New cleric kits, pretty please?

So my favorite class by far is the cleric! Divine magic might not be the most popular out there, but i actually enjoy divine magic more so than arcane. Throw in the fact that you can put on a full plate, still cast your spells and have nifty abilities like turn undead, couldn't enjoy playing the cleric more... or could i?
The only problem i have with clerics in Baldur's Gate are the kits, which force you into a specific direction and removes many of your choices. Let's take a look at the cleric kits now, and i'm going to take the cleric stronghold in Baldur's Gate 2 as part of this discussion.
Priest of Talos - You're evil, deceiving and brutal. You'll sell your own mother AND dog if it makes Talos happy. While the stronghold quest is probably the best one out of the 3 cleric ones, it really awards you for backstabbing and being as mean and cruel as possible. Tell someone to go kill their wife's lover, kill someone yourself and frame someone else. It's fine if you're into being 100% cruel, but i'm rarely 100% anything so it fails there for me.
Priest of Helm - I love the idea of the Priest of Helm when it comes to alignment, I'm a sucker for lawful neutral. But once you do the stronghold quest it really annoy me how they follow the rules 110%. I'm all for following a set of rules, hence why i play lawful neutral, but when you have to do it every single time. The stronghold quest are so hit or miss for me. It doesn't help either that the watcher's keep should be a wonderful thing for Priest of Helms, but looking at those helmites, they really are fools all of them. This together with Anomen whom i'm not to keen on, really makes Helm stand out as something bad in my mind. Still it's the one i prefer out of the choices.
Priest of Lathander - You're good, like really good, and nice! Oh and you are good at slaying undead! I'm normally all for playing good, but it turns a bit too sweet with Lathander. And reading the description in the game of Priest of Lathander "And there are numerous wealthy temples devoted to him" makes me raise my eyebrow, what is this? Sune? Some greedy god? I'm probably taking it the wrong way but for me a temple of Lathander should be a spartan temple with only the necessary things. The stronghold is fine although very bland in my opinion, comes in last place on the list.
So for cleric strongholds : Talos -> Helm -> Lathander
And for cleric kits : Helm -> Talos -> Lathander
So what i would like to get introduced are a few kits that aren't so 100% following their alignment. I really liked what they did with the two new kits in IWD but no one have ported them as a mod to Baldur's gate yet and i'm a horrible modder. I'm curious as to why Beamdog doesn't add them to Baldur's Gate? And secondly why aren't there more cleric kits to start with? I would imagine they are very simple to do, the gods and history is already out there, you'll only have to add 2 spell like abilities and that's it. Yes i'm not expecting them to make new strongholds, but I'm sure that you could put them into one of the existing strongholds and i wouldn't mind. I can see from a roleplay view my character working for some other god that is friendly/close to his own god and in that way make choices that the other god might not agree with.
There was a BGEE mod out there for new cleric kits that also gave these kits to NPC's. This was awesome and i really enjoyed it, sadly the mod got broken with 1.3 and it doesn't look like it'll get fixed anytime soon.
Anyway, that's my rant!
The only problem i have with clerics in Baldur's Gate are the kits, which force you into a specific direction and removes many of your choices. Let's take a look at the cleric kits now, and i'm going to take the cleric stronghold in Baldur's Gate 2 as part of this discussion.
Priest of Talos - You're evil, deceiving and brutal. You'll sell your own mother AND dog if it makes Talos happy. While the stronghold quest is probably the best one out of the 3 cleric ones, it really awards you for backstabbing and being as mean and cruel as possible. Tell someone to go kill their wife's lover, kill someone yourself and frame someone else. It's fine if you're into being 100% cruel, but i'm rarely 100% anything so it fails there for me.
Priest of Helm - I love the idea of the Priest of Helm when it comes to alignment, I'm a sucker for lawful neutral. But once you do the stronghold quest it really annoy me how they follow the rules 110%. I'm all for following a set of rules, hence why i play lawful neutral, but when you have to do it every single time. The stronghold quest are so hit or miss for me. It doesn't help either that the watcher's keep should be a wonderful thing for Priest of Helms, but looking at those helmites, they really are fools all of them. This together with Anomen whom i'm not to keen on, really makes Helm stand out as something bad in my mind. Still it's the one i prefer out of the choices.
Priest of Lathander - You're good, like really good, and nice! Oh and you are good at slaying undead! I'm normally all for playing good, but it turns a bit too sweet with Lathander. And reading the description in the game of Priest of Lathander "And there are numerous wealthy temples devoted to him" makes me raise my eyebrow, what is this? Sune? Some greedy god? I'm probably taking it the wrong way but for me a temple of Lathander should be a spartan temple with only the necessary things. The stronghold is fine although very bland in my opinion, comes in last place on the list.
