You pick my team!!! Bg1

Hi community
I really enjoy the disfunctional mottly lot of weirdos. Ergo the weirdly un power gamed npcs of bg1.
I'm playing on android so no mods
. However, I play on hardcore all the way. I want the community to choose my five team mates in the run... Anyone is fair game but don't give me any of the power houses (Edwin...) as I'm trying to step away from those. So any character you liked but never got any love!
Limited to one npc per person so 5 people will help me build my "dream" team! Please explain your choice in the post.
If anyone has any other challenges then your welcome to throw the gauntlet down, but I'd rather not do a no reloads no ress run.
I shall endeavour to describe my adventures the best I can!!!
Lots of love
The real Pentagon...
I really enjoy the disfunctional mottly lot of weirdos. Ergo the weirdly un power gamed npcs of bg1.
I'm playing on android so no mods

Limited to one npc per person so 5 people will help me build my "dream" team! Please explain your choice in the post.
If anyone has any other challenges then your welcome to throw the gauntlet down, but I'd rather not do a no reloads no ress run.
I shall endeavour to describe my adventures the best I can!!!
Lots of love
The real Pentagon...
Hello and welcome, we're always glad to meet a new friend!
One of your party members can be Rasaad. Try him for his quest, try him for his dialogues, make a lass and try him for some lovetalk. Monks are called underpowered for BG1 and this is nearly true. But they're a fresh class to play and thus require you to think how to use them.
For Monk strategies I recommend excellent guides and by @Southpaw and @GamingFreak respectively. They will help you with Rasaad.
Because monks are really squishy in bg1 so you'll have to babysit him all the way!
*insert evil laugh here*
If you're going the good guy route I'd go with Xan (sticking with X theme). His depressed personality is actually quite amusing, and his spell selection requires you to be more creative with your casting than some of the other mages.
I follow your rule but the underlying idea is to play with the alternative team of good guys - Ajantis, Yeslick, Kivan and two thieves (choosing between Alora / Coran / Imoen).
My plan is to play a madman chaotic neutral character with high charisma who can keep my team of opposing alignments together without noticing that they hate each other!!
So I have: rashaad (monk), xzar (Mage) and kivan (ranger)
Two more to join my team of nutters!
Final slot open... Can I have a female for the last one I don't like sausage fests!
Xzar looks so great with that belt...
Branwen?, oh wait she's pretty much a man anyway.
I'd go with jaheira then (and kill khalid
I don't know if I need to mark spoilers in the challenge thread surely it's fairly obvious but hey I'll mark it if it's needed.
As a challenge to myself I will be not using any online resources once I've started the play through (you'll have to take my word... I've got a pretty good knowledge of the game but I'm sure I'll forget where some key items are!!!)
Melissa: Mage/cleric "to throw out command, horror and generally all the crowd control in the game!"
Kivan "will be forgetting his ranged weapon as he's the closest thing I have to a tank *cry* he had 2hander proficiencies as started if I remember correctly"
Safana "I'll want her to use her as a crossbow of speed so will need to get her at lvl 2 so can allocate her lvl 4 pip"
Xzar General magical death with more spells than he has hp
Garrick and monk not sure what to do with yet!
Watch this space
Maybe use Safana as a backstabber instead and let Garrick be the ranged support with a xbow?
So Kivan engages as the tank, Safana and Rasaad follow to backstab and punch, Garrick fires bolts and your PC and Xzar chip in with spells.
That's weak to say the least! Good luck! You'll need it!
Chaotic Neutral
Cleric / Mage
Strength 15 (Large Shields)
Dexterity 18
Constitution 7 (Minimum without forfeiting HP)
Wisdom 18
Intelligence 18
Charisma 9 (I have friends spell... It'll be fine!)
Proficiency: Shield and Sword (Screw you the ridiculous amounts of arrows in this game)
War Hammer
Spells: Find Familiar (No idea where the scroll is, and I want the HP!)
Friends (I want the +1 dagger...)
Cleric Spells: 2x Command, 1x Sanctuary
I know the stats are a bit powergamed but old habits die hard...
Melissa set out armed with nothing but her imaginary friend Cyric, her pet cat Connie, a large shield a warhammer and a quarrel of bolts...
Wandering down the road she walked into a house to be attacked by a nutter. Fortunately, Mel's imaginary friend told the nutter to go to sleep... When he obliged she caved his skull in... feeling a bit guilty she left and walked into the bunkhouse. Having already bought some bolts she handed them over to the guardsman, cast friends... and fluttered her eyelashes expectantly. No magic dagger... What the hell, 15 charisma isn't enough... what gives. Fine who needs that magic dagger anyway. She stormed out, cast sanctuary to sneak past Imoen without her bothering her... and then left Candlekeep with Gorion.
