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NPC alignments that you disagree with

Recently, there was a discussion over whether Neera really should be a CG rather than CN alignment - I was in the extreme minority that supported the CG argument. What are some instances in which you feel that another alignment would've been more appropriate for an NPC?

Here's my list:
(please note that the NPC's actual alignment is in parentheses, as a reference for everyone).

Garrick (CN) - This is the one that I probably most disagree with - IMHO, he's clearly NG. According to his bio, he was a member of a bardic troupe, but split with them once he realized that their activities were actually a front for thievery. He also condemns Silke once he realizes what her true intentions are (she will even make a comment about his "altruism"), and he'll condemn you too if you assist her. He also tries to steer Skie away from the ultra sleezy Eldoth.

Coran (CG) - He's a career thief, thrill-seeker, philanderer, and worst of all, a deadbeat dad - IMO, he's the epitome of CN.

Minsc (NG in BG1, CG in BG2) - I can't really see Minsc as being NG in BG1 - he's at least CG, if not CN IMO. His bio states that he's "too willing to indulge his berserker nature," and he'll try to kill your party if you either decline to help him rescue Dynaheir or don't go after her quick enough. His unpredictable nature is somewhat toned down in BG2, and the change to CG alignment is better suited for him IMO.

Alora (CG) - Her voice lines may be CG, but her background as a rabid klepto is more in keeping with CN IMO.

Jaheira (TN) - I know that she's forced to be TN by her class, but I think the consensus opinion of her is that she's really NG at heart, especially in BG2.

Safana (CN) and Viconia (NE) - I've always felt that these two should've switched alignments. Safana is almost Kagain-ish in her obsession with wealth, and always seemed to me like the kind of person who would backstab you at any moment for some quick coin (and indeed, that's basically what she does in BG2 - albeit I'm willing to overlook that due to the generally poor transition between the two games). While Viconia can be cold-hearted, b!tchy, and even a bit creepy (much more so in BG2 than in BG1), I always felt a greater sense of loyalty from her toward my party, and she even tries to defuse the rising tensions between her and Kivan (which Kivan instigates). It seems to me that Safana is always scheming to get-rich-quick, whereas Viconia just wants to be left to herself.

Edwin (LE) - While he's clearly evil, I never understood why he was considered lawful evil. When you first meet him in BG1, he's on a covert mission to murder someone, and in BG2 he's working alongside the Shadow Thieves - these are distinctly non-lawful activities IMO.

Branwen (TN) - Like Jaheira, I'd always felt that she's basically NG at heart, based largely on the backstory of how she ended up turned to stone - although admittedly, that was before IWD:EE gave me a better understanding of what it means to be a priest(ess) of Tempus.

Your thoughts?



  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    edited January 2015
    Well... I don't necessarily disagree with it, I think most of Aerie's 'lawfulness' is really just the way she's so subdued and basically conditioned to be deferential and obedient. She seems mostly follow her own instincts and feelings about right and wrong though, rather than any code she's been taught or formal duty to help or protect anyone. So she kind of is Lawful Good, just not in the same way as other LG characters, and probably NG is her 'natural' alignment that she always drifts back to over time.

    Seems to be little known, but Nalia did change alignment in the game, but only if you summoned her ToB. Originally CG, but when summoned is NG. Which I guess makes sense, since as she develops she wants to be more involved in politics than in traipsing across the country and through dungeons just helping the odd stranger here and there. She probably ends up LG, but some time after the conclusion of ToB.

    Edwin - well, he may just be doing his duty by pursuing the witch. He seems to be using the thieves, but maybe he agreed to a contract with Mae'Var (who didn't read the small print that should a bhaalspawn come along threatening to take them down, Edwin reserved the right to switch sides).

    Otherwise, I'd say I'm in general agreement. Definitely Jaheira I feel is closer to good.
    Post edited by Coutelier on
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Faldorn (TN) - Maybe it's just me, but I always felt she has a perfectly Neutral Evil personality. Her appearance as well as her actions in BG2 further strenghten my assumption on this matter. Oh how I wish I could exchance Cernd with Faldorn.

