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Core rules with insane spawns please?

So I just started a core rules, no reload game but so far I'm thoroughly bored due to the lack of insane sized spawns.

I don't want to play on insane due to the xp gain and the arbitrary, no-reload-run-ending extra damage but the additional spawns that happen on insane feel necessary to make the game challenging.


  • kensaikensai Member Posts: 228
    not insane, but hof spawns!
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    kensai said:

    not insane, but hof spawns!

    Don't the extra enemies appear on insane as well?
  • kensaikensai Member Posts: 228

    kensai said:

    not insane, but hof spawns!

    Don't the extra enemies appear on insane as well?
    AFAIK hof gives you more spawns thabn insane
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    elminster said:

    As far as I know HoF gives you the same number of spawns as insane.

  • kensaikensai Member Posts: 228
    Okay then.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Back on topic, can we have insane spawns on core difficulty?
  • PibaroPibaro Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,989
    Maybe you can try this:
    Before entering in a new area, select insane.
    Once there go back to core.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Kero_sama said:

    There is an option in Baldur.ini:
    'Suppress Extra Difficulty Damage', '0'
    It seems to eliminate additional damage and exp for original IWD when set to '1', but it does nothing in EE. Maybe BeamDog can help? Pretty please...

    @Dee‌ or someone else?
  • DwayneDwayne Member Posts: 103
    I also would like this added back to the game. I always played it like this.
  • PumpernickelPumpernickel Member Posts: 55
    You should have posted this in the "Feature Requests" section. I second your motion. Would be a lot of fun.
  • PumpernickelPumpernickel Member Posts: 55
    AlexT said:

    @Kero_sama this works in IWD:EE as well but you have to enter the setting into the ini file like this:

    'Game Options', 'Suppress Extra Difficulty Damage', '1',
    If you use that and set the game difficulty to Insane, it will get you the additional monster spawns from the Insane difficulty but without having them deal any extra damage that is normally associated with that difficulty level. The upcoming patch will introduce another setting which can optionally turn off the extra XP granted by non-core difficulty levels as well. Using both settings, you will be able to get the maximum spawns (i.e. three ogres in the Easthaven cave) without the extra XP and damage,
    These two settings will have the same effects on Heart of Furry Mode as well? This is definitely the way I want to play. How long until we can turn off the extra XP?

  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Heart of Furry, hehe…
  • PumpernickelPumpernickel Member Posts: 55
    One "r". My mistake. >-)
  • PumpernickelPumpernickel Member Posts: 55
    edited February 2015

    Actually, HoF was supposed to add 1 more spawn than insane.

    "Supposed" to? Did it? Just curious.

  • reivisionreivision Member Posts: 21
    edited February 2015
    Isn't this thread exactly what you're looking for?

    I just started a game with these files today since I wanted to try the same thing, and it seems to work. I just did the first bunch of Orcs with the Shaman in the Easthaven cave and there were the extra archers and archer Orc Elite in addition to the main one (i.e. the spawns I saw on Insane). Damage taken and experience gained were normal as per Core rules.

    EDIT: Yeah, just checked and there are 4 Ogres in the back of the cave. Seems to work perfectly.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Now they just need an option to suppress the extra XP and I'll consider it.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    It works? Awesome!
  • reivisionreivision Member Posts: 21
    jackjack said:

    Now they just need an option to suppress the extra XP and I'll consider it.

    The files I linked result in normal experience gain (0% bonus experience as per Core). Unless you mean no experience at all from the extra spawns.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    @Wowo check this forum for the files that make you play on core rules with the extra spawns.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    @AlexT , @Avenger_teambg, heartful thanks!
  • TheCoffeeGodTheCoffeeGod Member Posts: 618
    edited February 2015
    AlexT said:

    @Kero_sama this works in IWD:EE as well but you have to enter the setting into the ini file like this:

    'Game Options', 'Suppress Extra Difficulty Damage', '1',
    If you use that and set the game difficulty to Insane, it will get you the additional monster spawns from the Insane difficulty but without having them deal any extra damage that is normally associated with that difficulty level. The upcoming patch will introduce another setting which can optionally turn off the extra XP granted by non-core difficulty levels as well. Using both settings, you will be able to get the maximum spawns (i.e. three ogres in the Easthaven cave) without the extra XP and damage,

    jackjack said:

    Now they just need an option to suppress the extra XP and I'll consider it.

    'Game Options', 'No Difficulty Based XP Bonus', '1',
    This is awesome!

    So that I have this clear though...
    Adding both of these will give the extra spawns for Insane, without the added XP per kill and without the extra damage dealt, correct?

    Also, an additional question since I'm here (which is only minimally connected to the topic)...
    When bouncing between difficulties (specifically Insane & Story Mode) as long as I don't transition from map to map, do the spawns stay the same on a map when just puttering around healing with Story Mode?

  • AlexTAlexT Member Posts: 760
    edited February 2015

    Adding both of these will give the extra spawns for Insane, without the added XP per kill and without the extra damage dealt, correct?


    When bouncing between difficulties (specifically Insane & Story Mode) as long as I don't transition from map to map, do the spawns stay the same on a map when just puttering around healing with Story Mode?

    In most cases, spawns are determined by the difficulty level that is selected when you enter an area for the first time. There are some exceptions though.
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    @AlexT Will those .ini options work for HoF mode also? It would be nice to expose ourselves to the better loot / merchant items of HoF without the cheesy XP / damage.
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