My wish list... Bags, Quivers, Potion + Scroll cases, Quests, Spawns, Boo and Extra Depravity...

May be a little late to get any of these requests onto the release... but hey, my wish list.
A bag of holding please to stop needless visits to that container you stuffed full of items that you might just need again (Mine is usually the container on the first floor of the Friendly Arm Inn). Quivers, Belts and Scroll cases are also useful.
Quivers that supply endless amounts of +1 arrows exist. How about scroll cases that supply endless amounts of a particular scroll? Should restrict this to lvl1 or 2 spells but could be useful to have. Lots grease spells could be cool to use etc... A similar option could be for potion cases supplying endless healing potions... Maybe too overpowered.
A seperate spawn setting. You have a difficulty setting that effects the rules. How about a spawn setting that sets how many monsters you fight? A person who wants to play pure DnD ruleset may capitulate when the monsters come thick and fast. However give them the option to thin em out a bit... Alternatively give your sword arm more of a work out with maxo spawns! When you positively, absolutely need to kill a screenful of monsters...
Move Boo out of Minsc's potion quick use slots and into his backpack. Let Minsc have his healing potion and drink it please... Boo is usually eating eyes anyway... While were at it, make Minsc properly bald. That white fuz he had put me off my food.
Give Jaheria a sense of humour.
Make Saveoursock meaner. He wes too easy as I recall. Maybe make Saveoursock a little more canny and send you on quests (In his disguised form you meet at Candlekeep maybe? Who knows how many Bhaalspawns Gorion brought back to candlekeep for safe keeping) to kill other Bhaalspawns... Saveoursock will think he will be getting rid of two Bhaalspawns for the price of one... heh!
Give Xvarts machine guns. Perhaps maybe give them a bunker or a trench to hide behind. It would have been more useful than that teddy bear and that nuclear fall out shelter... That shelter looked like a cave! It was full of bats!
Extra depravity as well please. Everyone loves a good bit of depravity...
A bag of holding please to stop needless visits to that container you stuffed full of items that you might just need again (Mine is usually the container on the first floor of the Friendly Arm Inn). Quivers, Belts and Scroll cases are also useful.
Quivers that supply endless amounts of +1 arrows exist. How about scroll cases that supply endless amounts of a particular scroll? Should restrict this to lvl1 or 2 spells but could be useful to have. Lots grease spells could be cool to use etc... A similar option could be for potion cases supplying endless healing potions... Maybe too overpowered.
A seperate spawn setting. You have a difficulty setting that effects the rules. How about a spawn setting that sets how many monsters you fight? A person who wants to play pure DnD ruleset may capitulate when the monsters come thick and fast. However give them the option to thin em out a bit... Alternatively give your sword arm more of a work out with maxo spawns! When you positively, absolutely need to kill a screenful of monsters...
Move Boo out of Minsc's potion quick use slots and into his backpack. Let Minsc have his healing potion and drink it please... Boo is usually eating eyes anyway... While were at it, make Minsc properly bald. That white fuz he had put me off my food.
Give Jaheria a sense of humour.
Make Saveoursock meaner. He wes too easy as I recall. Maybe make Saveoursock a little more canny and send you on quests (In his disguised form you meet at Candlekeep maybe? Who knows how many Bhaalspawns Gorion brought back to candlekeep for safe keeping) to kill other Bhaalspawns... Saveoursock will think he will be getting rid of two Bhaalspawns for the price of one... heh!
Give Xvarts machine guns. Perhaps maybe give them a bunker or a trench to hide behind. It would have been more useful than that teddy bear and that nuclear fall out shelter... That shelter looked like a cave! It was full of bats!
Extra depravity as well please. Everyone loves a good bit of depravity...
no news or something.. A lot of good info and stuff on it..
My favourite is Dudleyville. The spell info there is awesome.
Most of the game help boards are deadish, well compared to the forums here :P still going strong.
Bag of Holding should be in as should scroll cases and gem bags seeing as all 3 exist in the BGII version of the engine and that's what's being used. There is, for crossbows at least, also infinite +1 quivers in ToB iirc.
... Minsc has hair? I haven't noticed, I always chuck a helmet on him right away :O Moving Boo into the inventory is a good idea, wouldn't be all that different from Mages/Sorcerers' familiar.
Giving Jaheira a sense of humour or making her remotely cheerful would break cosmic laws and destroy the universe. It's better not to.
Xvarts having machine guns is just wrong on so many levels. First of all, it would be unfair to the gibberlings who are in dire need of some better gear; they should take precedence. Second, there's an iron crisis going on and times are hard, machine guns are simply too wasteful. And finally there's the fact that it's just plain unrealistic; Xvarts don't have the kind of money to be buying machine guns!
As for more depravity, I'm unsure if Boo would approve. The idea needs to be run by him first.
I have looked on the "list of impossibles" and it appears that giving Jaheria a sense of humour is a no can do... The infinity engine cannot cope with the complexity.
You are absolutlely spot on... Giving machine guns to Xvarts would result in an arms race with the Gibberlings who would demand rocket launchers. Personally this is unrealistic... Everyone knows that Mortar rounds are the best way to tackle Xvarts. I asked Boo, through a friend of a rodent, and he is expecting more depravity. He is giving it two paws up and his utmost approval!
Also, looking back... They actually put all the extra cases into the game!
They done good!
We will have to live in hope that Xvarts and machine guns can come together in some kind of enhanced edition Christmas special...
"Fixed the issue with an overpowered easter egg item being given to a very put-upon little blue Xvart". Oops.