    Cernd (TN) - I'd say the alignment fits him for the most part, but he tends a bit on the lawful side fo the spectrum. It's still not enough to fully change to Lawful Neutral though.

    Hexxat (NE) - Even if you consider *all* undead to be unquestionable evil (they're not, Baelnorn liches and Morte as great examples for this), this Chultan Vampire is clearly True Neutral at heart with a streak of evil tendences mixed in. Though I really wished she were more wicked than that.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    You're spot-on with Garrick and Minsc. It always baffles me whenever I open Minsc's character sheet to read "Neutral Good" under his alignment and not "Chaotic Good."

    Kagain has never really felt evil to me either. :/ He's greedy, and runs a shady shop, but he's not kicking-puppies burning-orphanages evil. And you know, it's really disconcerting to hear him yell at me "What did ya think you were doin'!?" whenever I get a reputation boost and--oh yeah, that thing that Kagain loves most--oodles and oodles of gold. -_-;; I'd say he's more True Neutral with some very small evil tendencies.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Hexxat is not as wicked as most vampires, true. Most vampires are chaotic evil by default. They are wicked, cruel and extremely saddistic. While neutral evil characters such as Hexxat and Viconia can be ruthless and cold-hearted, they do it only as a last resort or/and after a provacation.

    Example:Viconia murders a family of farmers, rather mercilessly, but only after they have raped her and buried her alive. A chaotic evil character would have decided to murder the farmers in their sleep before any other interaction, or kidnap the youngest, torture him, and send cut and bloody body parts to the family to watch them suffer. That's the evil to the extreme, being saddistic for no apparent reason, epitomy of chaotic evil.

    Hexxat also murders Clara in cold-blood, but for her own survival. If Hexxat comes upon a scared, little child and a sickly grown man, I firmly believe she will choose to drain the man. Because she needs to survive but does not feel the need to be extremely cruel. However, she would feel no remorse after killing the man, that's why she is still evil. A chaotic evil vampire would go for the child at first, because he is more pure, vulnerable and delicious, and would scream and cry better while being scared, and it would cause much more grief to child's family. That's chaotic evil. The Valen mod has Valen as a vampire npc, and there was one unforgettable scene in which she drained the little child that was looking for strong warriors for the Imnesvale quest. Because she is chaotic evil. Hexxat would never do such a thing, unless she was starving and there was no one else around.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    Faldorn (TN) - Maybe it's just me, but I always felt she has a perfectly Neutral Evil personality. Her appearance as well as her actions in BG2 further strenghten my assumption on this matter.

    I'd say that she's definitely evil in BG2. In BG1, she's basically indifferent to anything other than preserving nature (as stated in her bio). She has no predisposition toward either good or evil - all of her actions are guided solely by what she believes to be in the best interest of nature. Some might argue that this makes her the most truly neutral NPC in the game, while others might say that an indifference to human life actually makes someone evil.

    Oh how I wish I could exchance Cernd with Faldorn.

    I think that's one thing we can all agree on. ;-)

    And you know, it's really disconcerting to hear him yell at me "What did ya think you were doin'!?" whenever I get a reputation boost and--oh yeah, that thing that Kagain loves most--oodles and oodles of gold. -_-;;

    Ironically, getting a rep boost actually enables you to save more gold when buying things.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    Of the characters listed, the only two that I've had in my party on numerous occasions are Safana and Viconia and I think that their existing alignments are fine.

    Safana: Firstly, her bio. shows that she pretty much just goes with the flow, no long term planning, just taking advantage of any situation that comes along. Secondly, I don't think she'd stab me in the back for my gold. I think she'd be more likely to sleep with me first and then sneak out with my gold before I wake up (or maybe that's just wishful thinking).