*Another challenge I am inflicting on myself is I am actually listening to the sound track so I begrudgingly watched Gorion being murdered for the 90th time... That said that video is probably my first RPG memory of my 9-10yr old self.
She then ran South away from Imoen so I didn't have to kick her out of the party.
Wandering down the Sword Coast
Under the influence of Sanctuary Melissa made her way down the sword coast until she eventually found the lighthouse... now what.
I realized that I didn't actually know where she was having never used her. Remembering not to google it, I faithfully wandered about the entire map until I eventually found her. Only 2 sanctuaries later.
Ooo she looks interesting lets go talk to her... *One friends spell later*
"Hi, men from around here are bigger than where I come from... If you find a man bring him to me"
Well, what a umm promiscuous young lady... (Have to admit I never knew she had that requirement)
Remembering a strong looking man on the way, Mel begrudgingly trecked all the way back to High Hence smiled sweetly at the elf man standing outside and dragged him all the way back. Suddenly Safana was all charm and talking about the Pirate Treasure of Black Alaric or somesuch. Leaving Kivan and Safana to smile wistfully at each other Mel wandered off to find the treasure. One sanctuary later she was past the ridiculous amounts of Sirens, Carrion Crawlers and others... Mel just assumed they were the locals. Renewing the spell off she goes into the cave.
First problem, hold spell from trap, i'm left staring at the screen wondering if the sanctuary spell or the hold person will wear off first. As it happened the sanctuary did, but for some reason unknown to myself the flesh golem had wandered off by this point. As soon as she woke up, Mel wondered where the fleshy monster had gone and renewed her spell. One treasure trove later where she found a pointy stick, a cape and a book later she wandered back to where she'd left Safana and Kivan. Kivan had clearly made such an impression that Safana announced that she was going to follow Mel all around Faerun... OKAY thats a bit weird but okay...
Skulking the long way back to avoid Imoen... Kivan shot a wandering ogre to death whilst Mel and Safana ran away from some passing Xvarts...
Back to the starting area where Mel ran into what she could only assume was a mum and her son. One friends spell later, and Xzarena offered her some potions and introduced her to Montaron. FINALLY Mel thought, someone who isn't completely mad, she found she empathized with Xzarena's common sense approach. Though had to admit when Montaron told her to follow her conscience she did fear she was travelling with a square.
To the Gnoll HQ
A wander down to Nashkel (lots of running away), then wandering through around the outside of the Xvart village. Suddenly as they travelled from one area to another, a winter wolf attacked. Montaron valiently through himself in the way of the icy breath whilst the rest of them made a run for it. When she saw he'd gone down Xzarena shouted how she'd never loved him! Pondering the family trouble there Mel thought she seemed a bit happy to see her son die, but each to their own.
As they tried to cross the bridge, two half ogres tried to mug them. Strangely they wanted 200 gold, when she explained that they didn't even have 100! The two half ogres attacked. A few command spells later, a charge from the wand of paralyzation and a few good kicks to the head later and the two were dead. Her eye was drawn to a pair of gloves.
Having had enough of this place she decided to go back to Beregost!
Having stayed at the Jovial Jester inn, she was cornered outside with a request to protect some socialite. She wasn't quite sure what happened but she liked the nice men with the potions better. Silke went to sleep and had her spell interrupted by some darts of wounding (From the Pirate Cave) thrown by Safana into Silkes gut. Afterwards Garrick looking like a sad puppy asked to come along and Mel figured what the hell its not like I have any standards for who I travel with!
One gauntlets of dexterity later and Garrick can use the crossbows without being a complete and utter liability... he says!
ALSO Just saying she's got a cat familiar so I can promise you that the familiar is NOT THE TANK!
You can advertise your playthrough here - to get more attention to your thread!
*Equipped Garrick with the gloves of dexterity – with 18 dex he is at least pretty dangerous with the crossbow that he’s ‘proficient’ in…
Went to fight Bacillus – I don’t know if it’s the choice I chose in the dialogue but the skeletons didn’t attack. Kivan ‘tanked’ with his halberd, whilst Safana threw darts at Bacillus’s insane head. Mel threw out a few commands but the mighty priest was entitled to a saving throw being 5HD or more… so resisted them with ease. He got one rigid mind of on Safana so she stood there like a lemon… In the meantime Garrick shot him with crossbow bolts, Kivan got a healthy halberd crit and the priest went down. Mel looted the Hammer +2, and off they went to cash in the holy symbol for 5k. Using this and other gold scraped together (Looted Ankheg Cave with sanctuary to steal loot and run!) I bought the crossbow of speed for Garrick turning him into a premium crossbow on legs!
