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At what moments have your no-reload games ended?

GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
So, many people here have done no-reload games. For you, what were the moments where they ended?

For me:

Swashbuckler->Fighter dual. She was going strong, with 5 levels in swashbuckler and then got high enough in fighter to get them back. She was dual wielding two +2 scimitars, which were as good as she was going to get. Then I thought to myself: "You know what she needs? Drizzt's scimitars." I got him down to 'badly injured' before he cut her down. So aye, she got his scimitars. Right to the face.

Berserker->Druid dual. He was going strong. Got all the way to Baldur's Gate. Then I decided to go into the house with all of the helmed horrors and invisible stalkers. I should have paid attention more. I didn't, and he died, thus ending the run.

Berserker->Thief dual. I was trying a solo-no reload run. I took one other PC to try to take down the ogre mage who has the magical helm on the coast...I didn't time my interrupts right with the wand of magic missiles. The ogre killed the second NPC and then charmed my PC. Game over.

So yeah...I've only finished a single no-reload run so far. Those are where my other ones ended. Anyone else care to share their stories of untimely ends?


  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Cleric/Mage: Charmed by the Succubus and Erinyes in Watcher's Keep.

    My Archer/Thief also got killed. More than once. I've had to restart the whole no-reload run three times so far.
    1: Webbed by a Giant Spider. Died in a Cloudkill trap.
    2: Held by a Hobgoblin Shaman.
    3: Charmed by a Duergar mage.

    Currently I'm researching a formula for the Archer/Thief's early game. I need to learn a little more before I continue it.
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    Nessa's Revenge! :) I really have to try a no-reload game sometime. Maybe after I finish up with the characters in my save folder.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    You literally can expect a wall of text here from Blackraven : )

    As for me, my current (and single documented) no-reload totemic druid's run is ongoing.

    This run is possible only because in my previous runs I've been trying to gather my party as much information on different encounters as possible.

    So, unsuccessful no-reload games ended for me with nearly every major villian/trap in both games:
    - Shank
    - Tarnesh
    - Narcillicus
    - Davaeorn

    - Shade Lord
    - Tolgerias
    - Torgal
    - Celestial Fury group
    - Unseeing Eye
    - petrification trap
    - death trap the list can go on and on
  • mumumomomumumomo Member Posts: 635
    I've lost so many no-reloads ...
    Generally speaking, in a well prepared no reload run, your only enemy is you.
    Most death occur when the ball starts running, your character is powerful so things get easy and you get careless, forgetting that a single missed saving throw will be your doom.

    Main causes of death:

    - sirines arrows (you always think of protecting against charm. but their arrows can hurt A LOT)
    - sirines melee attack (they have exhausted their charms, let's melee them with no protectio,...)
    - davaevorn. Now i know how to deal with him safely (potion of magick blocking), he is never a probleme anymore
    - iron throne fight when i am careless
    - the phase spiders in the catacombs when i am careless. Their poison hurt A LOT.
    - the coronation fight. I have a very sure way to win that fight with arcane casters: summon spiders, send a few webs. Let the spiders kill every thing. All of that is nice but when you forget to put the ring of free action, you end up dead

    - Everything casting maze. From mages to traps. Very annoying since it makes no sense that maze should end the run.
    - Monsters that should be no danger at all. This leads to you being careless which leads to being dead. Example: kobold shaman landing a hold person on a level 14 sorc, firkraag landing dragon fear on a level 21 sorc.
    - the boredom monster. At some point, the character is so strong and unkillable than playing him/her becomes boring. So i often restart runs without even losing the character. Overall, i've completed the trilogy no reload only once (with a sorcerer), even though i've had several other characters reach HLA levels and be virtually unkillable (FMT, swashbuckler, sorcerer, ...)
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    mumumomo said:

    - Everything casting maze. From mages to traps. Very annoying since it makes no sense that maze should end the run.

    I feel you...

  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Running a no-reload Wild Mage? Yikes, not even Austin Powers lives that dangerously!

    Overconfidence is usually a pretty big pitfall in no-reloads. It's like living in pre-penicillin times; 'Oops! Scratched my arm on something, looks like I'm a gonner...'
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    I've only tried twice. Tarnesh took out my Illusionist/Thief quite rudely on my first attempt. I then tried a Dragon Disciple and got him to 4th level. Everything was going swimmingly. I bought a protection from petrification scroll and was heading out to do battle with the basilisks when I was ambushed by a swarm of gibberlings. I tried to cast shield before making a bee-line for the map edge but it was all for naught. I was surrounded and brought down before I could even move! I haven't tried again after that debacle...
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited February 2015
    DreadKhan said:

    Running a no-reload Wild Mage? Yikes, not even Austin Powers lives that dangerously!

    Overconfidence is usually a pretty big pitfall in no-reloads. It's like living in pre-penicillin times; 'Oops! Scratched my arm on something, looks like I'm a gonner...'

    It is not that difficult, but I start from bg2, so high levels mean catastrophic wild surges are less likely and the party can deal with the situation better. A fireball centered on caster for a lvl 1 party? Or a demon summoned in Nashkel Mines? Tpk. (Total party kill)

    Still haven't started out a new game, too busy with work and personal life. Yeah, life has the annoying habit of getting in the way of fun.

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    My Archer/Thief run has devolved from a no-reload run into an experimental run to see how to play the game with this character I've never tried before. I've made multiple mistakes since then.

    -Yuan-ti Mages in Mekrath's lair: Stinking Cloud. Made the save, but could have killed me anyway.
    -Accidentally hit Galvena with a Wand of Lightning when using it to gather +5 darts from the Cloak of Stars.
    -Charmed by a Kobold Shaman in Spellhold, when I had no items due to SCS2
    -Cornered by teleporting Glabrezus in Spellhold
    -Knocked out by a Yuan-ti Mage's Stinking Cloud spell in Spellhold.

    If that was still a no-reload run, I'd have probably given up by now. That'd be restarting the whole game five times.
  • mumumomomumumomo Member Posts: 635
    I died yesterday against Sarevok in BG1 with (another) solo sorc.
    The worst is that i was not overconfident, just stupid:
    as usual for the final chapter i drank 2 potions of MR to get immunity to magic.

    I knew that their effect would stop in the middle of the last fight so i prepared 2 extra potions but i forgot to take them...

    Senaj cast confusion and (obvsiously) i missed my saving throws (at 6...)

    Cause 1: overconfidence
    Cause 2: stupidity
    Cause 3: maze
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