    Viconia: When you romance her and get her backstory she clearly shows that she thought long and hard about her life and how to change her situation - hardly chaotic behaviour. As for her being evil, in the context of the game Drow are inherently evil and even if you could say that she's 'reformed' she has certainly retained some very cold-blooded traits.
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    I also don't think Viconia is actually trying to get along with Kivan. To me it appears more like she is taunting him and egging him on to make him attack first.

    Kivan, on the other hand, has always struck me as CN rather than CG. I might be a little influenced by the bit of fanon I adhere to about him being a follower of Shevaresh (or something like that), the elven god of revenge. There's this trend among fans and writers alike to allow elves to act really fucking ungood (particukarly in their hatred of certain other races) while still remaining under the roof of CG that I don't like, and Kivan really exhibits traits of that. I feel as Kivan is waaaay to obsessed with his vengeance and hatred to not end up CN (I don't consider "hunts Evil" to be a Good trait on it's own). Maybe he was CG at one point, before his wife was killed. He doesn't really show any traits of it during the games, though. Hatred consumes you, and all that stuff.

    About some of the other OP examples:

    Kagain is a greedy, self-serving, conscienceless mercenary. He definitely fits LE or LN. Really, the only thing pushing him up towards LN is that he seems to not take particular pleasure in killing stuff, but even then he does seem to view it with disinterest and utter lack of engagement rather than as something bad, so it's still on the edge between E and N.

    Edwin - Lawful in the context of alignment does not not mean the opposite of lawless or "follows judicial laws", so what Edwin is up to in the games does does not go against being Lawful Evil (the Shadow Thieves are practically a Lawful Evil organisation themselves, although I am not sure they are classified as such in the books). Everything about Edwin screams LE to me, so I definitely disagree with that.

    I think everyone agrees on Jaheira, though. She's definitely one of the biggest misplacements in the history of video game DnD rpgs. Yeah, "neutral prefers good to evil" is a thing, but she really, really, REALLY prefers good. I also agree that Minsc is a lot more CN-ish in BG1, but I don't think he is noticeably more CG than NG. He is in that awkward space within both that makes it hard to tell where he belongs.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    edited January 2015
    I basically agree with you. Specific thoughts where I felt like I had something to say.

    I think Minsc in BG1 straddles the line between CN and CG, but is definitely not NG.

    I think Viconia should probably be TN, as opposed to CN or NE, since she doesn't strike me as particularly chaotic. But definitely something-neutral. While he's definitely not a nice person, and is willing to commit some evil, she left her home in outrage over evil acts, and the worst thing we know she's done after leaving drow society (a corrupting influence if ever there was one) was to kill a family that your average paladin would probably also have killed. Admittedly, a paladin might have sought out a proper authority to turn them over to instead, but when there's no authority around you can trust, D&D definitely doesn't consider it evil to put evil people to the sword.

    Edwin is fine as LE. LE is about working within a system towards self-serving ends, but no one's ever said that system has to be the legal authorities of the land. Notably, Edwin actually *is* serving the legal authorities of his homeland in BG1, and in BG2 he's working with an organized crime syndicate. Both well within the bounds of LE.

    Hexxat should probably be LN, if anything. She kills to save her own life, and that's definitely not a good thing, but it's what most people would do if push came to shove. That's basically what neutral is. I buy that maybe she's evil mechanically because, being a vampire, she has evil physically as part of her being, but she sure doesn't act like it.
    Post edited by Jarrakul on
  • TommyKnox777TommyKnox777 Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2015
    I don't think Korgan is Chaotic Evil at all, he speaks out against slavery on more than one occasion...

    Sure he's a drunken, greedy, ruthless berserker, but he seems more motivated by riches and glory than pure evil.

    He's also been turned on by his companions in the past, so you can't really fault him for his attitude.

