Zhurlong's Boots - Things you've never noticed in years of playing

I just noticed you can find Zhurlong's Boots on the Ulcaster Ruins map. Somehow, after years of playing the game, I have never had that happen before. I've since read that in the original BG you could apparently score two sets of boots by going to both locations, but I managed to miss that too. Perhaps it is because I had fallen into a set pattern of play, and lately I've been changing things up to keep the game interesting (I'm trying to finish up all the characters in my save folder before I start any new ones). A fun find, in any case.
I also just recently discovered that people around Baldur's Gate will remark on the player character having discredited and chased off Sarevok at the palace. I've always been so focused on finishing the game at that point that I never bothered to stop and chat. I thought it was a nice touch to have added those extra bits of dialog, even though players like me would likely never think to look for it.
It's nice to find something new after all this time. What unexpected things have you stumbled across lately?
I also just recently discovered that people around Baldur's Gate will remark on the player character having discredited and chased off Sarevok at the palace. I've always been so focused on finishing the game at that point that I never bothered to stop and chat. I thought it was a nice touch to have added those extra bits of dialog, even though players like me would likely never think to look for it.
It's nice to find something new after all this time. What unexpected things have you stumbled across lately?
As for the things I've stumbled across, I've been very surprised to find out you can reach the Slaver's base in the Slums from the area itself - in all my previous runs I came there only through the sewers from the Copper Coronet.
You know that you've played too much BG when your lawyer colleagues speak about due diligence of agreement parties and you think about exploring Athkatla areas.