Core rules with insane spawns please?
So I just started a core rules, no reload game but so far I'm thoroughly bored due to the lack of insane sized spawns.
I don't want to play on insane due to the xp gain and the arbitrary, no-reload-run-ending extra damage but the additional spawns that happen on insane feel necessary to make the game challenging.
I don't want to play on insane due to the xp gain and the arbitrary, no-reload-run-ending extra damage but the additional spawns that happen on insane feel necessary to make the game challenging.
Before entering in a new area, select insane.
Once there go back to core.
'Suppress Extra Difficulty Damage', '0'
It seems to eliminate additional damage and exp for original IWD when set to '1', but it does nothing in EE. Maybe BeamDog can help? Pretty please...
We are still working on the patch and don't have a fixed release date yet. It shouldn't take too long though.
I just started a game with these files today since I wanted to try the same thing, and it seems to work. I just did the first bunch of Orcs with the Shaman in the Easthaven cave and there were the extra archers and archer Orc Elite in addition to the main one (i.e. the spawns I saw on Insane). Damage taken and experience gained were normal as per Core rules.
EDIT: Yeah, just checked and there are 4 Ogres in the back of the cave. Seems to work perfectly.
This is awesome!
So that I have this clear though...
Adding both of these will give the extra spawns for Insane, without the added XP per kill and without the extra damage dealt, correct?
Also, an additional question since I'm here (which is only minimally connected to the topic)...
When bouncing between difficulties (specifically Insane & Story Mode) as long as I don't transition from map to map, do the spawns stay the same on a map when just puttering around healing with Story Mode?