    I'd say chaotic neutral maybe, I dunno, there's at least some good in him deep down in my opinion...either way one of my favorite npcs.
    Post edited by TommyKnox777 on
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    Yeah, Chaotic Evil does not necessarily mean "has no standards whatsoever". Korgan still have plenty of evil and chaos to spare regardless of his opinions on slavery.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    I find it interesting that many people seem to interpret "evil" as "cartoonishly reveling in the pain and suffering of others." While the exact definitions of arbitrary moral judgments may vary, if someone is out for themselves and doesn't care who gets hurt in the process, they're plenty evil in my book. No reveling required.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Thrasymachus‌: Jan's interactions with the rest of the world are mostly goofiness. He has a very laidback attitude in general. But his personal quest reveals a much more serious side to him, and so I would say Chaotic Good fits him quite nicely.

    I just took a look at a Let's Play from mynameisnotlilly, and it has Korgan telling Nalia, out of the blue and for no reason, that he absolutely despises her, and he threatens to murder her.
  • TommyKnox777TommyKnox777 Member Posts: 22
    I think ol' Korgan is more empathetic than you give him credit for.

    He also warns against giving the street child a large sum of gold, saying she'll wind up dead in an alley carrying that much. In my opinion showing disdain for such a heinous act, should it occur. He surely loves his gold, but doesn't take it from the weak and innocent.

    I wish we knew more of his backstory, maybe he's 300 years old has seen a great deal of pain and suffering and has just resigned himself to the fact that the cruel world he lives in is kill or be killed.

    As for charging the party? He knows his worth, he's one of the strongest fighters in the region and he knows it. Hey I don't work for free either....

    Or maybe I'm reading wayyyy to much into this, I'd love more backstory if there exists any.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Haer'dalis is Chaotic Neutral. He doesn't tell friendly people that he hates them. He doesn't issue random death threats, either.

    Jan is Chaotic Neutral. He also doesn't tell friendly people that he hates them. Nor does he issue random death threats.

    Korgan is not above issuing a death threat. He takes glee in violence. And he harasses friendly party members for reason other than that he can. I have difficulty imagining that as Chaotic Neutral behavior. It's a little too evil to be CN.
  • OllmerOllmer Member Posts: 73
    I mostly agree with the first post, with the exception of Coran. IMO, his character suits Chaotic Good alignment quite well.

    And as for Korgan and his "empatheticness", just check his interactions with Aerie.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    Ollmer said:

    I mostly agree with the first post, with the exception of Coran. IMO, his character suits Chaotic Good alignment quite well.

    And as for Korgan and his "empatheticness", just check his interactions with Aerie.

    Oh, now, come on. She clearly does provoke him! The way she just sort of doesn't really say anything to him and tries to avoid him as much as possible... her passiveness is provocative!

    Korgan... he's a mercenary. All he really wants out of life is fighting and gold, and he doesn't care much who he's fighting for or has to kill. He does show a disdain for slavery, but you find often that quite vile people have some group they look down and are convinced they're better than. I'd say he is evil. Maybe more NE than CE.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Jan enjoys being mean WAY too much to be good. Sarcasm tends to be a jerk move.

    Korgan is clearly CE. Anyone into killing for its own sake is evil, and almost certainly CE. He insults anyone he thinks he can safely bully, including allies.

    Coran clearly cannot be good, as he has an afair with a married woman. Also, he takes 0 responsibility for his kid/mother of his child. 1st one is EVIL (prudery!), the 2nd issue though seels the deal as a Jerkass CN.

    @Jarrakul the funny part, Korgan DOES revel in the suffering he causes, both mental and physical. He is solidly evil.

    Edwin being LE makes sense to me, he wants to rule Thay, if not the world, not destroy stuff or get rich quick.
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    @Dreadkhan - love ain't evil, maaan!
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    scriver said:

    @Dreadkhan - love ain't evil, maaan!

    Cheating spouses are. :wink: I am aware some relationships are not built on strict, Victorian monogamy, but those relationships have communication, and don't involve a spouse using nasty curses.

