuck and cannot continue playing.
First things first before we go through a "recovery", have you tried using the "hint" key on the iPad to see items left on the ground? Keep in mind if you're not standing on top of them they won't show up in the "ground items" window...you can't just be "near" something, you have to be on it.
With key's being tiny objects, you may just be missing it on the ground. On the lower right column of buttons is a Magnifying Glass kind of button. Tapping that once will turn on "hints": Character / NPC names will appear over the top of the heads of Creatures and your PCs and (more importantly) any objects you can interact with will highlight on screen. For really really small objects it's sometimes easier to tap the hint button on and off a few times so that the item will "flash", which will help you locate it. Another piece of advice: Move your characters slightly away from where you think you dropped the item: A character standing on the item or too close to the item may obscure it, even with the hint button on.
Didn't work? Ok.
Assuming you cannot go back to a prior save where you have the key, I can be a little help here. (If you can go back, you may want to do so as this might take a little while to get the info we need to fix this).
The intent is going to be to get the game to a system where we can use the console and then console in the key so it's back in your inventory, then load the game back onto your iPad.
This is easier if you have access to one of the desktop versions of the game, but if not we can still help.
Your first order of business is to download your saved game off your iPad, since the iPad can't do much with it (no access to the developer's console).
We'll go with short instructions first, if you need more in depth help, please let us know.
You're looking for a program called "iFunBox"...do a google search for it. There's a "classic" version which is what I recommend but any of the versions available will get you what you need.
Connect your iDevice to iTunes once (so that the device is recognized by the OS you have iFunBox installed on) and then open iFunBox with the device plugged in by it's USB Cable (iTunes does NOT have to be open).
Open your device's filesystem through iFunBox and find the IWD Application, navigate through there to the saved game directory (I think it's under "library" and then "save" but I could be mistaken).
Drag/drop a copy of the ENTIRE SAVE GAME FOLDER to your local desktop. It will look something like: 00000005 - My Saved Game Name. Where 00000005 is some number with leading zeros and "My Saved Game Name" is the name you gave the save when you saved it.
At this point you have a copy of the save game on your Desktop.
If you do not have a desktop version of the game (any desktop version will do...PC, MAC or Linux) zip and upload your saved game here.
If you do have a desktop version, enable the developer's console in the game (you can find instructions on these boards) and then load up your saved game (you'll have to copy the folder to your saved games directory which is different based upon whether you have a MAC or PC or Linux).
Once in game, you'll open the developers console (using Ctrl+Space) and type:
C:CreateItem("< itemID >")
The only thing you need now is to know what the item ID is for the key. Unfortunately I do not have access to a list, but potentially @Gate70 or @Troodon80 might know it or can find it.
From there, console in the key to your character, save your game, and then copy it back to the iPad using iFunBox (pretty much the reverse of the instructions above...drag from your saved game directory on the Desktop Computer to the iFunBox's saved game directory to copy it back onto your iPad).
That should get you back in business.
If you zip up the save folder and upload it, we can also fix it for you.
Were you playing in multiplayer mode when it disappeared?