What's your favourite fix (feature) from the 1.3 patch?

It has finally happened! The patch we all have been waiting for a year, is out now (at least, as the beta). The patch notes are here:
The number of fixes and additions in this patch is overwhelming. The Team have made tremendous work. If BG2EE in its prior-to-the patch version were a vanilla game, we could call BG2EE as of the 1.3 version an Enhanced Edition alone.
Let's share our joy here and discuss which fix (feature) from this patch we like the most
My choice:
3. Improved multiplayer stability and fixes. I play with my wife in a multiplayer, so this will help tremendously.
2. Importing romances from BG1 and importing variables in mods in general. So many options for the modders. Also, Dorn will remember now how it was bloody in BG1.
1. Improved pathfinding. Maybe the cornerstone of IE games. I would dare say it's the Enhancement of enhancements regarding these games.
Enhancement number Zero:
A unique item icon for the Robe of Vecna
The number of fixes and additions in this patch is overwhelming. The Team have made tremendous work. If BG2EE in its prior-to-the patch version were a vanilla game, we could call BG2EE as of the 1.3 version an Enhanced Edition alone.
Let's share our joy here and discuss which fix (feature) from this patch we like the most

My choice:
3. Improved multiplayer stability and fixes. I play with my wife in a multiplayer, so this will help tremendously.
2. Importing romances from BG1 and importing variables in mods in general. So many options for the modders. Also, Dorn will remember now how it was bloody in BG1.
1. Improved pathfinding. Maybe the cornerstone of IE games. I would dare say it's the Enhancement of enhancements regarding these games.
Enhancement number Zero:
A unique item icon for the Robe of Vecna

(ok fine I promise to never mangle the German language ever again)
Still kind of nice to see more language translations available.
But being able to finally progress due to Slayer not crashing the game is nice. I've started a new game anyhow, but yeah, that showstopper being gone is good.
Also I like that fire elementals in particular now make sense. In vanilla BG2 (and the previous EE versions) the fire elementals (and probably some other elementals) had bizarre strength scores. In some cases lower level elementals had higher strength values. Now it looks like to use an example fire elementals (from say the 6th level druid spell) will have either 18, 20, or 23 strength. This is a big improvement from the 18/14/18 they used to get.
"The Slave Ship door in the Slums is now opened, and the guard in front of it hostile, when the player emerges from the building"
This is one of those behaviours in the original bg2 that I always thought "umm what?". Did the player character exit the building, whistle away to themselves, and slowly close the door without the guard noticing? Anyways, glad it got fixed.
"The Ring of Wizardry from Jaheira’s quest
now has the correct item description"
Another small but nice fix.
I'm not really a triple class person, but for those that are they may like this.
"Triple-class mages may now choose from additional mage-specific High-Level Abilities."
This. I can't begin to count how many times I've forgotten to go back and prepare spells again after being level drained. Also looking forward to trying out the improved pathfinding.
Level drain was the biggest pain in Vanilla BG2
Does this work with equiping/unequiping weapons with bonus spells???
I use Ctrl+Y a LOT when moving around in already explored areas since the characters will take forever to get where they're going otherwise.
Now I might end this fould cheat-key usage...
Read most of the document but didn't see any mentions of Item descriptions filled with "Invalid [insert 5-numbers here]" instead of the actual item descriptions.... A true shame
1. The reworking of the clerics' alignments.
"A priest can be any alignment within one step of his or her patron deity.
Lathander: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, True Neutral
Helm: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Lawful Evil
Talos: Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil"
This just feels right. I don't know whether this came about as the result of a Feature Request or not, but I want to thank whoever introduced this idea.
2. After all this time, Celestial Fury finally has its own unique, well-written back story, and this story appropriately matches the magnificence of the weapon. I thought I couldn't treasure this sword any more than I already did. I was wrong.
3. "Your rolled abilities are now remembered if you return to the Abilities screen later in the character creation process." So seemingly trivial, yet I realize this is another case of should have been this way since day one. No more tears because you accidentally clicked back and reopened the Ability Score screen.
4. This isn't in the patch notes: When you quit the game via Alt-F4, the "Boo will miss you" message is now displayed as a proper in-game screen instead of an external dialog window. See screenshots:
This change has no influence on gameplay at all, yet for some reason I love it. There's probably some technical explanation for why this was done, but for me this also counts as keeping the immersion alive, even in the moment when the player is actually quitting the game.
5. A tiny interface improvement: The BACK buttons in the main menus are now always in the same place, namely the lower right-hand corner, regardless of which campaign and submenu you're navigating. This was already the case in BG:EE, and now we have the same in BG2:EE. Makes clicking back through the menus one bit easier. Again, just a small detail, but I appreciate it a lot.
6. "Saving is now allowed in Ust'Natha tavern." Bothered me for 14 years.
7. "Thieves no longer step on traps while attempting to disarm them." Sigh.
8. "Item icons are no longer off-center when picked up in the inventory." For me this was more annoying than bad pathfinding. You have no idea how glad I am that this is fixed, especially because this was an EE-only issue. Now I'm looking forward to The Stupefier getting fixed in BG:EE as well.
9. "Belts with limited-use abilities now display the number of charges on the item's icon." Beautiful.
But we will see if that ever comes about
Some features from IWD:EE have been ported over to BG2EE! So far I've seen proof of:
-A working Heart of Fury mode that actually gives more XP on kills! It doesn't increase quest XP though, and I can't really tell if it improves enemies' stats, but it DOES beef them up in the HP department.
-Disable cosmetic attacks
-Maximum HP on level
-Show character HP in portraits
-Cleric/Rangers optionally getting druid spells
-3e sneak attack, not sure if this one works though.
I've been waiting for a Heart of Fury mode for BG2 and now its here! Best update yet!
These features are discussed here: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/37833/a-bunch-of-neat-baldur-ini-options-in-bg2ee-1-3-that-ive-noticed-carry-overs-from-iwdee#latest As that thread shows, some features are not "ready" to work fluently in BG2EE so far but the main thing here is the principal availability of these enhancements. The time will pass and they'll work fine : )
Could you please tell me are you planning to release a quick-patch for most annoying issue that appeared after release of 1.3 patch? (BG2EE) Especially issue in regard to game mechanics
(ie: incorrect APR duration -tagged as #11061 or issue #11042)
#11061 is very irritating for arcane characters using these spells
I think the game can be played now, even if there're some minor things that are not perfect. The Devs should have a good rest after everything they've done and come back at the start of next year. Let them spend their time with their friends and relatives a bit, @Parys , let them enjoy Christmas holidays: )
As far as I understand it, there won't be any quick fix. Once they're ready, they'll release a new beta build and it will then be further testested, the new bugs will be found, another new beta build will be released, other new bugs will be found... Till they'll make sure there's nothing left to fix. Only then, I think, the new patch update will come.