Would it be too much to ask for one more adventure before the departing the Infinity Engine?

We all know that Adventure Y is coming and im super excited, but at the same time i feel there should be one more game. Before they retire the infinity engine.
I always felt that there needed to be a adventure set between SoA and ToB. To me Throne of Bhaal went by too quick... even though i really enjoyed the deep campaign.
So... Do you guys agree? Or do you feel we had enough Baldurs Gate Infinity Games?
I always felt that there needed to be a adventure set between SoA and ToB. To me Throne of Bhaal went by too quick... even though i really enjoyed the deep campaign.
So... Do you guys agree? Or do you feel we had enough Baldurs Gate Infinity Games?
The adventure between SoA and ToB should really be out some day. At least for the reason there will be one DLC between BG1 and BG2 and still nothing between SoA and ToB.
Of course, I'm super excited about PoE and a possible new game by Beamdog with another engine. But... there's a part of me who would always want something new for good old Baldur's Gate no matter how much time has passed.
Just a known thing "there's something in the works for BG" will be enough for me. I don't want it to me dropped to the dusty shelf of time.
To me, it's very much the same feeling I get every time I read "Are you sure? Boo will miss you...".
Seriously though (well, I'll try to be serious but no promises!) I would be happy either way. I'd love to see new expansions for any of the IE games, and I'd love to see something new as well. Easy to please, that's me.
And I would like to see other IE games given a makeover as well. But I understand that it's a logical progression for a company to want to start doing their own stuff. But please do SoA - ToB expansion first.
The attempt to migrate BG2 into a 3D engine was impressive.
I just hope this does not result in a kind of artistic decay (a la NWN versus IWD for instance).
@Musigny - From what I've heard Beamdog wants to continue with IE-looking games even if they scrap the Infinity Engine itself. In my layman's mind that probably means we can expect them to license Obsidian's Eternity engine, or work with them in some manner. But I'm just guessing here.
If so, all of a sudden I feel much less excited. IIRC that engine hits the cpu and shows a poorly (multi)-threaded pattern. If that's the case then let's hope there is no substantial impact on the scripting creativity and abundance.
Edit : Engine confirmed by FinneousPJ
Playing Wastelands 2 I'm not noticing any performance issues. On the contrary it's hardly giving my system a workout, and my CPU is from '09.
I just want a game that controls like the IE games but with a proper quick slot bar.
The general question is not whether you see a high workload but the ability to use the available resources.
As long as you can execute your workload on a rather serialized software engine that's ok but if you reach the limit there won't be many options to help you fix the issue - no matter the hardware.
Think about the early days of BG2 with some "heavy" mods (ascension included) and the related performance issue on some mainstream hardware.
Even some relatively recent mods (deployed on the original games) sometimes advise you to wait a couple of seconds when you enter a new area. What they have to execute is no match for a modern cpu power. The intrinsic limitation is the software architecture.
I hope Beamdog will take its time to select the right engine for their needs. But I also hope this choice will remain appropriate over time.
What I can read about the Unity engine features does not thrill me. That's it. However I'll gladly play everything that just works (tm).
I think this is something NWN did brialliantly after BG. It found the perfect balance between ease of use and advanced features.
Now that we have a mature toolchain for building content and a team of very experienced people, it would be an absolute shame if we couldn't turn out one final love letter to the IE fans.
Why ditch an engine with such a dedicated following? You know what ever you put out is going to sell, this game/sytsem/engine simply does not get out dated.
That and we're all older now and need something worthwhile gamewise to spend our money on...
Factors that might help:
- good advertising so that even those who don't surf gaming sites every day and night will find out about it
- not a huge price; it has to be lower than the price of EEs for the majority of players to accept it
- iOS and Android versions
- a living comminity of players who still play BG&IWD after all these years