Your Favorite Spell Sequencer Combos

For minor sequencer, I'm pretty sure the standard is double MMissile, but I may have just found my new favorite for the level 7 sequencer. Double Spider Spawn, Haste. Talk about a pile of hurt; 2-4 Sword Spiders, plus Haste for them and the party. I can't get over how funny this is.
Things that come to mind include DUHM after Polymorph into a sword spider. Heal in a spell trigger for better battlefield healing. Maybe a triple blade barrier chain contingency?
One thing to consider is that sequencers cannot be interrupted, like scrolls, which means you can cast them even if you are poisoned so it can be important to save one of them for defense.
I like the sounds of Stoneskin+Improved Invisibility+Mirror Image for a defensive contigency, maybe swap Stoneskin out if I know I'm going into a caster area.
I guess triple Fireball is too obvious.
Sequencer: 2x Greater Malison + a debuff, (e.g. Slow), or Chromatic Orb.
And of course there's always the Contingency abuse which essentially turns it into a super-Time Stop allowing you to instantly cast a bunch of spells (casting Contingency is instant even mid-combat, make it trigger on enemy sighted and it goes off as soon as you select the spells).
There's also a few fights especially with SCS where you may want a trigger full of dispels to quickly remove the ten million layers of protection everything seems to have...
Tensers+IH+Shadow Door
Heal+Improved Invisibilty+Improved Haste
Shapechange -> spell trigger (tensers+ righteous magic+IH) -> minor sequencer (DUHM+Armor of Faith)
Some ideas I've had for my HoF FMC .., still searching for more.
Would triple Wondrous Recall be worth it?
Fire shield:red+blue plus stoneskin makes anyone meleeing you suffer. A lot. Triple cone of cold is a very damaging trigger, damage is absurdly high when compared to 3x chain lightning. Few can survive such an onslaught unless immune to cold.
One sad bug I realised is when I load three disintegrates on trigger it only allows one save, instead of forcing three saves instantenously. Same for flesh to stone, but disintegrate is my favourite.
No, it doesn't. My mistake. I was thinking of when I combine it with doom on a Cleric/Mage.
Because if you put it first or second, when the other spells fire they'll cancel the invisibility. I tested this once a long time ago, and my sequenced invisibility did get canceled out when I didn't put it last. I don't know if EE might have changed things, though, or if I did something else wrong, or a mod might have done something.
I think I'd always put it last, just to be safe.
Btw, my favorite so far is 3x Flame Arrow. For a high level caster with at least two arrows per individual cast, it does massive party-safe damage to a single target.
Usually instagibs a mage and then prevents them from casting should they survive.
I must say, spider form+DUHM is a pretty wicked combo, especially when backed up with courage and bravery.