Portraits for Baldur's Gate from Might & Magic: Heroes VI and now from Might & Magic: Heroes VII too

I think that many of us try to stay away from the unfortunate games in the HOMM series. M&M:Heroes VI generally associates with a subpar product.
But having tried the game itself, I've found out that at least hero portraits (if not all but certainly several of them) in that game can be interesting.
Here I present you the portrats of Might & Magic: Heroes VI in the suitable format for BG (210x330 pixels, 24-bit BMP)

But having tried the game itself, I've found out that at least hero portraits (if not all but certainly several of them) in that game can be interesting.
Here I present you the portrats of Might & Magic: Heroes VI in the suitable format for BG (210x330 pixels, 24-bit BMP)

Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
I think I may be about to get onto a Heroes of Might and Magic kick for a few weeks or months after buying HoMM 3 HD. I'd like to replay HoMM 5, since I never finished it before, and I may buy HoMM 6 after all when the price comes down. Right now the complete version is selling for about $40 U.S. on Steam, which is a bit expensive for my budget. Maybe they'll have a sale I can catch.
I've heard that HoMM 6 is a halfway decent HoMM game, with very pretty graphics and new music by Paul Romero and Rob King to enjoy, and with traditional HoMM gameplay once all the patches are installed. (I think they released it too soon, before it was ready, but word is that they did eventually fix most of the gameplay omissions like town screens.)
Do you know if the Steam version comes fully updated?
Here's the tribal girl with a tad less life within her veins and some warmer attire. Not exactly perfect, but at least she now got some bite!
@BelgarathMTH the patch history is shown here: http://might-and-magic.ubi.com/heroes-6/en-GB/news/details.aspx?c=tcm:21-118807&ct=tcm:6-231-32 The latest patch is 2.1.1.
The Steam version of the game has only patch 2.1. http://store.steampowered.com/news/?appids=48220
So, it seems that the Steam version is not fully updated.
I've made them IWDEE and BG1&2EE compatible. Good to see several known heroes back:)
TYRIS (Haven)
YMORIL (Haven)
EDRIC (Haven)
MINASLI (Academy)
MIRYM (Academy)
ASAD (Academy)
SAABIRA (Academy)
MERIKH (Necropolis)
LYLA (Necropolis)
ZOLTAN (Necropolis)
CHARNA (Necropolis)
dl here: http://www89.zippyshare.com/v/3kL9xIy8/file.html
Yog (a comeback)
Drakon (another comeback)
Ossir (a comeback!)
Dyrael (a comeback again!)
Darkstorm (a comeback!)
Sinitar (another comeback!)
I'm not quite satisfied with it. The skin tone turned out ok but the whole thing looks too desaturated and something about the hair is just... I dunno. Just the contrast is bothering me.
Anyone think it looks ok? Needs more work?
All portraits that people (including me) are uploading to these boards, can be used freely during only your own playthroughs of IE games.
But if you plan to use any portrait in a mod or something else that is available not only for you, you have to get a permission from the appropriate rightholder. Even if you edit a picture from any source, in order to use that edited picture in a mod you still have to get a permission from the rightholder of the vanilla picture.
You can read more about it here: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/19418/a-quick-note-about-copyright
In this case, all the portraits from MMHeroes 6&7 are the property of Ubisoft, so you should contact them on the subject of using a portrait in your mod, if you wish so.
imho drow must have white/grey eyebrows (like their hair) and relatively brightly colored eyes (typically red)
also i tried to make the metallic bits look like something that didn't come from the surface