[Mods] Awesome Soundsets Mods Master Thread. Custom Soundsets for BGEE, BG2EE and IWDEE

The "Awesome Soundsets Volumes" are collections of sound sets with subtitles that can be used for player characters in Baldur's Gate 1 Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition or Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition.
* At the moment Siege of Dragonspear is not supported.
-Here are all the collections I've made-
So far I've made 4 collections that add an additional 74 soundsets to your games.
Download links and descriptions are below.
Volume 1: Baldur's Gate 1 NPC Soundsets

Ajantis Ilvarstarr: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Jason Marsden
Alora: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Amber Hood
Coran: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Brian George
Eldoth Kron: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Neil Ross
Faldorn: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Heidi Shannon
Garrick: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Dee Bradley Baker
Khalid: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Jim Meskimen
Quayle: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Jeff Bennett
Safana: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Diane Pershing
Shar-Teel Dosan: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Jennifer Darling
Skie Silvershield: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Grey DeLisle
Tiax: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: John Mariano
Xan: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Jeff Bennett
Xzar: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Frank Welker
Yeslick Orothair: (c) 1998 Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Bill Farmer

Volume 2: IWD2 Soundsets
Volume 3: Planescape Torment NPC Soundsets

Annah-of-the-Shadows: (c) 1999 Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Sheena Easton
Dak'kon: (c) 1999 Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Mitch Pileggi
Fall-From-Grace: (c) 1999 Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Jennifer Hale
Ignus: (c) 1999 Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Charles Adler
Morte: (c) 1999 Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Rob Paulsen
The Nameless One: (c) 1999 Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Michael T. Weiss
Vhailor: (c) 1999 Interplay Entertainment, voice actor: Keith David

Volume 4: Monkey Island Soundsets

Cutthroat Bill: (c) 1998 Lucasarts voice actor: Gregg Berger
Elaine's Cook: (c) 2002 LucasArts, voice actor: Patrick Pinney
Edward Van Helgen: (c) 1998 Lucasarts, voice actor: Michael Sorich
Guybrush Threepwood : (c) 1998 LucasArts, voice actor: Dominic Armato
LeChuck and LeChuckie: (c) 1998 LucasArts and 200voice actor: Earl Boen
Mort the Gravedigger: (c) 1998 LucasArts, voice actor: Roger Behr
Murray: (c) 1998 LucasArts, voice actor: Denny Delk.
Pirate #1: (c) 1998 Lucasarts, voice actor: George DelHoyo
Rene Rottingham: (c) 1998 Lucasarts, voice actor: Tom Kane
Wally: (c) 1998 Lucasarts, voice actor: Neil Ross

