I Need Help! BAMs are Colourless.

BAMworkshop has stopped working for me and I cannot paste an item into a frame without it turning colourless after. I also tried DLTCEP and BAMworkshop II. I know something is wrong for when I paste my scimitar +1 (that I made earlier)

the blue hued blade turns grey, white and black.
If anyone can fix this then we can get some items for Baldur's Gate.
Please leave constrictive comments I do not want non-solution posts; I'm only doing this thread as a last resort after 3 hours of trouble shooting, reinstalling, and rebooting.

the blue hued blade turns grey, white and black.
If anyone can fix this then we can get some items for Baldur's Gate.
Please leave constrictive comments I do not want non-solution posts; I'm only doing this thread as a last resort after 3 hours of trouble shooting, reinstalling, and rebooting.
Near Infinity > 'BAM Exporter' > BAM to PNG Image Exported > Exported PNG Image Edited via 'Editing Software': Saved as PNG file type > "BAM converter tool of [Near Infinity] to convert PNG in to BAM = Successful BAM Creation?
Yes, yes? or did I miss something 'along the way' hey @Pecca?
Also I am very curious as to what you have made for custom BAMs, if you feel comfortable to share them with myself I would love to see them AND I will never use or 're-share' them without your full sober permission. Also what tips would you give in creating new BAMs and or also do you know any other artists whom create / have crated excellent 'item dialog drawings'? I can create 'excellent' dialog drawings although I know almost no one [in personal direct contact] that 'dabbles' with this kind of work: BAMs and 'Dialog Drawings'; if you know anyone or anything around those er, 'fields' that you are willing to share I would love it greatly. I really just 'stuck my toe in these strange and unfamiliar waters' with Non-Player Character 'modding' and now Item Creation [excluding DLTCEP modding when I was 11 or 13].
Best of Intentions, Please have a great day @Pecca .
What say you?(:-P)
Almost everything I've done concerning BAM modding was to create this GUI mod: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/31069/gui-mod-bg2-ee-gui-in-bg-ee/p1
I didn't create new graphics from the scratch but most of the times edited the originals.
I also tried once to create 'item dialog drawings'. I used pencil and paper and scanned the result to my PC and adjusted it a little in photoshop. It was only a simple drawing though.
As far as I know, our best artist gather in this thread, although they mainly create portraits:
-Hmmn, I will take note of that; you until today I did not know I could 'bypass' BAMworkshop and do 'the Pecca strategy'.
"I also tried once to create 'item dialog drawings'. I used pencil and paper and scanned the result to my PC and adjusted it a little in photoshop. It was only a simple drawing though.
Amazing! What stopped you from.. wait *pause, head tilt, slight smirk - grows into a smile*
You are an 'artist' [artistically talented person] yes, yes? If so I can just look to myself to find a / 'the reason' *weird ambiguously awkward wink and over confident half-smirk* You know I used to draw far more often than I do 'now a days'.
For Example I drew these when I was 15 or 16 years old?
I have a 'quite impressive' 'Lizard-man' that I drew when I was 10 or 11 attached as a file.
Also thanks for the 'Artist thread' I will 'check them out'; but first what do you think of my 'arts'?
[*Who would say they suck? -Really good gauge you go there, what a way to ask a question WithinAmnesia-*]
*Does't attach file(s)*
I think that this may work?
[Update: Yes it works':-D!'. Just click on the image thumb nail(s) to bring up a new tab with the 'Lizardman' image file(s).]
Hey, friend would feel so as to so er, 'brave' as to show some of your 'drawings of old'?
(I Would Love To See Them:-D)
Also I don't want to abuse people's trust with their work. Here is a 'snippet' from above for clarity:
"...if you feel comfortable to share them with myself I would love to see them AND I will never use or 're-share' them without your full sober permission."
Still in school eh? Post-Secondary or Pre-Post Secondary? [If you don't mind me asking that is?]
Also Check-This-Out: