draw upon forum's might

hello, everyone!
I'm planning a no-reload rp-heavy run of BG2 with a 5e Fey Blade Warlock (actually a dragon disciple modded into one as much as EEkeeper can manage) charname... the idea is that is patron was the being that granted an improved invisibility spell and saved his skin from Sarevok's ambush (along with Gorion sacrifice, obviously).
Other rules of the run are:
- minimal and 'appearance consistent' equipment (colour match, story related etc.)
- 'unique' spells (only one arcane caster will ever get that particular spell)
- no more than 1 summon at a time
- a few npc will get more experience via EEkeeper when recruited to reflect their backstory, and I will mod their proficiency points accordingly (aka, Anomen will still get his pips in spear but not both mace and war hammer)
- quest line will follow story line, no 'item fishing'
- permadeath allowed if meaningful rp-wise (aka, Imoen can get chunked by a dragon not by random thief no.1037)
So, why am I boring you with this?
because I need your help!
the pieces I'm missing to start this run as intended are charname's pact items:
Blade of (EEkeeper in game at character level 3)
[Embarl's Dagger look]
Description: This weapon is attuned to Charname's blood, and only he may use it. The blade is made of an unknown dark metal, but with silvery edges.
Type: dagger
THACO: +1 (strikes as a +5)
Damage: 1d6+1 slashing (melee) or 1d6+1 piercing (ranged)
Special: this weapon counts as silvered, and does double damage agains lychantropes
Equipped Abilities: 1 extra attack per round, +10% chance of a critical hit
Charge abilities: Shield (as per the level 1 spell), three times a day
Armour of Fey Majesty (EEkeeper in game at character level 7)
[Bladesinger Chain look]
Description: This armour is attuned to Charname's blood, and only he may use it. More a suit than anything else, this simple but fine cloth partially sheds any kind of physical damage that may hit his wearer.
AC: 7 (4 missile)
Equipped Abilities: 25% physical damage resistance, Non-detenction
Boots of the Feywild (EEkeeper in game at character level 12)
[Boots of Elvenkind look]
Description: This item is attuned to Charname's blood, and only he may use it. These are just as comfortable as the look...
Equipped Abilities: AC bonus 2, Free Action
Gloves of Eldritch Admixture (EEkeeper in game at character level 20)
[Wondrous Gloves look]
Description: This item is attuned to Charname's blood, and only he may use it. These slick gloves provide for any kind of material component needed for arcane magics, and help the wearer by quickening his casting process.
Equipped abilities: Improve Casting Speed by 4
Now, since my game runs on Mac and I haven't the faintest idea if I can even get Near infinity to work... would any of you amazing people be so kind as to help a fellow out?
I'm planning a no-reload rp-heavy run of BG2 with a 5e Fey Blade Warlock (actually a dragon disciple modded into one as much as EEkeeper can manage) charname... the idea is that is patron was the being that granted an improved invisibility spell and saved his skin from Sarevok's ambush (along with Gorion sacrifice, obviously).
Other rules of the run are:
- minimal and 'appearance consistent' equipment (colour match, story related etc.)
- 'unique' spells (only one arcane caster will ever get that particular spell)
- no more than 1 summon at a time
- a few npc will get more experience via EEkeeper when recruited to reflect their backstory, and I will mod their proficiency points accordingly (aka, Anomen will still get his pips in spear but not both mace and war hammer)
- quest line will follow story line, no 'item fishing'
- permadeath allowed if meaningful rp-wise (aka, Imoen can get chunked by a dragon not by random thief no.1037)
So, why am I boring you with this?
because I need your help!
the pieces I'm missing to start this run as intended are charname's pact items:
Blade of (EEkeeper in game at character level 3)
[Embarl's Dagger look]
Description: This weapon is attuned to Charname's blood, and only he may use it. The blade is made of an unknown dark metal, but with silvery edges.
Type: dagger
THACO: +1 (strikes as a +5)
Damage: 1d6+1 slashing (melee) or 1d6+1 piercing (ranged)
Special: this weapon counts as silvered, and does double damage agains lychantropes
Equipped Abilities: 1 extra attack per round, +10% chance of a critical hit
Charge abilities: Shield (as per the level 1 spell), three times a day
Armour of Fey Majesty (EEkeeper in game at character level 7)
[Bladesinger Chain look]
Description: This armour is attuned to Charname's blood, and only he may use it. More a suit than anything else, this simple but fine cloth partially sheds any kind of physical damage that may hit his wearer.
AC: 7 (4 missile)
Equipped Abilities: 25% physical damage resistance, Non-detenction
Boots of the Feywild (EEkeeper in game at character level 12)
[Boots of Elvenkind look]
Description: This item is attuned to Charname's blood, and only he may use it. These are just as comfortable as the look...
Equipped Abilities: AC bonus 2, Free Action
Gloves of Eldritch Admixture (EEkeeper in game at character level 20)
[Wondrous Gloves look]
Description: This item is attuned to Charname's blood, and only he may use it. These slick gloves provide for any kind of material component needed for arcane magics, and help the wearer by quickening his casting process.
Equipped abilities: Improve Casting Speed by 4
Now, since my game runs on Mac and I haven't the faintest idea if I can even get Near infinity to work... would any of you amazing people be so kind as to help a fellow out?

If you want me to make those items for you, I'll gladly do it. I have no problem in creating a bunch of custom items.
Nice ideas for a run :) I'm also a fellow no-reloader.
Am I doing something wrong?
now I've got NE running, and I've started by modding some item files... unfortunately it seems that every time I save one into the override folder it messes with EEkeeper scripting to the point that it becomes really hard to find ANY specific item and place it in-saved game...
I guess the Gods of Faerun are kind of giving me an hint here
My head hurts...
would you please make one of those and attach it to this thread? I'll copy it to my override folder and see what happens...
you are most kind @CrevsDaak, thank you again!
May Tymora smile upon your Blade Warlock, no re-load and true roleplaying is asking for trouble in my experience, so you may need the blessings of Lady Luck.
I actually got inspired by your thread of solo runs and also @semiticgod's... though I won't be going for SCS as I'm nowhere near as good a player
I'll start posting when I'm done with putting down most of the questline and hope to update it as regularly as possible: let's hope my awful case of restartitis won't affect my writing
The first post will be in Imoen's pov...
Glad my thread and @semiticgod's have given you some inspiration
If you still can't make EEKeeper recognize the custom items, use Near Infinity to make a copy of the player scripts (the one ending with .bs that are in the scripts directory), and paste this code in (you'll have to replace ITEMNAME with the code/filename of each .itm file without the extension): For example, if you wanted to be able to get the item I posted you should put: And, if you are level 7 > and press K while the party AI is On and you have that script selected, it should give you the chain mail.
I have not fixed the wrong dialog.tlk references in it (item's copied over Baldesinger chain mail +4).
I look forward to reading this run's journal
but I'm afraid a terrible joke has been plaid upon me by the dice Gods... I can find and read the file via EEkeeper once I place it in my override folder but as I load the saved game, I only find exactly 7 gold pieces in my armour slot
Has anyone ever tried to use NI with mac? I'm no technician but this strikes me as a 'language' conflict: EEKeeper, being a bundle of 'windows' file recognise this item with no issue whatsoever, while the game can't process it because it's 'born' in iOS...
anyway, thanks again for the support!
I'll make it work without custom items!
Would that be at all possible in BG:EE? Or does it not work that way?
@semiticgod I tried renaming the item file to 'CHAN12.ITM' but then both EEKeeper AND the game would actually recognise the original... I feel a lot like Xan right now!
Anyhoo, thank you both!