First-timer: Leveling up after Nashkel mines

I'm right after the Nashkel mines and alot of enemies totally slaughter my party in the surrounding areas so i just wonder what you guys usually do right after the Nashkel mines.
Continue the main quest?
Grind? and if so, where?
My char is R/C level 2 on both and my party are all around level 3.
Thanks for any reply
Continue the main quest?
Grind? and if so, where?
My char is R/C level 2 on both and my party are all around level 3.
Thanks for any reply
Short version: Exit the mines via the front entrance and return to Emerson and Nashkel afterwards. Or leave via the back exit you've found, but don't approach the hostile group. You can avoid them if you move directly towards the west border of that map, for example. If you want to fight them, revisit all your options.
('Cos they are very hostile)
2/2 is a little bit weak and the party waiting outside the Nashkel mines exit can be really hard even if your levels are higher and you have played before.....they are simply a tough encounter. You can also try to divide and conquer, try to take on enemies one at the time. Also make sure you use all your npc's and their abilities it can make a difference.
I envy you, playing for the first time...just be aware that the game can be very punishing, not going easy on you. I personallylove lvl 1-2 the most, when every encounter is life or death and you struggle to survive. It is fun at other levels as well of course, but your powers are preeeeetty great once you start hitting level 3 spells with clergy and magicians
Drink 'em all and charge! Even if yer' a wizard Harry!
They will fall eventually.
Or you can powergame and read the descriptions.
But WHERE is the fun in that?
I find you will eventually have to drop some or start storing potions if you don't use them.
Took me like 10 play throughs to actually use any ptions besides healing. I was always saving them for when I would need them....and then the game was over
I only had 300 potions left over at end game, in chests in Nashkel, in Beregost, in FAI, in BG, hell I even had potions in top floor Durlags's "just in case".
Where else should I have stored my collection of useless potions to win the game? I gotta know!
well, except for INFRAVISION, never go anywhere without those, just in case!
I had a infravision ring but i sold it, it seems a little useless.
Or do you just leave her as a thief?
As for the dualclassing itself, it depends on your party composition. For e.g, if my PC is a thief, I can dualclass Imoen without losing thieving skills for the time she gathers her levels back. But if there's no other thief in a party, I don't dualclass Imoen.
Also, if it's your first playthrough, I vote for not dualclassing. Play her as she is, without any waiting for regaining the thief skills.
since im a warrior with neera dorn jaheira khalid and imoen i have the right team balance.
i am just following the main quest.
once u are powerful enough and get attacked by annoying wyverns, and get a BIG stack of wyvern heads go to high hedge (Careful as there are crowds of skeletons and gnolls near entrance) to sell them as based on my own XP only he buys the heads.
later in the game should be quite easy, except when fighting spiders in cloakwood as there are web traps which are loads of bull****. use some rogue to fire explosive arrows kill the spiders and activate the trap with a rogue, then just kill mobs in there.
or you can keep going to sleep in high level areas to get attacked and get XP from mobs
right now due to this strategy im lvl 6 and soon going to BALDUR'S GATE, so i guess my startegy is alright ;D
Wyvern heads can be sold not only at the High Hedge but also at the Feldpost Inn in Beregost.
Also, the 6th level is fine for going to the Baldur's Gate city, yes : )
but either way higher levels would be better when u enter the area before baldur.... these green bugs can be pain in the ass
The ankheg farm is also a good spot, but it'll probably take some reloading. Ankhegs are fairly squishy, give tons of experience, and attack slowly, but they hit like trucks.
I distinctly remember my first game, quickly building up a party of 6, which spreads xp thinly between the group, and then directly following the guidance of the game, first to the Friendly Arm Inn to pick up Jaheira/Khalid, then straight to Nashkel, and into the mines. My leading characters were only just hitting second level on the final dungeon level before we hit Mulahey, my first level-up experience! It was a tough fight, and we left the dungeon exhausted, on low HP, and with no spells/abilities left to use. Naturally we make a run for the shortest route we can see back to Nashkel, and yes, there is no way you will take that party in those conditions.
As some have pointed, one of the important skills to learn in BG, especially in the early levels, is when to call it a day and run. You do not have to beat every enemy placed before you, indeed it is often a mistake to try. I found that a really hard lesson to learn, but reload significantly less now, and enjoy the game a lot more.
Once you are overly familiar with the game, you will learn lots of easier ways of getting xp in the early game, learn to leave the Nashkel mines alone a little longer while your party gets its first couple of levels (it is significantly easier at 3rd level than 1st) and also pick up a little hidden kit from various stashes around the game. This will all make the game a little easier, and perhaps a little more satisfying, but there is nothing quite like the satisfaction of taking the game on your own terms, the solving the problems yourself. Sadly, you can never take back knowledge once gained, and I would advise you to resist as long as possible the lure of the online walkthrough. To this day I feel dirty every time I use a certain suit of armor that I did not find for myself, but learned only through an online guide. (Of course, in the early days the 'tab' character did not highlight all the loot either, making such discoveries all the more thrilling.)
So yes, the game is hard, especially at the start. And yes, the game will get a little easier as you gain a couple of levels. There are better ways to do this than simply 'grinding' on cheap monster spawns, there is a whole world out there to explore, full of xp and loot for the brave of heart. Just remember to be swift of foot when the bravery proves too much...
That said, I also like to run a little lean to speed the route to second, mostly grabbing some of the early quest xp around Beregost before it gets split too thinly.