Importing/Exporting on droid

How can characters be imported/exported from BG to BGII on droid? The game seems great so far but emotionally I'm detached because the characters just aren't my own.
I have the same question, with many others
I typically use the Dropbox app to move imports. It is also good to move saves across different devices including from PC to Android and so forth.
@Fitschivalry it is strange that you can't copy the files, you should not need any special permissions (aka root) to edit the content of those folders. I am able to move files between the two games using the default android file browser, although my tablet is running ICS, things may be a bit different for newer version of android.
If the email has been zipped up, then it will need to be unzipped. From what I have read on the forum, the extension for the emailed file is something like 'filename.bg1save'. If you rename it to something like or, you should be able to open the file and copy the contents to /Gamename/Files/Save in the Android file system.
You didn't mention what games you were playing. From the brief description above, it looks as if you are taking your BG1 saved games for importing into BG2. If that is the case, then you it is likely will need to place your saved games into the BG1 file structure for importing into BG2.
Hope that makes sense. If not just ask and I will see if explaing a little better.
Edit: I just downloaded one of the saved games that iPad posts and it is in .zip format. If you have any problems changing the filename, then the saved game file can be directly opened using 'RAR for Android' (free from Play). It is missing the initial folder however (and the .bmp files inside - not sure whether this is normal but that is how it was for this saved game). So when you save the game into the folder you are probably going to have to create another folder called something like:
The /Gamename/Files/Save/ file path should already exist once you run the game once on the Android tablet. If /Save doesn't exist you can simply create it. You need to have the leading zeros for the saved game name.
Let me know if you have any problems.
I downloaded another file zip/unzip program and tried that way as well (on the amazon tablet) still didn't work. The fire just didn't know how to read any of those files. Zipped or not.
I also couldn't "long hold" the quick save button to export a saved file that way like you're supposed to be able to do.
So all of this just drove me crazy, ended up returning the fire 8 and I'm looking for an ipad mini now...
Still have the reg ipad I mentioned earlier, everything works. Had a character turned into *perma chunks" bug earlier but someone off here fixed it (via a mod I think).
Anyway, thanks for all your help!