So for cleric strongholds : Talos -> Helm -> Lathander
And for cleric kits : Helm -> Talos -> Lathander
So what i would like to get introduced are a few kits that aren't so 100% following their alignment. I really liked what they did with the two new kits in IWD but no one have ported them as a mod to Baldur's gate yet and i'm a horrible modder. I'm curious as to why Beamdog doesn't add them to Baldur's Gate? And secondly why aren't there more cleric kits to start with? I would imagine they are very simple to do, the gods and history is already out there, you'll only have to add 2 spell like abilities and that's it. Yes i'm not expecting them to make new strongholds, but I'm sure that you could put them into one of the existing strongholds and i wouldn't mind. I can see from a roleplay view my character working for some other god that is friendly/close to his own god and in that way make choices that the other god might not agree with.
There was a BGEE mod out there for new cleric kits that also gave these kits to NPC's. This was awesome and i really enjoyed it, sadly the mod got broken with 1.3 and it doesn't look like it'll get fixed anytime soon.
Anyway, that's my rant!
Really, why not?!
Till then, at least we have The Divine Remix
Anyways as far as new kits are concerned the only kits I could see being done within the existing structure of the game would be.
Just because there are existing temples for these gods in BG2.
[Edited] : And compared to the rest of the classes, i feel the cleric got shafted the most. Bards have 3 completely different kits, Offensive song, Defensive super song with Thac0, Blade! They all got awesome descriptions too!
Now take druids and we got avengers, mage spells and shapeshifting, super awesome werewolf shapeshifting, totemic druids with different animal summons depending on your choice! Really nice descriptions here too on the kits, unique and special!
Let's look at ranger shall we? Beast master with loads of special abilities and disadvantages, stalker that can backstab and get several mage spells! Archer which has a boat load of special rules and bonuses for leveling up. Yet again awesome descriptions and all of them are unique.
Clerics now then? One copy of a spell that they borrowed from somewhere else (Lightning bolt, True sight, Hold undead) And a special ability that buffs you. Helm give you an awesome weapon that help you with APR, Lathander give you a buff that helps you with... APR. And talos gets a shield that is quite nifty but resistances and immune to normal arrows have never been hard to get. They also got short descriptions and no disadvantages.
We have pretty much 3 clones of the cleric kit with 1 special ability, one copied spell from somewhere else and no disadvantages. A few short lines of description and that's it.
And a cleric kit dedicated to the Cult of the Eyeless! Something like the Ocular Adept prestige class would be sweet to have.
And the Amorphite of Ghaunadaur kit of course! With a brand new oozy cleric stronghold in Ust Natha for them to gather! And the implemention of Tentacle Rods!
Clanggedin: Can take 2 pips in axes/hammers and 3 pips in dual wield, dwarf only
Corellon: elf only
Garl Glittergold: gnome only
Avoreen: halfling only
In all seriousness, it'd be nice if the next BG/BG2 patches at least included the Tempus and Tyr's kits from IWD:EE.
That and the fact that they are severly underpowered compared to basically everything in the game.
Even in Divine Remix there doesn't appear to be a death-god necromancy cleric related kit.
The Death god is Kelemvor, who is also presumably God of Boring, though Velsharoon is in charge of Necromancy iirc.
1: Protector: Lathander Kit
2: Crusader: Helm Kit
3: Soulcrusher: Talos Kit
It let's you rp your deity of choice without being tied down.
But instead of Velsharoon clerky, I'd personally rather like to see the Doomscribe of Jergal specialty priest kit. Being the Lord of the End of Everything and the very first god of Death. Although he now lacks the completeness of his former self back in Netheril's days, the Scribe of the Doomed still remains as one of my favourites. Not to mention his clergy study both Necrology and Netherworld Knowledge to the death!
The cleric of Cyric in front of the thieves guild giving you tasks (rather than killing you) would be rather interesting, especially given the ToB encounter with Cyric.
Game design philosophy back then was a lot less "build the exact character you want" and a lot more "do the best you can with the circumstances you are given".
A normal cleric of tyr/torm would be very much a warrior priest, interested in actually figting evil I agree.
Haven't played yet, but Tempus Priest looks interesting enough.
The Chaos of Battle is an area of effect spell that randomly grants a scaling thac0/AC/save/HP bonus to allies, and penalties in the same categories to enemies. So, the Chaos of Battle doesn't help your enemies at all.