Farming Arrows (spoilers ahead)

I know some folk find Firewine a pain in the ass but personally I love it.
Like any map in the game, WHEN you do it and with what gear and at what level is key.
Like everyone else, the first two times I played the game, I found those dang Kobold Commandos a nightmare.
After that, I realized going there without some sort of missile protections and fire protections was silly.
The rewards of farming the little beasties are quite worthwhile however.
Those fire arrows are +2 arrows even without the fire proc, and in short order, you can gather close to 200.
That's at a drop of 2 arrows per Kobold.
Not too shabby.
Now you sometimes need to leave the dungeon to get a healthy respawn, I use that time to kill the master swordsman (heh) for Legacy Gauntlets and Kark Ogre mage, have a nap then rinse and repeat.
Charname and Minsc with good bows, good armour and good fire protection chainsaw the joint.
Another two maps worth farming of course are Larswood and Peldvale for ice arrows.
This is a little trickier because sometimes you will get wolves or gibberlings instead of Black Talon at some of the spawn sites. Best recommendation I can provide is as follows;
- One person spelled invisible for scouting.
- this person goes out and uncovers portions of the map
- if you start getting wolves, reload and start scouting over
- keep reloading if you get wolves, eventually you will get Black Talon
- bring up party, use web, stinking cloud, skull trap etc... and wipe them with bows ( obviously do not have your invisible member engage or you just wasted a 24hr spell)
- save game, have your scout repeat process on other portions of map, again, reloading when you get wolves until the BT are spawned.
If you run into Teven's (Larswood) or Raiken's (Peldvale) group though with your scout. DO NOT engage or your farming trip is over since you are now off to the Bandit camp ( well, you can kill one or the other and still farm) the other serves this purpose.
Last, you can use this trick on the coastal maps with Sirens for their poison arrows with limited success. Takes a few reloads for them to spawn. You need to have a LOT of patience.
Obviously this is a powergame scenario and has nothing to do with role-playing but if you would like some kick-ass arrows to hunt wolfweres with later, this works admirably.
Like any map in the game, WHEN you do it and with what gear and at what level is key.
Like everyone else, the first two times I played the game, I found those dang Kobold Commandos a nightmare.
After that, I realized going there without some sort of missile protections and fire protections was silly.
The rewards of farming the little beasties are quite worthwhile however.
Those fire arrows are +2 arrows even without the fire proc, and in short order, you can gather close to 200.
That's at a drop of 2 arrows per Kobold.
Not too shabby.
Now you sometimes need to leave the dungeon to get a healthy respawn, I use that time to kill the master swordsman (heh) for Legacy Gauntlets and Kark Ogre mage, have a nap then rinse and repeat.
Charname and Minsc with good bows, good armour and good fire protection chainsaw the joint.
Another two maps worth farming of course are Larswood and Peldvale for ice arrows.
This is a little trickier because sometimes you will get wolves or gibberlings instead of Black Talon at some of the spawn sites. Best recommendation I can provide is as follows;
- One person spelled invisible for scouting.
- this person goes out and uncovers portions of the map
- if you start getting wolves, reload and start scouting over
- keep reloading if you get wolves, eventually you will get Black Talon
- bring up party, use web, stinking cloud, skull trap etc... and wipe them with bows ( obviously do not have your invisible member engage or you just wasted a 24hr spell)
- save game, have your scout repeat process on other portions of map, again, reloading when you get wolves until the BT are spawned.
If you run into Teven's (Larswood) or Raiken's (Peldvale) group though with your scout. DO NOT engage or your farming trip is over since you are now off to the Bandit camp ( well, you can kill one or the other and still farm) the other serves this purpose.
Last, you can use this trick on the coastal maps with Sirens for their poison arrows with limited success. Takes a few reloads for them to spawn. You need to have a LOT of patience.
Obviously this is a powergame scenario and has nothing to do with role-playing but if you would like some kick-ass arrows to hunt wolfweres with later, this works admirably.
Post edited by Sharguild on
Since it highlights (wrt Larswood and Peldvale) blatant and obvious cheats, that is a heartwarming discovery.
It gives me faith in knowing folk would rather play the game fairly and adhere to the spirit with which the game was intended.
Kuddos to you all.
Myself, I cheat subjectively, and never with a newly created character. Usually it is to determine how new exploits can be discovered to learn the mechanics of the game or if it is to provide an accomplishment I overlooked during visit to an area and no other means to do so. Usually it leads to a reload so I may then discover the exploit honestly.
I recall a long time ago, I once created a multi-player 6 member party and gave them all 25 stats using clua console tomes and then started a playthrough.
You can imagine how quickly that became unbearably boring. I think I lasted up to Nashkell mines and deleted it.
As far as the NOT cheating aspects of the points raised goes though, the arrows are pretty sweet.
Also, I would like to mention that arrows of fire are not considered to be +2 arrows.
BG2[EE] reduces the elemental damage to 1d2, removes the +2 to hit and damage and sets the enchantment level to 0.
SCS has a component to replace the BG1 elemental arrows with the BG2 versions. Maybe that's what you're thinking of.