At this point Kivan was moaning about how he needed to avenge his wife or something. So I rushed through Nashkel mines, resting once. Safana disabled the traps like a pro. I tried to avoid any unnecessary fights as I didn’t want to have to expend healing / rests as I had a certain amount of days to do the bandit camp. Eventually getting down I faced Mulahay. Kivan drank a potion of invincibility and bottlenecked Mulahays chamber holding off well everything. I should have been using Chromatic Orb, but hey I like magic missile and Mel was still lvl 2 so no 2nd bead. So yeah… disrupting Mulahay was a pain, but through lots of darts, single orbs of magic and the monks blows to the head I kept him disrupted long enough to beat him to a pulp in time to rescue Kivan. Looting the letters off I went to kill Tranzig.
Tranzig actually ended up being harder than both the Cyric Priests, its that damn ring of the princes I tell you! But eventually beat him to a bloody pulp and off to Peldvale I was. Having met the noble bandits, I tried to join their band only to discover I didn’t have the bloodthirsty option! Presumably you need x strength or be a warrior class or somesuch! So I ended up being taken prisoner and having to fight Tazoc. I’m sure you have to do a lot less damage if you’ve joined voluntarily before he walks off.
Once in the bandit camp, I tried to fight them once before realising I was severely outclassed having done none of the side quests that I’d normally do. So I walked through the camp without aggroing any. Mel then cast Sanctuary and quaffed a potion of absorption (been hit by the lightning bolt trap WAY too many times!) wandered through the leaders camp and nicked the scrolls needed to unlock Cloakwood Forest.
I didn’t want to pursue into Cloakwood, cos A my team was still level 2 and B. I wasn’t sure that the bandits of the bandit camp would leave if I moved onto the next chapter, and I’d hoped to kill the Mercenary Captain later for his tasty plate armour… Not that I have anyone who can really wear it!
Now that Kivan had stopped moaning I hunted down the hobgoblins with the stealth boosting boots for Safana and made my way to the Gnoll HQ again. Slaughtering my way around the surrounding maps until I found a named Gnoll who dropped a +2 Halberd which limited my attacks to 1. Odd, I didn’t remember that dropping, but Kivan eagerly put it to dangerous use, chopping his way through the Gnoll HQ proper.
Picked up the Tome of Leadership which Mel used for no real benefit but hey TEN WHOLE CHARISMA NOW! I was a bit disappointed with the Gnoll Hq fights, even with my puny level 2 party. Generally, Mel dropped a horror, on the tougher fights Xzar expended a charge from the wand of fireballs (from the Ankheg lair) and Kivan and Safana bottlenecked the path chopping down the attackers, whilst Garrick sniped with his crossbow of speed. Killed the Gnoll Chieftain who dropped like 28 gold and a vanilla halberd. Not going to lie I was a tiny bit disappointed.
Went off to kill the Sirenes for 2k exp a go at the lighthouse. These were mostly dealable with, Safana + Darts, Mages Magic Missiling and Garricks crossbow usually disrupted them, but I did have to use Mel to hold person my own team a few times after they got dominated.
Stopped by High Hedge to buy scrolls, bought all the scrolls in stock that I could afford (when in Baldurs gate and I get the Int tome, I can have unlimited spells in my spell book so I’ll come back and complete the set. I love going into SoA with a spellbook full of every spell imaginable!)
Went off to fight the basilisks, used the spell learned from high hedge to protect monk and Kivan… Off they went merrily slaughtering giant bags of XP. Safana backstabbed Mutamin then kept him down with some darts of wounding. Whilst Kivan and Monk (I really should look up his name!) tanked the greater basilisk.
Current position:
Level 4 Cleric / Level 4 Mage
Equipped: Robe of Fire Resistance, The Eyes of Truth, Medium Shield +1, Ashidenna, Ring of Holiness, Evermemory, Senses of the Cat, Wand of Fireball (6 charges).
Xzarena: Level 5 Necromancer
Equipped: Wand of paralysation (1 charge), Robe of electricity resistance, Girdle of masculinity/femininity.
Kivan: Level 5 ranger
Equipped: Full plate mail, Ring of the Princes, The Chesley Crusher +2, Gift of peace, longbow
Garrick: Level 6 bard
Equipped: Spiders Bane, The army scythe +1, mail of the dead +2, the brawling hands, wand of frost (12 charges), topsider’s crutch.
Safana: Level 6 Thief
Equipped: Shadow Armour +3, legacy of the masters, worn whispers, rashads talon +2, potion of invisibility.
Rasaad: Level 5 monk
Equipped: Bracers of Defense AC 7, Moonlight Walkers, ring of the princes
*now done spiders area of cloak wood and killed bandits properly* fluff to follow