Here's a link to a mod shell so that you can make your own soundset collections with subtitles
If you enjoyed any of the soundsets and you do not already own the game that the soundsets come from, you are largely encouraged to buy the related games, both because they're excellent games on their own, and because this way you're giving something back to the game developer.
If you are interested in contributing to these mods or have suggestions, please post below
"Awesome Soundsets" Volumes feature up to 33 sounds w/ subtitles in IWDEE, 25 in BGEE, and 29 in BG2EE. The default soundsets in IWDEE feature 25/33 sounds and BGEE default soundsets only use 15/25 sounds. Soundsets added with this mod use up to the maximum number of sounds - depending on if appropriate sounds are available.
The weidu installer will install the correct number of sounds possible with subtitles for each different installation. Using weidu you can also add and remove individual soundsets as you like.
This thread can be used to request soundsets, commentary, to report problems or even just to let me know that you like these.
Post edited by smeagolheart on
More soundsets released...
Awesome mod!
I wish Charname could say "Here comes the wackiest man alive!"
I have a request too: i made two soundset from the StarCraft 2 unit quotes; Jim Raynor, and Tauren Space Marine. Could you include them in your mod, if i give you the .waw and .tra files?
Those are in volume 2. Off top of my head, not sure if I used that particular line or not, but for sure that guy's voiceset is in volume 2, that's from IWD2.
The overlapping soundsets from IWD2 from Volume 2 will be slightly different than the stock IWDEE soundsets as I had access to the entire soundsets from IWD2 which included more sounds.
I know there's a dark brooding hero soundset (and a couple others) on Sorcerers Place website. I can't recall off the top of my head but I didn't like that rip when I looked at them for some reason - either they were not original files - they were lossy copies of the sounds - like someone used a tape recorder or something to copy them - or the sounds didn't really fit the actions.
Long story short, if I can extract the original sounds somehow then yeah it's entirely possible.
Let me know what you think, if you are happy with it I was thinking of maybe changing post #2 above to "fan submissions" or something and putting links to even more soundsets like this
Would you be willing to take a look? The full mod and .DEBUG file should be in the .zip file, attached to this post. Being wholly unfamiliar with WeiDU, I'm afraid I'm quite unable to discern what it's trying to communicate the problem is.
So I took a look at your mod, there are two things:
In the BAF folder is core.tpa, you'll have to change the top line from this:
LOAD_TRA ~Marxo/SND/%soundName%/%soundName%.tra~
to this:
LOAD_TRA ~Nathyrra/SND/%soundName%/%soundName%.tra~
That will let the mod install.
After that, the correct subtitles display in game for the soundset but the soundfiles are not playing. I believe they are encrypted or something, I tried to convert them to simple WAV files outside the game they gave me errors and they also would not play in my media player.
So basically I think they work, but you'll have to get them unencrpyted or just converted into another format that IWDEE can play in order for them to work in game.
The soundfiles, despite having a .wav file extension, were secretly 44KHz 32bit .mp3s, so they've all been converted to 22KHz 16bit .wavs, and had their total name length reduced to eight characters long. That seems to have done the trick.
With this test successfully concluded, it's time to contemplate whether to undertake a project to convert all the other Neverwinter Nights PC and NPC soundsets.
Richard B. Riddick
"The dark. My favorite."Richard B. Riddick: (c) 2004 Starbreeze Studios, voice actor: Vin Diesel.
Mischa Waymeet
"Mystra grant me strength!"Pne of the first NPCs the player meets in Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide. A naïve, inflexible Paladin of Mystra, who she references a lot in this voiceset, whether to invoke for aid during a heated battle-cry, curse a critical failure or shortly before taking a stroll to the corner store.
Mischa Waymeet: (c) 2003 BioWare Corp, voice actor: uncredited.
Voice suggestion tags: Female, Paladin, Cleric or otherwise pious spellcaster.
Xanos Messarmos
"Well, look at the big brain on you."Born to the upper middle class of Chessenta, Xanos found his razor-sharp wit a strong counter to the barbs of his schoolmates in his youth. While no longer young, Xanos still has an acerbic nature, but now it masks his desire to fulfill the role of a true adventurer and gain renown throughout the Realms.
Xanos Messarmos (c) 2003 Floodgate Entertainment and BioWare Corp.
Voice suggestion tags: Male, Chaotic neutral, arcane caster
I have BGEE installed in C:/Program Files (x86)/Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
Dorna Trapspringer
"Berronar help me, I'll strike you down where you stand."Dorna Trapspringer is a female dwarven cleric/rogue. Good-hearted and somewhat cynical. She travelled nearly 200 miles alone across the wilds of the Silver Marches from her clan home in the mountains, which many would consider proof enough that she needed no instruction in survival.
Dorna Trapspringer (c) 2003 Floodgate Entertainment and BioWare Corp.
Voice suggestion tags: Female, rugged, Dwarf.
Deekin Scalesinger
"Deekin greets the noble hero!"In the context of an Infinity Engine game, I guess this is for when you absolutely, positively need a Bard character named "Deekin" that constantly references himself in third person, using a grating, high-pitched voice. Who also thinks they're a kobold. You're welcome..?
Deekin Scalesinger (c) 2003 Floodgate Entertainment and BioWare Corp.
Voice suggestion tags: Male, Bard, neutral, Kobold(?), squeaky
Male, brash persistent
"Blasted magical whatsits! My spell flopped!"Kinda Gaelic sounding, happy-go-lucky type.
Male, Blackguard
"Oh, dear. Oh dear, oh dear."Funny fact about Neverwinter Nights' soundsets; there's top-quality complete ones within its file structure that the player doesn't normally have access to during the character creation process.
For example, this is the most avuncular adherent of sinister, otherworldy sponsors as you're likely to meet. Like a favoured uncle who's a motivational speaker, but also happens to be a Satanist on the side.