    Then again, you are joking, so I must add "What about pedophilles!" :tongue:
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Yeah, I'm not exactly one to condemn people for not adhering to conventional sexual morals, but when you cheat on a spouse without their consent (is it still cheating if you have their consent?) you're hurting them for your own fulfillment. There are a number of cases where I'd still be okay with that (if your husband is abusive, I don't really have a problem with you seeking comfort elsewhere), but as a rule, hurting other people so you can have fun is an evil thing to do. I wouldn't generally say that cheating is *sufficient* to earn one the full "evil" title, but it's certainly a step in that direction.

    I find Coran a somewhat complicated case, in that his motivations for adventuring are hugely important in assessing his alignment. The womanizing and lack of parental responsibility are clear black marks against him, but he is constantly out risking his life to kill dangerous monsters. If he's doing that for the good of other people, that may well outweigh his non-trivial faults. If he's doing that because it's fun and gets him laid, it doesn't redeem him at all. I'd argue that his dialog strongly implies the latter, so I'd be happiest with him as CN.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    It is not cheating if you are in an open relationship usually, but it can be I suppose if the partner is picky about who you are open with, which is likely true. As for bad relationships resulting in cheating, I think the relationship should be ended before you look for comfort elsewhere. It can be dangerous for all involved for one, and is not going to help you if/when you divorce later if you can be shown to be unfaithful. I think there are case when it is outrightly evil, have you ever read Quantum of Solace, the short story by Flemming? Its a very disturbing story, but rather interesting. The movie has no connection at all to it, other than using the name. James Bond is being told a story basically, he is not a character in it. Anyways, the big lesson I suppose is that cheating to HURT your spouse is very, very evil, and tends not to bring out the best in anyone involved. Might be his best bit of writing actually, it is very reminiscent of Chekhov, which is as big a compliment as a short story is likely to get.

    Considering he wants to kill wyverns for money, not to help people, I kinda suspect goodness is not a big motivating factor. I think the alignments in BG1 require a substantial grain of salt, as you are given very little background, and may not know why a person may have previously earned an alignment. Admittedly, lvl 1 PCs shouldn't have that much backstory, but you can also nab them at lvl 6, which in AD&D means quite a bit of adventuring experience in normal gaming usually.

    In game, we do not see much proof that Kagain requires an evil alignment, other than abandoning his business when things go sour, but we can guess that he probably had a bad reputation anyways as a crooked mercenary company leader, hence not hesitating to drop his business. Lawful Evil can be a double dealer too, they stick to the letter of an agreement, not the spirit.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    I don't really see Coran as heavily motivated by material greed. He's on a job when you recruit him, sure, but taking money for your work doesn't imply greed. From what little dialog we have of his, I'd say he's more of a thrill-seeker and a hedonist, and if he's getting paid for it then that's great. Neither of those are black marks against him, but nor do they do him credit. And, as we both agree, there are other things that *do* earn him black marks.

    And yeah, there are definitely cases where cheating might be sufficient for an "evil" label by itself, but I'd argue those are pretty extreme cases. I don't think we really disagree on the whole, though.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Well, I'm not trying to say he's CE, just CN remember, so he just needs to not really be motivated by helping others or making the world better for all. *shrug* I think we can agree he's tending not towards good so much as general self-interest. I don't see him hurting innocents, but I suspect he has no qualms about 'robbing from those who don't need it', doesn't he start with ranks in Pick Pocket? Robbing from corrupt evil rich to help those they oppress is probably good, but robbing them for yourself is likely neutral territory.
  • StevevdlStevevdl Member Posts: 73
    Jaheira (TN) - I know that she's forced to be TN by her class, but I think the consensus opinion of her is that she's really NG at heart, especially in BG2.

    Jaheria is not NG even though it appears that that way. From my understanding of druids, Jaheria can swing to NG in BG1 because of the evil of sarevok and bring everything back into balance.
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