Report BGII:EE Game Text Errors Here
This is the place for reporting textual errors in dialogues, journal entries, and descriptions. These include the following:
- spelling and grammar mistakes
- factual mistakes in the text itself (not generated by the program—see below)
- spoilers: dialogue and journal entries that unintentionally tell your character things they're not meant to know yet
- missing tokens or blatant assumptions that the PC is a certain race, gender, class...
- inconsistent wording for the same dialogue option or in descriptions for the same (type of) thing
Problems that do not fall under game text errors and which you should make a separate bug report for:
- stat calculation errors
- invalid string references
- problems with the (Not) Usable By header
- wrongly assigned (as opposed to misspelled) tooltips
- journal entry problems that are not typos
Please provide the exact quote and/or StrRef containing the problem. To see StrRefs, either place the following in Baldur.ini:
We will fix errors as they are reported; all text revisions will be incorporated with the game's next update.
- spelling and grammar mistakes
- factual mistakes in the text itself (not generated by the program—see below)
- spoilers: dialogue and journal entries that unintentionally tell your character things they're not meant to know yet
- missing tokens or blatant assumptions that the PC is a certain race, gender, class...
- inconsistent wording for the same dialogue option or in descriptions for the same (type of) thing
Problems that do not fall under game text errors and which you should make a separate bug report for:
- stat calculation errors
- invalid string references
- problems with the (Not) Usable By header
- wrongly assigned (as opposed to misspelled) tooltips
- journal entry problems that are not typos
Please provide the exact quote and/or StrRef containing the problem. To see StrRefs, either place the following in Baldur.ini:
'Program Options', 'Strref On', '1',or type C:StrrefOn() in the console.
We will fix errors as they are reported; all text revisions will be incorporated with the game's next update.
Berserker kit description should say "Alignment restricted to any non-lawful."
Affected string in BG2:EE: 25201A Berserker cannot be lawful good, lawful neutral, or lawful evil. However, this restriction is not mentioned anywhere in the kit description. Other kit descriptions always mention any alignment restrictions. Accordingly, the Berserker description should say "Alignment restricted to any non-lawful."
Kensai kit description should say "Alignment restricted to any non-chaotic."
Affected string in BG2:EE: 25204A Kensai cannot be chaotic good, chaotic neutral, or chaotic evil. However, this restriction is not mentioned anywhere in the kit description. Other kit descriptions always mention any alignment restrictions. Accordingly, the Kensai description should say "Alignment restricted to any non-chaotic."
Avenger kit description should say the Avenger gains one additional use of Shapeshift per day at level 19
Affected string in BG2:EE: 25227Druids with the Avenger kit gain a second use per day of their Shapeshift abilities when they reach level 19, in addition to the first use they gain at level 7. This is not mentioned anywhere in the kit description. Currently, the Druid description only says:
"- 7th level: May Shapeshift into a wolf, black bear, or brown bear once per day."
And the Avenger description adds:
"- May Shapeshift into the form of a sword spider, baby wyvern, and fire salamander besides the normal shapeshifting abilities."
But there is no mention that Avengers gain a second use of these abilities at level 19.
Paladin kit description should say that Detect Evil starts with 4 uses per day
Affected string in BG2:EE: 9558From the description of the Paladin: "May cast Detect Evil once per day per level (starts at 1st level with 3 uses)."
This is incorrect because a Paladin can actually cast four Detect Evil spells per day at level 1. See the Paladin's ability tables (CLABPA01.2da, CLABPA02.2da, CLABPA03.2da, and CLABPA04.2da) - you can see that the Detect Evil spell SPCL212.spl is gained four times at first level.
and add to description reference that spell is activated only when some1 in the area of effect even ally, u can't cast earthquake and lure some1 in it like with glyph.