Roll your character's attributes first
Member Posts: 54
In all three games, I would greatly enjoy having the option to invert the character creation steps, i.e. roll my character's attributes first, then choose its alignement, its race and its class, kind of like in Temple of Elemental Evil.
In IWDEE, for exemple, I would like to roll six characters, keep the first roll for each of them and choose that character's class and race according to that roll. I would end up with non min-maxed characters and a potentially very suboptimal party composition, which is exactly the point. What's more, I would be very excited to ever roll a paladin, a ranger, a druid, etc. This would also allow for a more organic party creation, in which you don't need a preconceived idea of your characters.
Though if they did integrate it, then adding it as part of an Iron-man Mode difficulty would probably be the best time since the system would be getting quite a lot of changes anyway for such an addition.
And it's not like the game doesn't already fully support such a change, since all that would happen if you couldn't qualify for a class/race is that it would be disabled as a choice. All they'd have to actually change is merely ensure that the classes and races apply their bonuses/penalties as actual bonuses and penalties to the scores where appropriate.