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Your ability scores

GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
There has been alot of talk about how useless Garrick is because of his horrible stats, and of how much of a coward Khalid is. Which got me thinking...could I do any better than them? So I decided to find a way to put my stats down on paper. I'd encourage other people to try to. It certainly makes me more impressed by the NPCs that I used to somewhat look down upon.

As a reference, I used two tests:

Str: 11
Dex: 10
Con: 12
Int: 17
Wis: 11
Cha: 14

Str 13
Dex 12
Con 12
Int 17
Wis 12
Cha 13

For the sake of my own ego, I'd go with the latter. ;)

Compare my stats to Garrick.

Str 14 (+1 vs me)
Dex 16 (+4 vs me)
Con 9 (-3 vs me)
Int 13 (-4 vs me)
Wis 14 (+2 vs me)
Cha 15 (+2 vs me)

His dex blows mine out of the water. He's stronger than me. Give him a crossbow and he's ok in the back ranks, so his low con isn't much of an issue. As a bard, he's got a good lore score, and he's got a pretty high charisma.

And to compare guess is that I'd be a fighter/mage. Because I'm a lawyer who is in the national guard. For proficiency points, the D&D equivalent of what I'd have would probably have to go into crossbows and maybe daggers. And yes, my dex score is about right for when it comes to shooting. I qualified with my rifle, but it wasn't easy. I'd pretty much need the gauntlets of 18 dex to be usable, and even then it'd just be as a mage/crossbow user.

The point of all of this? By trying to put myself into their shoes, it just goes to show how extraordinary the majority of NPCs are. And it makes me all the more appreciative of guys like Garrick, who I identify with all the more now.


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    It's always an interesting perspective to take into consideration different D&D tests' results when creating a character.

    Also, nice to meet another lawyer here. It seems the population of lawyers on the forum is increasing : )
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    There are multiple threads with similar/same tests if you want to search for them.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited February 2015
    So as a doctor, I should qualify as a cleric? But I don't like the spiritual aspect of the cleric class, doctors are highly scientific people, after all. A real life priest/nun or a highly devout person can be a cleric in dnd. I think doctors fit better into mage category, as we practically spend our life with our noses deep inside books.

    Also, I like how different specialist doctors are quite alike the specialist mages.

    Abjurers-family doctors or doctors who give vaccinations and do routine check-ups, protective/preventive medicine.

    Diviner-a pathologist, looks into his magical devices (microscope) and predicts the past/future. (is it cancer? or was the victim alive when it happened? etc.)

    Necromancer-forensics. lots of dead bodies/parts and autopsies. Or, emergency/re-animation specialists, they can bring back someone from apparent death more succesfully.

    Invoker-a bit of a stretch, but maybe infection specialists? They have the right energy (antibiotics) to wipe out certain enemies (different microbes) some are resistant, some spells err antibiotics work better on others. If it is immune to fire, try lightning! If all else fails, bring out your broad range-antibiotics (magic damage works on almost anything, even mordy swords!)

    Transmuter-plastic surgeons or surgeons of any kind. They do real changes to the human body.

    Enchanter-psychiatrist? They study the mind and influence people's mood and behaviour with special drugs, so it is a good fit. Also, anesthesia specialists may fit with their powerful sleep spells.

    Conjurer-umm. a general practitioner that consults other doctors on a regular basis:he summons them for help! I dunno.

    Illusion-alternative medicine? placebo effect? lol

    Wild mage-a kind of revolutionist doctor that you see on tvs and stuff who brings out a whole new idea/method to the people. Often quite controversial. May work spectacularly, or fail most miserably.
    Post edited by lunar on
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    @Bengoshi: Too many lawyers in one place is a sure way to attract unwanted attention from the order of the radiant heart...

    @Lunar: I never thought of that, but I agree with you. Especially as medicine is more akin to a mage making a potion of healing than a cleric praying to a deity. Your post earned an insightful.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited February 2015
    Heh, thanks. Also, even minimum stat requirements make sense in this concept.

    A surgeon (transmuter) needs high dexterity, his hands must be skilled.
    A forensics (necromancer) needs a will of iron (high wisdom) because he will see and experience many horrific sights that will scar ordinary men.
    Psychiatrist (enchanter) needs ample charisma so his patients will like him and open up to him, and he can influence them via therapy, as well.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    I work as a business controller. I analyze figures, KPI's, create monthly reports and even more funny and interesting stuff like that. Sometimes I dig deep into amazing databases of financial data, oh the joy!

    Here's my stats from the test above (though I disagree on DEX since the test focused mainly on clumsiness, and a little on hand-eye coordination, but too little on ie balance, jumping, aiming)

    What am I? :)

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